Concise Pali-english Dictionary – T –

– T –

ta : [demonstrative pron.] that; (so = he; sā = she; taṃ = that thing, are some forms of this).

takka : [m.] thought; reasoning; logic. (nt.), butter-milk.

takkana : [nt.] thinking; reasoning.

takkara : [adj.] a doer thereof. (m.), a thief.

takkasilā : [f.] name of city in Gandāra, where was well known university.

takkika : [3] a sophist; a logician.

takkita : [pp. of takketi] thought; reasoned.

takkī : [3] a sophist; a logician.

takketi : [takk + e] thinks; reasons; argues; trusts.

takketvā : [abs. of takketi] having thought; having reasoned.

takkesi : [aor. of takketi] thought; reasoned.

takkola : [nt.] a kind of perfume.

tagara : [nt.] fragrant shrub.

taggaruka : [adj.] bent thereon.

taggha : [an affirmative particle] truly; surely; if it is so.

taca : [m.] skin; bark; hide.

tacagandha : [m.] the scent of bark.

tacapañcaka : [nt.] the five constituents ending with taca, viz. kesā, lomā, nakhā, dantā, taco.

tacapariyosāna : [adj.] limited by skin.

taccha : [adj.] true; real; (nt.) the truth.

tacchaka : [m.] a carpenter; chipper of wood.

tacchati : [tacch + a] chips; chops; make thin.

tacchana : [nt.] chipping off.

tacchanī : [f.] chip-axe.

tacchi : [aor. of tacchati] chipped; chopped. (pp. of taccheti), shipped.

tacchita : [pp. of tacchati] chipped; chopped.

tacchitvā : [abs. of tacchati] having chipped; havind chopped; having made thin.

taccheti : [tacch + a] chips.

tacchetvā : [abs. of taccheti] having chipped.

tacchenta : [pr.p. of taccheti] chipping.

tacchesi : [aor. of taccheti] chipped.

tajja : [adj.] arising from that.

tajjanā : [f.] threat; menace.

tajjaniya : [adj.] to be blamed or censured.

tajjanī : [f.] the forefinger.

tajjita : [pp. of tajjeti] frightened; threatened.

tajjeti : [tajj + e] frightens; threatens.

tajjetvā : [abs. of tajjeti] having frightened; having threatened.

tajjenta : [pr.p. of tajjeti] frightening; threatening.

tajjesi : [aor. of tajjeti] frightened; threatened.

taṭataṭāyamāna. : [pr.p. of taṭa-tatāyati] making the sound tat tat.

taṭa-tatāyati : [onom. from taṭa] makes the sound tat tat.

taṭa-tatāyāyi : [aor. of taṭa-tatāyati] made the sound tat tat.

taṭṭika : a small mat; a piece of hide to sit on.

taṇḍula : [nt.] rice-grain.

taṇḍulamuṭṭhi : [m.] a handful of rice.

taṇḍulika : [m.] rice-merchant.

taṇhasaṃyojana : [nt.] the fatter of craving.

taṇhā : [f.] craving; thirst; lust; attachment.

taṇhākkhaya : [m.] the destruction of craving.

taṇhājāla : [nt.] the snare of craving.

taṇhādutiya : [adj.] having craving as one’s companion.

taṇhāpaccaya : [adj.] caused by craving.

taṇhāvicarita : a thought of craving.

taṇhāsaṅkhaya : [m.] complete destruction.

taṇhāsalla : [nt.] the dart of craving.

taṇhāsota : [m.] stream of craving.

taṇhīyati : [deno. from tanhā] has thirst for.

tata : [pp. of tanoti] extended; spread out. || taṭa (nt.) side of river; a river bank; (m.) a precipice. tāta (m.) 1. father; 2. son.

tatiya : [adj.] the third. || tatiyā (f.) the third case, instrumental.

tatiyaṃ : [adv.] for the third time.

tato : [ind.] from there; from that; thence; therefore; thereupon.

tato nidānaṃ : [adv.] on that account.

tato nimittaṃ : [adv.] on that account.

tatonidānaṃ : [adv.] on account of that.

tatopaṭṭhāya : [ind.] thenceforth; since; then

tatoparaṃ : [ind.] beyond that.

tatta : [nt.] the real nature; reality. (pp. of tapati), heat; hot; glowing.

tattaka : [adj.] that much; of such size. || taṭṭaka (nt.), a tray; a porringer.

tatto : [ind.] accurately.

tattha : [adv.] there; in that place.

tatra : [adv.] there; in that place.

tatha : [adj.] true; real. (nt.), the truth. || tathā (adv.) thus; so; in that way; likewise.

tathatā : [f.] reality; such likeness.

tathatta : [nt.] the state of being so; the truth.

tathavacana : [adj.] speaking the truth.

tathā pi : [ind.] even so; but.

tathāeva : [adv.] in the same way.

tathākārī : [adj.] acting so.

tathāgata : [adj.] one who has gone so; the Enlighten One.

tathāgata-bala : [nt.] the supreme intellectual power of the Tathāgata.

tathābhāva : [m.] suchness; such a condition.

tathārūpa : [adj.] such; like that.

tatheve : [ind.] likewise; similarly.

tad eva : same thing.

tadagge : [adv.] henceforth.

tadaṅga : [adj.] temporal (?); (nt.) that portion.

tadatthaṃ : [(taṃ + atthaṃ), ind.] for that purpose.

tadanurūpa : [adj.] conforming with that.

tadaha : [nt.] the same day.

tadahu : [nt.] the same day.

tadahuposathe : [loc.] on the fast day.

tadupaniya : [adj.] agreeing with; befitting.

tadupeta : [adj.] endowed with that.

tanaya : [m.] a son; offspring. || tanuyā (f.) a daughter.

tani : [aor. of tanoti] extended; stretched.

tanu : [adj.] thin; slender.

tanuka : [adj.] thin.

tanukata : [adj.] made thin; reduced.

tanukaraṇa : [nt.] making thin; reduction.

tanuja : [m.] a son; offspring. || tanujā (f.) a daughter.

tanutara : [adj.] thinner.

tanutā : [nt.] thinness; diminution; reduction.

tanutta : [nt.] thinness; diminution; reduction.

tanubhāva : [m.] thinness; diminution; reduction.

tanoti : [tan + o] extends; stretches.

tanta : [nt.] thread; string; a loom.

tantavāya : [m.] a weaver.

tantākulakajāta : [adj.] entangled like a ball of string.

tanti : [f.] a cord of lute; a secret text.

tantidhara : [adj.] bearer of tradition.

tantissara : [m.] string of music; sound of lute.

tantu : [m.] string; cord; thread.

tandita : [adj.] weary; lazy; inactive.

tandī : [f.] weariness; sloth.

tanhīyi : [aor. of taṇhīyati] had thirst for.

tapa : [m.; nt.] (mano-group) penance; religious austerity; morality. (in cpds. this changes it’s last vowel a to o and stands as tapo.)

tapati : [tap + a] shines; brights.

tapadhana : [adj.] one whose wealth is self-control; an ascetic.

tapana : [nt.] shining; brightness. || tāpana (nt.) scorching; self-mortification; tormenting.

tapanīya : [adj.] causing remorse. (nt.), gold.

tapanta : [pr.p. of tapati] shining.

tapamāna : [pr.p. of tapati] shining.

tapavana : [nt.] a place suitable for religious practices.

tapassinī : [f.] female ascetic.

tapassī : [adj.] devoted to religious austerities. (m.), a hermit.

tapi : [aor. of tapati] shined.

tapokamma : [nt.] ascetic practice.

tapodhana : [m.] monk (lit. rich in asceticism).

tappaṇa : [nt.] satiation; refreshment.

tappara : [adj.] devoted to; quite given to.

tappita : [pp. of tappeti] satiated; satisfied; pleased.

tappiya : [abs. of tappeti] having satiated; having satisfied; having pleased. (adj.) satiable.

tappeti : [tapp + e] satiates; satisfies; pleases.

tappetu : [m.] one who satiates.

tappetvā : [abs. of tappeti] having satiated; having satisfied; having pleased.

tappenta : [pr.p. of tappeti] satiating; satisfying.

tappesi : [aor. of tappeti] satiated; satisfied; pleased.

tabbahula : [adj.] having abundantly or often.

tabbipakkha : [adj.] antagonistic to that.

tabbiparīta : [adj.] different from that.

tabbisaya : [adj.] having that as an object.

tabbhāva : [m.] that state; the real nature.

tama : [m.; nt.] (mano-group), darkness, ignorance. (in cpds. it becomes tamo.)

tamakhanda : [m.] great darkness.

tamanaddha : [adj.] enveloped in darkness.

tamanuda : [adj.] dispeller of darkness.

tamaparāyaṇa : [adj.] having a state of darkness for his destiny.

tamāla : [m.] the tree Xantrochymus pictorius.

tamba : [adj.] copper-coloured; brown. (nt.), copper.

tambakesa : [adj.] having tawny hair.

tambacūla : [m.] a cock.

tambanakha : [adj.] having brown finger-nails.

tambanetta : [adj.] having brown eyes.

tambabhājana : [nt.] a copper vessel.

tambaloka : [m.; nt.] copper.

tambūla : [nt.] betel-leaf.

tambūlapasibbaka : [m.] a purse to keep betel.

tambūlapeḷā : [f.] a betel-box.

taya : [nt.] a triad.

tayo : [nom. plu. of ti] three (persons).

tara : [adj.] (in cpds.), crossing; passing over. || tārā (f.), star.

taraṅga : [m.] a wave.

taraccha : [m.] a hyaena.

taraṇa : [nt.] going across; passing over.

taraṇī : [f.] a ship; a boat.

taraṇīya : [pt.p. of] crossable.

tarati : [tar + a] crosses or pass over; to be in a hurry.

taranta : [pr.p. of tarati] crossing or passing over.

taramāna : [pr.p. of tarati] crossing or passing over.

taramāna-rūpa : [adj.] being in a hurry.

tari : [aor. of tarati] crossed or passed over.

tarita : [pp. of tarati] crossed or passed over. || tārita (pp. of tāreti) made cross; helped over; assisted.

taritu : [m.] one who passes or crosses over.

taritvā : [abs. of tarati] having crossed or passed over.

taru : [m.] a tree.

taruṇa : [adj.] young; of tender age. (m.), a young man.

taruṇī : [f.] a young woman; maiden.

tarusaṇḍa : [m.] a grove of trees.

tala : [nt.] a flat surface; level ground; a base; a flat roof; a stage; the blade of a weapon; the palm or sole. || tāla (m.) the palmyra tree. tāḷa (m.) a key; a cymbal; music (in general).

talaghātaka : [nt.] a slap with the palm of the hand.

talasattika : [nt.] hand raised in a threatening manner.

taluṇa : [adj.] young; of tender age. (m.), a young man.

taḷāka : [m.; nt.] a lake.

tasa : [adj.] movable; trembling. || tāsa (m.) terror; fear; trembling.

tasati : [tas + a] trembles, to be frightened; to be thirsty; to crave for.

tasanta : [pr.p. of tasati] trembling.

tasi : [aor. of tasati] trembled.

tasita : [pp. of tasati] trembled. || tāsita (pp. of tāseti) made tremble; frightened; impaled.

tasitvā : [abs. of tasati] having trembled.

tasinā : [f.] craving; thirst.

tasmā : [ind.] therefore.

tahaṃ : [adv.] there; on it; in that place.

tahiṃ : [adv.] there; on it; in that place.

tāṇa : [nt.] protection; refuge; shelter.

tāṇatā : [f.] protection.

tādisa : [adj.] such; of such quality.

tādisaka : [adj.] such; of such quality.

tādī : [adj.] such; of such quality.

tāpasa : [m.] a hermit.

tāpasī : [f.] a female ascetic.

tāpita : [pp. of tāpeti] scorched; tormented; heated.

tāpeti : [caus. of tapati] scorches; torments; heats.

tāpetvā : [abs. of tāpeti] having scorched; having tormented; having heated.

tāpenta : [pr.p. of tāpeti] scorching; tormenting; heating.

tāpesi : [aor. of tāpeti] scorched; tormented; heated.

tāmbūlī : [f.] the betel creeper.

tāyati : [tā + ya] protects; preserves; nourishes.

tāyana : [nt.] protection.

tāyi : [aor. of tāyati] protected; preserved; nourished.

tāyita : [pp. of tāyati] protected; preserved; nourished.

tāyituṃ : [inf. of tāyati] to protect; to preserve; to nourishe.

tāyitvā : [abs. of tāyati] having protected; having preserved; having nourished.

tārakā : [f.] a star.

tārakāgaṇa : [m.] the host of stars.

tārakāpati : [m.] the moon.

tārakāpatha : [m.] the sky.

tārayamāna : [pr.p. of tāreti] making cross; helping over.

tāreti : [caus. of tarati] makes cross; helps over; assists.

tāretu : [m.] one who helps to cross; a saviour.

tāretvā : [abs. of tāreti] having made cross; having helped over; having assisted.

tārenta : [pr.p. of tāreti] making cross; helping over.

tāresi : [aor. of tāreti] made cross; helped over; assisted.

tālakanda : [m.] the sprout coming out of a palm nut, (which is eaten when boiled and dried).

tālakkhandha : [m.] the trunk of a palm tree.

tālaṭṭhika : [nt.] the inner shell of a palm nut.

tālapakka : [nt.] palm nut.

tālapaṇṇa : [nt.] palm-leaf (used for writing).

tālapatta : [nt.] a whole palm-leaf (used for thatching, etc.)

tālavaṇṭa : [nt.] a fan. (lit. the stem of a palm-leaf; this is a corruption of tālavaṭṭa = a circle made of palm-leaf).

tālāvatthukata : [adj.] rendered groundless; uprooted.

tālu : [m.] the palate.

tāluja : [adj.] palatal.

tāletvā : [abs. of tāḷeti] having struck; having beaten; having flogged.

tāḷaavacara : [nt.] music. (m.), a musician.

tāḷacchiggla : [nt.] key-hole.

tāḷacchidda : [nt.] key-hole.

tāḷana : [nt.] beating; striking.

tāḷita : [pp. of tāḷeti] struck; beated; flogged.

tāḷeti : [tal + e] strikes; beats; flogs.

tāḷenta : [pr.p. of tāḷeti] striking; beating.

tāḷesi : [aor. of tāḷeti] struck; beated; flogged.

tāva : [in.] so much; so long; as far as.

tāvakālika : [adj.] temporary; for the time being.

tāvataka : [adj.] just so much; just so long.

tāvatā : [adv.] so long; on that account; by that much.

tāvatiṃsa : [m.] name of a heavenly abode.

tāvatiṃsabhavana : [nt.] the realm of the 33 gods.

tāvad eve : [ind.] instantly.

tāvade : [ind.] at that moment; instantly.

tāvadeva : [ind.] at that moment; instantly.

tāva-mahanta : [adj.] so big; so great.

tāsana : [nt.] frightening; impalement.

tāsayamāna : [pr.p. of tāseti] frightening.

tāseti : [caus. of tasati] makes tremble; frightens; impales.

tāsetvā : [abs. of tāseti] having frightened.

tāsenta : [pr.p. of tāseti] frightening.

tāsesi : [aor. of tāseti] made tremble; frightened; impaled.

ti : [adj.] three. (Declined in the plural of all genders).

tiṃsati : [f.] thirty.

tika : [nt.] a triad. (adj.), consisting of three. || ṭīkā (f.), sub-commentary.

tikaṭuka : [nt.] the threefold spices.

tikiacchita : [pp. of tikicchati] cured; treated medically.

tikicchaka : [m.] a physician.

tikicchati : [kit + cha; ki is doubled and the former k is changed to t] cures; treats medically.

tikicchanta : [pr.p. of tikicchati] treating medically.

tikicchā : [f.] the art of healing; practice of medicine.

tikicchi : [aor. of tikicchati] cured; treated medically.

tikkha : [adj.] sharp; acute; quick in deciding.

tikkhattuṃ : [adv.] thrice.

tikkhapañña : [adj.] having sharp intellect.

tikhiṇa : [adj.] sharp; pointed; pungent; acrid.

tigāvuta : [adj.] measuring 3 gāvutas.

ticīvara : the 3 robes of a monk, viz. the inner, under, and the upper robes.

tiṭṭhati : [ṭhā + a; ṭhā is changed to tiṭṭha] stands; stays; abides; lasts; remains. (comparative tiṭṭhatu has the meaning; leave it alone or let it be so).

tiṭṭhanta : [pr.p. of tiṭṭhati] standing; staying.

tiṭṭhamāna : [pr.p. of tiṭṭhati] standing; staying.

tiṇa : [nt.] grass.

tiṇaagāra : [nt.] a cottage thatched with grass.

tiṇaaṇḍūpaka : [nt.] a pad of grass.

tiṇaukkā : [f.] a torch made of grass.

tiṇagahaṇa : [nt.] a thicket of grass.

tiṇajāti : [f.] a variety of grass.

tiṇabhakkha : [adj.] subsisting on grass.

tiṇabhisi : [f.] a mattress of grass.

tiṇamuṭṭhi : [m.] a handful.

tiṇasanthāra : [m.] a mat of grass.

tiṇasūla : [nt.] a kind of jasmine.

tiṇahāraka : [m.] one who carries grass for sale.

tiṇha : [adj.] sharp.

titikkhati : [tij + kha; ti is doubled and j is changed to k] endures; forebears.

titikkhanta : [pr.p. of titikkhati] enduring.

titikkhamāna : [pr.p. of titikkhati] enduring.

titikkhā : [f.] endurance; forgiveness.

titikkhi : [aor. of titikkhati] endured.

titikkhitvā : [abs. of titikkhati] having endured.

titta : [pp. of tappati] contented; satisfied. (adj.), bitter. (nt.), bitter taste.

tittaka : [adj.] bitter. (nt.), bitter taste.

titti : [f.] satisfaction; the brim.

tittira : [m.] a partridge.

tittha : [nt.] a fording or landing place; a harbour; a belief.

titthakara : [m.] founder of a religious order.

titthāyatana : [(tittha + āyatana), nt.] the sphere of a religious sect; the fundamental doctrine (of any religion).

titthiya : [m.] a heretical teacher; and adherent of another religion.

titthiyaārāma : [m.] an abode of heretics.

titthiyasāvaka : [m.] a follower of a heretical teacher.

tithi : [f.] a lunar day.

tidaṇḍa : [nt.] a tripod (to place something on).

tidasa : [m.] a deity (in general).

tidasapura : [nt.] the city of the devas.

tidasasinda : [m.] the city of the devas.

tidiva : [m.] the celestial abode.

tidhā : [adv.] in three ways.

tinta : [adj.] wet; moist.

tintinī : [f.] tamarind.

tinduka : [m.] the tree Diospyros embryopteris.

tipaññāsā : [f.] fifty-three.

tipiṭaka : [nt.] the 3 divisions of the Buddhist Canon.

tipiṭakapāḷi : [f.] the ṇuddhist Canon (having three baskets or portions).

tipu : [nt.] lead.

tipusa : [nt.] pumpkin.

tipeṭaka : [adj.] master of the three Piṭakas.

tipeṭakī : [adj.] master of the three Piṭakas.

tippa : [adj.] sharp; piercing; acute.

tibba : [adj.] sharp; piercing; acute. || tiṇṇa (pp. of tarati) crossed over; gone through; one who has reached the final end.

timi : [m.] name of an enormous fish.

timiṅgala : [m.] a kind of fish.

timira : [nt.] darkness. (adj.), dark.

timirāyitatta : [nt.] gloom; darkness.

timisa : [nt.] darkness. (adj.), dark.

timīsikā : [f.] a very dark night.

timbaru : [m.] the tree Diospyros embryopteris.

timbarūsaka : [m.] the tree Diospyros embryopteris.

tiyāmā : [f.] the night.

tiyojana : [nt.] a distance of 3 leagues. (adj.), measuring three leagues.

tiracchāna : [m.] an animal; a beast.

tiracchānakathā : [f.] talk about animals; a childish talk.

tiracchānagata : [m.] an animal.

tiracchānayoni : [f.] the realm of the brute creation.

tiriyaṃ : [adv.] across; transversely.

tiriyaṃtaraṇa : [nt.] ferrying across.

tirīṭaka : [nt.] a garment made of bark; the strips used for that purpose.

tiro : [ind.] across; beyond; outside.

tirokaraṇī : [f.] a curtain; veil.

tirokuḍḍa : [nt.] outside the wall.

tirokkāra : [m.] insult.

tirodhāna : [nt.] a lid; a screen.

tiropabbata : [nt.] further side of a mountain or rock.

tirobhāva : [m.] concealment; disappearance.

tila : [nt.] the sesamum seed.

tilakakka : [nt.] sesame paste.

tilagulikā : [f.] sesamum cake.

tilapiññāka : [nt.] sesamum-grinding.

tilapiṭṭha : [nt.] sesamum-grinding.

tilamuṭṭhi : [m.] a handful of sesame.

tilavaha : [m.] a cartload of sesame.

tiliṅgika : [adj.] belonging to the 3 genders.

tiloka : [m.] the 3 worlds.

tivagga : [adj.] consisting of 3 divisions.

tivaṅgika : [adj.] having 3 constituents.

tivassika : [adj.] three years old.

tividha : [adj.] threefold.

tīra : [nt.] shore; riverbank.

tīraṇa : [nt.] decision; judgement.

tīradassī : [m.] seeing the shore.

tīrayamāna : [pr.p. of tīreti] deciding; judging.

tīrita : [pp. of tīreti] decided; judged; finished; executed.

tīreti : [tīr + e] decides; judges; finishes; executes.

tīretvā : [abs. of tīreti] having decided; having judging.

tīrenta : [pr.p. of tīreti] deciding; judging.

tīresi : [aor. of tīreti] decided; judged; finished; executed.

tīha : [nt.] a period of three days.

tu : [ind.] however; but; yet; now; then.

tuṅga : [adj.] high; prominent.

tuṅganāsika : [adj.] having a prominent nose.

tuccha : [adj.] empty; vain; deserted.

tucchahattha : [adj.] empty-handed.

tujjati : [pass. of tudati] to be pierced or struck.

tuṭṭha : [pp. of tussati] satisfied.

tuṭṭhacitta : [adj.] with gladdened mind.

tuṭṭhi : [f.] pleasure; joy.

tuṇḍa : [nt.] the beak; snout.

tuṇḍaka : [adj.] with gladdened mind.

tuṇṇakamma : [nt.] needle-work; tailoring.

tuṇṇavāya : [m.] a tailor.

tuṇhī : [in.] silent; silently.

tuṇhī-bhavati : [v.] keeps silence.

tuṇhībhāva : [m.] silence.

tuṇhībhūta : [adj.] silent.

tutta : [nt.] a pike for guiding elephants.

tudati : [tud + a] pricks; pecks; pierces; instigates.

tudana : [nt.] pricking; piercing.

tudanta : [pr.p. of tudati] pricking; pecking.

tudamāna : [pr.p. of tudati] pricking; pecking.

tudi : [aor. of tudati] pricked; pecked; pierced; instigated.

tudita : [pp. of tudati] pricked; pecked; pierced; instigated.

tuditvā : [abs. of tudati] having pricked; having pierced.

tunna : [pp. of tudati] pricked; pecked; pierced; instigated.

tumula : [adj.] great; big; grand.

tumba : [m.; nt.] a kind of water-vessel; a measure used for grain.

tumbakaṭāha : [m.] a vessel made of calabash or gourd.

tumbī : [f.] long gourd.

tumha : (the second personal pro.) you.

tumhādisa : [adj.] of your kind.

turaga : [m.] a horse.

turaṅga : [m.] a horse.

turaṅgama : [m.] a horse.

turita : [adj.] speedy; quick.

turitaṃ : [adv.] quickly; in a hurry.

turitaturitaṃ : [adv.] very quickly; in a great haste.

turiya : [nt.] musical instrument. || tūriya (nt.) musical instrument.

turukkha : [adj.] belonging to Turkey. (m.) a kind of incense.

tulana : [nt.] weighing; rating; deliberation. || tulanā (f.) weighing; rating; deliberation.

tulasī : [f.] the basil plant.

tulā : [f.] a balance; scales; a rafter. || tūla (nt.) cotton

tulākūṭa : [nt.] false weighing.

tulādaṇḍa : [m.] the beam of a balance.

tulita : [pp. of tuleti] weighed; examined; compared.

tuliya : [m.] flying fox. (tūliya?)

tuleti : [tul + e] weighes; examines; compares.

tuletvā : [abs. of tuleti] having weighed; having examined; having compared.

tulenta : [pr.p. of tuleti] examining; comparing.

tulesi : [aor. of tuleti] weighed; examined; compared.

tulya : [adj.] equal; measurable.

tulyatā : [f.] equality.

tuvaṃ : [nom. sin. of tumha] thou.

tuvaṭaṃ : [adv.] quickly.

tussati : [tus + ya] to be glad or satisfied.

tussana : [nt.] satisfaction; joy. || tussanā (f.) satisfaction; joy.

tussanta : [pr.p. of tussati] satisfying.

tussamāna : [pr.p. of tussati] satisfying.

tussi : [aor. of tussati] satisfied.

tussitvā : [abs. of tussati] having satisfied.

tuhina : [nt.] dew.

tūṇa : [m.] a quiver.

tūṇīra : [m.] a quiver.

tūlapicu : [m.] cotton-wool.

tūla-sannibha : [adj.] cotton-like.

tūlikā : [f.] a painter’s brush; a cotton-mattress.

te-asīti : [f.] eighty-three.

tekiccha : [adj.] curable; one who can be pardoned.

te-cattāḷīsati : [f.] forty-three.

te-cīvarika : [adj.] using three robes only.

teja : [m.; nt.] (mano-group), heat; radiance; glory; power. (This becomes tejo in cpds.)

tejakasiṇa : [nt.] fire-contemplation.

tejadhātu : [f.] the element of heat.

tejana : [nt.] 1. an arrow; 2. sharpening.

tejavantu : [adj.] majestic; glorious; generating heat.

tejita : [pp. of tejeti] heat; sharpened.

tejeti : [tij + e] heats; sharpens.

tejetvā : [abs. of tejeti] having heat; having sharpened.

tejenta : [pr.p. of tejeti] heating; sharpening.

tejesi : [aor. of tejeti] heat; sharpened.

tejodhātu : [f.] element of heat.

tettiṃsati : [f.] thirty-three.

tettiṃsā : [f.] thirty-three.

tena : [ind.] on account of it; because of it.

tenavuti : [f.] ninety-three.

tenahi : [ind.] if it is so.

tepaññasati : [f.] fifty-three.

temana : [nt.] wetting; moistening.

temayamāna : [pr.p. of temeti] making wet.

temita : [pp. of temeti] made wet; moistened.

temiyamāna : [pr.p. of temīyati] becoming wet.

temīyati : [pass. of temeti] becomes wet; to be showed on.

temeti : [tim + e] makes wet; moistens.

temetvā : [abs. of temeti] having made wet.

tementa : [pr.p. of temeti] making wet.

temesi : [aor. of temeti] made wet; moistened.

terasa : [adj.] thirteen.

terovassika : [adj.] three or four years old.

tela : [nt.] oil.

telaghaṭa : [m.] oil jar.

telacāṭi : [f.] a pot of oil.

teladhūpita : [adj.] flavoured with oil.

telapadīpa : [adj.] oil lamp.

telamakkhana : [nt.] anointing with oil.

telika : [m.] a dealer in oil.

teḷasa : [adj.] thirteen.

tevijja : [adj.] possessing three superhuman knowledges.

tesaṭṭhi : [f.] sixty-three.

tesattati : [f.] seventy-three.

tomara : [m.; nt.] a spear; a lance (for driving elephants).

toya : [nt.] water.

toraṇa : [nt.] an arched gateway; a decorative pandal.

tosa : [m.] joy; satisfaction.

tosanā : [f.] the act of making joyful or giving pleasure.

tosayamāna : [pr.p. of toseti] pleasing.

tosāpana : [nt.] the act of making joyful or giving pleasure.

tosāpita : [pp. of tosāpeti] made joyful; pleased.

tosāpeti : [caus. of tussati] makes joyful; pleases.

tosāpesi : [aor. of tosāpeti] made joyful; pleased.

tosita : [pp. of toseti] pleased.

toseti : pleases.

tosetvā : [abs. of toseti] having pleased.

tosenta : [pr.p. of toseti] pleasing.

tosesi : [aor. of toseti] pleased.

tvaṃ : [nom. sin. of tumha] thou.

– Th –

thakana : [nt.] closing up; a lid.

thakita : [pp. of thaketi] closed; shut; covered.

thaketi : [thak + e] closes; shuts; covers.

thaketvā : [abs. of thaketi] having closed; having shut; having covered.

thakenta : [pr.p. of thaketi] closing; covering.

thakesi : [aor. of thaketi] closed; shut; covered.

thañña : [nt.] mother’s milk.

thaṇḍalasāyikā : [f.] lying on the bare ground.

thaṇḍila : [nt.] a hard stony ground; a mound.

thaṇḍilaseyyā : [f.] lying on the bare ground.

thaddha : [adj.] hard; stiff; callous.

thaddhamaccharī : [m.] a great miser.

thana : [nt.] the breast of a woman; the udder of a cow. || ṭhāna (nt.), place; locality; condition; reason; office; cause; standing up; stay.

thanagga : [nt.] the nipple.

thanapa : [m.; nt.] a suckling; an infant.

thanayati : [than + aya] roars; thunders.

thanayanta : [pr.p. of thanayati] roaring; thundering.

thanayi : [aor. of thanayati] roared; thundered.

thanita : [pp. of thaneti] roared; thundered. (nt.), the thunder.

thaneti : [than + e] roars; thunders.

thanetva : [abs. of thaneti] having roared.

thanenta : [pr.p. of thaneti] roaring; thundering.

thanesi : [aor. of thaneti] roared; thundered.

thapati : [m.] a carpenter.

thabaka : [m.] a bunch.

thambha : [m.] a pillar; post; a clump of grass; obduracy.

thambhaka m. a clump of grass. : [m.] a clump of grass.

tharu : [m.] the hilt or handle of a weapon.

thala : [nt.] land; dry ground. || thāla (m.; nt.) a plate; a dish.

thalagocara : [adj.] living on land.

thalaja : [adj.] sprung from land.

thalaṭṭha : [adj.] situated on land.

thalapatha : [m.] land-route.

thava : [m.] praise; eulogy.

thavati : [thu + a] praises; extols.

thavamāna : [pr.p. of thavati] praising; extoling.

thavi : [aor. of thavati] praised; extoled.

thavikā : [f.] a purse; knapsack.

thavita : [pp. of thavati] praised; extoled.

thavitvā : [abs. of thavati] having praised; having extoled.

thāma : [m.] strength; power; vigour.

thāmavantu : [adj.] strong; powerful.

thālaka : [nt.] a small bowl; a beaker.

thāli : [f.] a plate; a dish.

thālikā : [f.] a small bowl; a beaker.

thālipāka : [m.] a pot of boiled rice.

thāvara : [adj.] immovable; long-lasting.

thāvariya : [nt.] immobility; firmness; solidity.

thira : [adj.] firm; solid; lasting.

thiratara : [adj.] more firm, solid or lasting.

thiratā : [f.] firmness; immobility.

thī : [f.] a woman.

thīna : [nt.] unwieldliness; impalpability.

thīraja : [m.; nt.] menstrual flux.

thuta : [pp. of thavati] praised; extoled.

thuti : [f.] praise.

thutipaṭhaka : [m.] a panegyrist; a bard.

thunanta : [pr.p. of thunāti] moaning; groaning.

thunamāna : [pr.p. of thunāti] moaning; groaning.

thunāti : [thu + nā] moans; groans.

thuni : [aor. of thunāti] moaned; groaned.

thunitvā : [abs. of thunāti] having moaned; having groaned.

thulla : [adj.] massive; fat; grave; gross.

thullakumārī : [f.] a fat girl; an unmarried (but grown up) woman.

thullaccaya : [m.] a grave offence.

thullaphusitaka : [adj.] that which has big drops.

thullasarīra : [adj.] corpulent.

thullāni : [nt. (plu.)] rough words.

thusa : [m.] chaff; husk of grain.

thusaggi : [m.] fire of husks.

thusapacchi : [f.] a basket to keep chaff.

thusasodaka : [nt.] a kind of vinegar.

thūṇa : [m.] sacrificial post. || thūṇā (f.) sacrificial post.

thūneyyaka : [adj.] of the vilage of Thūṇa.

thūpa : [m.] a tope; pagoda; a cairn; a monument erected over the ashes of a holy person.

thūpāraha : [adj.] one who should be honoured by erecting a tope.

thūpikā : [f.] a pinnacle; spire.

thūpīkata : [adj.] heaped so as to have a pointed top.

thūla : [adj.] gross; rough; fat; massive.

thūlatā : [f.] coarseness.

thūlasāṭaka : [m.] coarse cloth.

theta : [adj.] reliable; trustworthy.

thena : [m.] a thief.

thenaka : [m.] a thief.

thenita : [pp. of theneti] stolen.

theneti : [then + e] steals.

thenetvā : [abs. of theneti] having stolen.

thenenta : [pr.p. of theneti] stealing.

thenesi : [aor. of theneti] stole.

theyya : [nt.] theft.

theyyacitta : [nt.] intention to steal. (adj.), intending to steal.

theyyasaṃvāsaka : [adj.] one who lives clandestinely (with bhikkhus).

thera : [m.] an elder; a senior; a monk who has spent 10 years from his upasampadā. adj. old; elder.

theragāthā : [f.] hymns of the Elders.

theravāda : [m.] the doctrine of the Theras; the Southern Buddhism.

therī : [f.] a senior nun; and old woman.

theva : [m.] a drop.

thoka : [adj.] small; little; a few.

thokathokaṃ : [adv.] little by little.

thomana : [nt.] praise. || thomanā (f.) praise.

thomayamāna : [pr.p. of thometi] praising; extoling.

thomita : [pp. of thometi] praised; extoled.

thometi : [thom + e] praises; extols.

thometvā : [abs. of thometi] having praised.

thomenta : [pr.p. of thometi] praising; extoling.

thomesi : [aor. of thometi] praised; extoled.




Dhamma Paññā

BQT trang Theravāda cố gắng sưu tầm thông tin tài liệu Dhamma trợ duyên quý độc giả tìm hiểu về Dhamma - Giáo Pháp Bậc Giác Ngộ thuyết giảng suốt 45 năm sau khi Ngài chứng đắc trở thành Đức Phật Chánh Đẳng Chánh Giác vào đêm Rằm tháng 4, tìm hiểu thêm phương pháp thực hành thiền Anapana, thiền Vipassana qua các tài liệu, bài giảng, pháp thoại từ các Thiền Sư, các Bậc Trưởng Lão, Bậc Thiện Trí.