Sayadaw Ashin Janakabhivamsa received the higher ordination in 1947 after which he continued advance studies of Buddhist scriptures. He practised Vipassana meditation under the instruction of the most Venerable Mahasi Sayadaw in 1953-54. Then he was invited by the State Buddha Sasana Organization to perform Palipatiwisodhaka (editorial duties) for reciting Buddhist scriptures at the Sixth Great Buddhist Council.

In 1957 the Venerable Sayadaw spent six years in Sri Lanka, where he continued his studies of English, Sanskrit, Hindi and Sinhalese language. In 1967 he was appointed by Venerable Mahasi Sayadaw as a meditation teacher at Mahasi Sasana Yeikhta, Yangon. In 1977 Sayadaw Ashin Janakabhivamsa took up residence at Chanmyay Yeiktha Meditation Centre which was donated to him by some devotees and became the abbot of the centre. He has been since then well known as Chanmyay Sayadaw.

He accompanied the most Venerable Mahasi Sayadaw as and assistant in Dhamma mission to Europe and USA in 1979-80. From 1981 onwards he has been undertaking Dhamma missions alone to twenty five countries in Asia, Australia, Europe, the United States, Africa and Canada.

The Sayadaw has conducted several meditation courses all over the world and is also widely known through his talks, University lectures, broadcasts and books on Buddhism, especially meditation, including this book Vipassana Meditation which Sayadaw has kindly allowed us to publish on this Buddhism Web Site during his latest round of the world Dhamma Mission in 1998.


Sudassam vajjamannesam
Attano pana duddasam

Easily seen are others faults
Hard indeed to see are ones own_

The statement is also very relevant for meditators (yogi). A yogi may keep making the same mistakes and yet and remain blind to them, until someone sharp and experienced enough comes along and points them out. Again, after some time, we may forget and need to be reminded.

On the 30th March to 8th April 1983, we were very fortunate to have a very experienced Vipassana master to hold a retreat at the Malaysian Buddhist Meditation Centre, Penang, to guide, teach, correct and remind us regarding Vipassana meditation. We all have benefitted greatly by his precise instructions, strict discipline and encouraging words.

We have here a compilation of them for the benefit of all Seekers of Uttermost security from bounds. They are the evening lectures delivered by the Sayadaw U Janakabhivamsa for the yogis benefit. Some are instructions taken mainly from the interviews between the Sayadaw and the yogis. They have been arranged according to their various items to be made into a comprehensive booklet. Some statements are applicable only to those situations concerned and should not be taken too generally.

Special thanks to the Sayadaw for allowing us to print this book and proof reading it himself.

We are also grateful to all who have helped to make this book possible.

Venerable Sujiva
June 1985.