Methods for Attaining Tranquility Use the body as a theme for attaining tranquility as follows: Focus on the properties of
Read moreMethods for Attaining Tranquility Use the body as a theme for attaining tranquility as follows: Focus on the properties of
Read moreMental Phenomena as a Theme of Meditation Anything not visible to the eye but experienced as a sensation of the
Read moreOn the Mind’s Levels of Becoming 1. A mind whose underlying preoccupation is coupled with sadness or pain is bound
Read moreTwo Levels of Concentration 1. Momentary concentration: the act of the mind’s growing still for a moment, like a person
Read moreOn the Meditation Syllable The meditation syllable used as a preliminary basis for concentration—buddho, arahaṁ or whatever—is something that eventually should
Read moreThe Five Forms of Rapture 1. Minor rapture (khuddakā pīti): Your hair stands on end, and tears come to your eyes, either
Read moreTwo Kinds of Vision 1. Acquired images (uggaha nimitta): Sometimes when the mind settles down, a vision of one sort or another
Read moreJhāna The highest level of concentration—fixed penetration—follows on threshold concentration. If mindfulness and alertness arise while you are in threshold
Read moreThe Three Skills 1. Pubbenivāsānussati-ñāṇa: the ability to remember past lives. 2. Cutūpapāta-ñāṇa: the ability to know where living beings are reborn after death.
Read moreThe Eight Skills 1. Vipassanā-ñāṇa: clear insight into the elements (dhātu), the aggregates (khandha), and the sense media (āyatana). 2. Manomayiddhi: the ability to project mind-made images. 3. Iddhividhi: supernormal powers.
Read moreThe Four Forms of Acumen 1. Attha-paṭisambhidā: acumen with regard to meaning. 2. Dhamma-paṭisambhidā: acumen with regard to mental qualities. 3. Nirutti-paṭisambhidā: acumen with regard to
Read moreExercises for Insight Meditation These are techniques for giving rise to knowledge and insight, via the mind, into the natural
Read moreThe Seven Stages of Purification 1. Purification of virtue (sīla-visuddhi): Cleanse your virtues—in thought, word, and deed—in line with your station in
Read moreThe Nine Stages of Liberating Insight a. Contemplation of arising and passing away (udayabbayānupassanā-ñāṇa): seeing the arising of physical and mental phenomena
Read moreTurning the Mundane Path into the Transcendent Path The path of the noble ones—beginning with the path to stream entry—is
Read moreThe Path to Once-Returning The path to once-returning takes the fruition of stream entry as its basis. In other words,
Read moreThe Path to Non-Returning The path to non-returning takes the fruition of once-returning as its basis. In other words, those
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