1. Ekakanipāta Iii. Akammanīya Vagga

Aṅguttara Nikāya
1. Ekakanipāta

III. Akammanīya Vagga
Not manageable

21.Bhikkhus, I do not know of a thing so unmanageable as the undeveloped mind. The undeveloped mind is unmanageable. This is the first.

22. Bhikkhus, I do not know a thing so adaptable as the developed mind. The developed mind is adaptable This is the second.

23.Bhikkhus, I do not know a thing so detrimental as the undeveloped mind. The undeveloped mind is detrimental. This is the third.

24.Bhikkhus, I do not know a thing so harmless as the developed mind. The developed mind is harmless. This is the fourth.

25. Bhikkhus, I do not know a thing so detrimental as an undeveloped, secretive mind. The undeveloped secretive mind is detrimentalṬhis is the fifth.

26. Bhikkhus, I do not know a thing so harmless as the developed manifest mind. The developed, manifest mind is harmlessṬhis is the sixth.

27. Bhikkhus, I do not know a thing that is so detrimental as an undeveloped mind that has no practise. The not practising, undeveloped mind is very detrimentalṬhis is the seventh.

28. Bhikkhus, I do not know a thing that is so harmless as a developed mind that makes much of it. The practising developed mind is harmlessṬhis is the eighth.

29. Bhikkhus, I do not know a thing that brings unpleasantness as an undeveloped mind. The undeveloped mind brings unpleasantness. This is the nineth.

30.. Bhikkhus, I do not know a thing that brings pleasantness as a practising developed mind. The practising developed mind brings pleasantness. This is the tenth.


Dhamma Paññā

BQT trang Theravāda cố gắng sưu tầm thông tin tài liệu Dhamma trợ duyên quý độc giả tìm hiểu về Dhamma - Giáo Pháp Bậc Giác Ngộ thuyết giảng suốt 45 năm sau khi Ngài chứng đắc trở thành Đức Phật Chánh Đẳng Chánh Giác vào đêm Rằm tháng 4, tìm hiểu thêm phương pháp thực hành thiền Anapana, thiền Vipassana qua các tài liệu, bài giảng, pháp thoại từ các Thiền Sư, các Bậc Trưởng Lão, Bậc Thiện Trí.