Concise Pali-english Dictionary – Ph –

  – Ph –

phaggu : [m.] a period of fasting.

phagguṇa : [m.] name of month, February-March.

phagguṇī : name of a constellation.

phaṇa : [m.] the hood of a snake.

phaṇaka : [nt.] an instrument shaped like a snake’s hood, used for smoothing hair, etc.

phaṇī : [m.] a cobra.

phandati : [phad + ṃ – a] trembles; throbs; stirs.

phandana : [nt.] throbbing; motion; agitation. || phandanā (f.) throbbing; motion; agitation.

phandamāna : [pr.p. of phandati] trembling; throbbing; stirring.

phandi : [aor. of phandati] trembled; throbbed; stirred.

phandita : [pp. of phandati] trembled; throbbed; stirred. (nt.) agitation.

phanditvā : [abs. of phandati] having trembled; having throbbed; having stirred.

pharaṇa : [nt.] pervading; suffusion; thrill.

pharaṇaka : [adj.] suffusion; filling with.

pharati : [phar + a] pervades; suffuses; fills.

pharanta : [pr.p. of pharati] pervading; suffusing; filling.

pharasu : [m.] hatchet.

phari : [aor. of pharati] pervaded; suffused; filled.

pharita : [pp. of pharati] pervaded; suffused; filled.

pharitvā : [abs. of pharati] having pervaded; having suffused; having filled.

pharusa : [adj.] rough; harsh; unkind.

pharusavacana : [nt.] rough speech.

pharusāvācā : [f.] rough speech.

phala : [nt.] fruit; nut; result; consequence; fruition; the blade of a weapon. || phāla (m.) 1. a ploughshare; 2. an instrument to split wood; 3. one half or a slice of salted fish, etc.

phalaka : [m.; nt.] a board; plank; a shied. || phālaka (m.) one who splits or breaks.

phalacitta : [nt.] the fruition of the path.

phalaṭṭha : [adj.] stationed in the enjoyment of the Path.

phalati : [phal + a] bears fruit; bursts open; splits.

phalatthika : [adj.] looking for fruit.

phaladāyī : [adj.] fruitful; advantageous; producing fruit.

phalanta : [pr.p. of phalati] bearing fruit; bursting open; splitting.

phalaruha : [adj.] grown from a seed.

phalavantu : [adj.] bearing or having fruit.

phalāphala : [nt.] various kinds of fruit.

phalāsava : [m.] extract of fruit.

phali : [aor. of phalati] bore fruit; bursted open; split. || phalī (m.) (a tree) with fruit; bearing fruit.

phalika : [m.] crystal.

phalita : [pp. of phalati] born fruit; bursted open; split. || phālita (pp. of phāleti) broken; split; cut asunder.

phalitvā : [abs. of phalati] having born fruit; having bursted open; having split.

phalu : [nt.] a joint or knot (of reed, etc.)

phalubīja : [nt.] a joint which produces a plant.

phaletvā : [abs. of phāleti] having broken; having split; having cut asunder.

phalenta : [pr.p. of phāleti] breaking; spliting; cutting asunder.

phassa : [m.] touch; contact.

phassita : [pp. of phasseti] touched; attained.

phassitvā : [abs. of phasseti] having touched; having attained.

phasseti : [phas + e] touches; attaines.

phassesi : [aor. of phasseti] touched; attained.

phāṇita : [nt.] treacle; molasses.

phāṇitapuṭa : [m.] leaf-container of treacle.

phātikamma : [nt.] restoration; increase.

phārusaka : [nt.] sweet lovi-lovi.

phālana : [nt.] splitting.

phāleti : [phal + e] breaks; splits; cuts asunder.

phāletu: [inf. of phāleti] to break; to split; to cut asunder.

phālesi : [aor. of phāleti] broke; split; cut asunder.

phāsu : [m.] ease; comfort. (adj.) comfortable; easy.

phāsuka : [adj.] pleasant, convenient. || phāsukā (f.) a rib; the flank.

phāsulikā : [f.] a rib; the flank.

phiya : [nt.] an oar.

phīta : [adj.] opulent; prosperous; rich.

phuṭa : [pp. of pharati] pervaded; permeated; spread with.

phuṭṭha : [pp. of phusati] touched; reached; attained.

phulla : [pp. of phalati] fully opened or expanded; full of blossoms.

phullita : [pp. of phullati] fully opened or expanded; full of blossoms.

phusati : [phus + a] touches; reaches; attaines.

phusana : [nt.] touch. || phusanā (f.) touch.

phusanta : [pr.p. of phusati] touching; reaching; attaining.

phusamāna : [pr.p. of phusati] touching; reaching; attaining.

phusi : [aor. of phusati] touched; reached; attained.

phusita : [pp. of phusati] touched; reached; attained. (nt.) a drop; a touch.

phusitaka : [nt.] a drop; a touch.

phusitvā : [abs. of phusati] having touched; having reached; having attained.

phusīyati : [pass. of phusati] is touched.

phussa : [m.] name of a month, December-January; name of a constellation. (adj.) gaily coloured; auspicious.

phussaratha : [m.] a state carriage (running of its own accord in order to find an heir to a throne).

phussarāga : [m.] a topaz.

pheggu : [nt.] wood surrounding the pith of a tree; a worthless thing.

pheṇa : [nt.] foam; scum; froth.

pheṇapiṇḍa : [m.] a lump of foam.

pheṇila : [m.] the soap-berry plant.

pheṇuddehaka : [adj.] throwing up foam.

phoṭa : [m.] touch; constant.

phoṭaka : [nt.] touch; constant.

phoṭṭhabba : [nt.] touch; contact.

phosita : [pp. of phoseti] sprinkled.




Dhamma Paññā

BQT trang Theravāda cố gắng sưu tầm thông tin tài liệu Dhamma trợ duyên quý độc giả tìm hiểu về Dhamma - Giáo Pháp Bậc Giác Ngộ thuyết giảng suốt 45 năm sau khi Ngài chứng đắc trở thành Đức Phật Chánh Đẳng Chánh Giác vào đêm Rằm tháng 4, tìm hiểu thêm phương pháp thực hành thiền Anapana, thiền Vipassana qua các tài liệu, bài giảng, pháp thoại từ các Thiền Sư, các Bậc Trưởng Lão, Bậc Thiện Trí.