Concise Pali-english Dictionary – Ph –
– Ph –
phaggu : [m.] a period of fasting.
phagguṇa : [m.] name of month, February-March.
phagguṇī : name of a constellation.
phaṇa : [m.] the hood of a snake.
phaṇaka : [nt.] an instrument shaped like a snake’s hood, used for smoothing hair, etc.
phaṇī : [m.] a cobra.
phandati : [phad + ṃ – a] trembles; throbs; stirs.
phandana : [nt.] throbbing; motion; agitation. || phandanā (f.) throbbing; motion; agitation.
phandamāna : [pr.p. of phandati] trembling; throbbing; stirring.
phandi : [aor. of phandati] trembled; throbbed; stirred.
phandita : [pp. of phandati] trembled; throbbed; stirred. (nt.) agitation.
phanditvā : [abs. of phandati] having trembled; having throbbed; having stirred.
pharaṇa : [nt.] pervading; suffusion; thrill.
pharaṇaka : [adj.] suffusion; filling with.
pharati : [phar + a] pervades; suffuses; fills.
pharanta : [pr.p. of pharati] pervading; suffusing; filling.
pharasu : [m.] hatchet.
phari : [aor. of pharati] pervaded; suffused; filled.
pharita : [pp. of pharati] pervaded; suffused; filled.
pharitvā : [abs. of pharati] having pervaded; having suffused; having filled.
pharusa : [adj.] rough; harsh; unkind.
pharusavacana : [nt.] rough speech.
pharusāvācā : [f.] rough speech.
phala : [nt.] fruit; nut; result; consequence; fruition; the blade of a weapon. || phāla (m.) 1. a ploughshare; 2. an instrument to split wood; 3. one half or a slice of salted fish, etc.
phalaka : [m.; nt.] a board; plank; a shied. || phālaka (m.) one who splits or breaks.
phalacitta : [nt.] the fruition of the path.
phalaṭṭha : [adj.] stationed in the enjoyment of the Path.
phalati : [phal + a] bears fruit; bursts open; splits.
phalatthika : [adj.] looking for fruit.
phaladāyī : [adj.] fruitful; advantageous; producing fruit.
phalanta : [pr.p. of phalati] bearing fruit; bursting open; splitting.
phalaruha : [adj.] grown from a seed.
phalavantu : [adj.] bearing or having fruit.
phalāphala : [nt.] various kinds of fruit.
phalāsava : [m.] extract of fruit.
phali : [aor. of phalati] bore fruit; bursted open; split. || phalī (m.) (a tree) with fruit; bearing fruit.
phalika : [m.] crystal.
phalita : [pp. of phalati] born fruit; bursted open; split. || phālita (pp. of phāleti) broken; split; cut asunder.
phalitvā : [abs. of phalati] having born fruit; having bursted open; having split.
phalu : [nt.] a joint or knot (of reed, etc.)
phalubīja : [nt.] a joint which produces a plant.
phaletvā : [abs. of phāleti] having broken; having split; having cut asunder.
phalenta : [pr.p. of phāleti] breaking; spliting; cutting asunder.
phassa : [m.] touch; contact.
phassita : [pp. of phasseti] touched; attained.
phassitvā : [abs. of phasseti] having touched; having attained.
phasseti : [phas + e] touches; attaines.
phassesi : [aor. of phasseti] touched; attained.
phāṇita : [nt.] treacle; molasses.
phāṇitapuṭa : [m.] leaf-container of treacle.
phātikamma : [nt.] restoration; increase.
phārusaka : [nt.] sweet lovi-lovi.
phālana : [nt.] splitting.
phāleti : [phal + e] breaks; splits; cuts asunder.
phāletuṃ : [inf. of phāleti] to break; to split; to cut asunder.
phālesi : [aor. of phāleti] broke; split; cut asunder.
phāsu : [m.] ease; comfort. (adj.) comfortable; easy.
phāsuka : [adj.] pleasant, convenient. || phāsukā (f.) a rib; the flank.
phāsulikā : [f.] a rib; the flank.
phiya : [nt.] an oar.
phīta : [adj.] opulent; prosperous; rich.
phuṭa : [pp. of pharati] pervaded; permeated; spread with.
phuṭṭha : [pp. of phusati] touched; reached; attained.
phulla : [pp. of phalati] fully opened or expanded; full of blossoms.
phullita : [pp. of phullati] fully opened or expanded; full of blossoms.
phusati : [phus + a] touches; reaches; attaines.
phusana : [nt.] touch. || phusanā (f.) touch.
phusanta : [pr.p. of phusati] touching; reaching; attaining.
phusamāna : [pr.p. of phusati] touching; reaching; attaining.
phusi : [aor. of phusati] touched; reached; attained.
phusita : [pp. of phusati] touched; reached; attained. (nt.) a drop; a touch.
phusitaka : [nt.] a drop; a touch.
phusitvā : [abs. of phusati] having touched; having reached; having attained.
phusīyati : [pass. of phusati] is touched.
phussa : [m.] name of a month, December-January; name of a constellation. (adj.) gaily coloured; auspicious.
phussaratha : [m.] a state carriage (running of its own accord in order to find an heir to a throne).
phussarāga : [m.] a topaz.
pheggu : [nt.] wood surrounding the pith of a tree; a worthless thing.
pheṇa : [nt.] foam; scum; froth.
pheṇapiṇḍa : [m.] a lump of foam.
pheṇila : [m.] the soap-berry plant.
pheṇuddehaka : [adj.] throwing up foam.
phoṭa : [m.] touch; constant.
phoṭaka : [nt.] touch; constant.
phoṭṭhabba : [nt.] touch; contact.
phosita : [pp. of phoseti] sprinkled.