Akusala: The Nature Of Poison – Sayadaw Dr. Nandamālābhivaṃsa (eng)

Akusala: The Nature of Poison

Sayadaw Dr. Nandamālābhivaṃsa


An Abhidhmmic approach to some aspects of unwholesomness, Akusala The Nature of Poison, are a series of talks given by Venerable U Nandamālābhivaṃsa in Naarden, Netherlands, Penang, Malaysia and Singapore from 2005 to 2007. 

Sayadaw says “The Lord Buddha always pointed out first the harmful: what should not be done. As in: “Not to do evil, to cultivate good”. The reason being not doing evil (akusala) is more important than not doing good (kusala). However “To cultivate good” goes together with “Not to do evil”. If we cultivate good non – greed for instance — greed (lobha) is gone. We must try to find delight in good, though it would be like going upstream against the current.”

DOWNLOAD EBOOK: Akusala: The Nature of Poison
