Concise Pali-english Dictionary –   – G –

  – G –

gagana : [nt.] the sky.

gaganagāmī : [adj.] flying through the sky.

gaggarā : [f.] name of a lake.

gaggarāyati : [deno. from gaggarī] bellows; roars.

gaggarī : [f.] blacksmith’s bellows.

gaṅgā : [f.] river; the Ganges.

gaṅgātīra : [nt.] riverbank.

gaṅgādvāra : [nt.] mouth of a river.

gaṅgādhāra : [m.] a river-basin.

gaṅgāpāra : [nt.] further bank of a river.

gaṅgāsota : [m.] river-stream; torrent.

gaṅgeyya : [adj.] belonging to the Ganges.

gaccha : [m.] a plant; a shrub.

gacchati : [gam + a] goes; moves; walks.

gacchanta : [pr.p. of gacchati] going; moving; walking.

gacchamāna : [pr.p. of gacchati] going; moving; walking.

gacchi : [aor. of gacchati] went; moved; walked.

gaja : [m.] an elephant.

gajakumbha : [m.] the forehead of an elephant.

gajapotaka : [m.] a young elephant.

gajjati : [gajj + a] roars; thunders.

gajjanā : [f.] roaring.

gajjanta : [pr.p. of gajjati] roaring; thundering.

gajjamāna : [pr.p. of gajjati] roaring; thundering.

gajji : [aor. of gajjati] roared; thundered.

gajjita : [(pp. of gajjati), nt.] roar; thunder.

gajjitu : [m.] one who roars or thunders.

gajjitvā : [abs. of gajjati] having roared; having thundered.

gaṇa : [m.] a gang; crowd; sect; a chapter of monks. || ñāṇa (nt.), wisdom; insight.

gaṇaka : [m.] an accountant; one skilled in arithmetic.

gaṇanapathātīta : [adj.] gone beyond the calculation; unaccountable.

gaṇanā : [f.] number; counting; arithmetic.

gaṇapūraka : [adj.] one who completes the quorum.

gaṇapūraṇa : [nt.] the quorum.

gaṇabandhana : [nt.] co-operation.

gaṇasaṅgaṇikā, : [f.] desire to be in a crowd.

gaṇācariya : [(gaṇa + ācariya) m.] a teacher of many; one who has many followers.

gaṇārāmatā : [(gaṇa + ārāmatā) f.] desire to be in a crowd.

gaṇika : [adj.] having a following. || gaṇikā (f.), harlot; courtesan.

gaṇita : [pp. of gaṇeti] counted. (nt.), arithmetic.

gaṇī : [m.] one who has a following. || ñāṇī (adj.), possessed of knowledge; a wise person.

gaṇetabba : [pt.p. of gaṇeti] should be counted; should be reckoned.

gaṇeti : [gaṇ + e] counts; reckons.

gaṇetvā : [abs. of gaṇeti] having counted; having reckoned.

gaṇenta : [pr.p. of gaṇeti] counting; reckoning.

gaṇesi : [aor. of gaṇeti] counted; reckoned.

gaṇṭhi : [f.] a knot; a tie; a wooden block.

gaṇṭhikā : [f.] a knot; a tie; a wooden block.

gaṇṭhiṭṭhāna : [nt.] a difficult and obscure passage.

gaṇṭhipada : [nt.] an obscure word; a glossary.

gaṇḍa : [m.] a boil; a swelling; a protuberance.

gaṇḍaka : [m.] a rhinoceros.

gaṇḍikā : [f.] a hollowed block of wood which is used to serve the purpose of a bell; a gong.

gaṇḍī : [f.] a gong; the executioner’s block. (adj.), having boils.

gaṇḍuppāda : [m.] an earth-worm.

gaṇḍūsa : [m.] a mouthful.

gaṇhanta : [pr.p. of gaṇhāti] taking; catching; holding.

gaṇhāti : [gah + ṇhā] takes; holds of; seizes.

gaṇhāpita : [pp. of gaṇhāpeti] caused to be taken or seized.

gaṇhāpeti : [caus. of gaṇhāti] causes to be taken or seized.

gaṇhāpetvā : [abs. of gaṇhāpeti] having caused to be taken or seized.

gaṇhāpesi : [aor. of gaṇhāpeti] caused to be taken or seized.

gaṇhi : [aor. of gaṇhāti] took; held of; seized.

gaṇhitu: [inf. of gaṇhāti] to take.

gaṇhitvā : [abs. of gaṇhāti] having taken; having held of; having seized.

gaṇhiya : [abs. of gaṇhāti] having taken or held.

gata : [pp. of gacchati] gone; moved; walked; passed; arrived at; having come to a condition. || ñāta (pp. of jānāti), known; well-known; realised.

gataṭṭhāna : [nt.] the place where one has gone.

gatatta : [nt.] the fact of having gone.

gataddha : [adj.] one who has completed his journey.

gataddhī : [adj.] one who has completed his journey.

gatabhāva : [m.] the fact of having gone.

gatayobhana : [adj.] one who has passed his youth.

gati : [f.] going; career; course; passing on to another existence; destiny; behaviour. || ñāti (m.), a kinsman.

gatimantu : [adj.] of perfect behaviour.

gatta : [nt.] the body. || ñatta (nt.), learning; something known.

gathita : [pp. of gantheti] bound; fettered; greedy for.

gada : [m.] sickness; sound; speech. || gadā (f.), a kind of weapon; an iron bar.

gadati : [gad + a] says; speaks.

gadi : [aor. of gadati] said; spoke.

gadita : [pp. of gadati] said; spoken.

gaddula : [m.] a leash; leather strap.

gadduhana : [nt.] milking (of a cow).

gadduhanamatta: [adv.] a short time as that of pulling once a cow’s teat.

gadrabha : [m.] an ass; donkey.

gadhita : [pp. of gantheti] bound; fettered; greedy for.

ganasa : [m.] a viper.

gantabba : [pt.p.] should be gone.

gantu : [m.] one who goes.

gantu: [inf. of gacchati] to go.

gantvā : [abs. of gacchati] having gone.

gantha : [m.] bond; fetter; a composition; a text.

ganthakāra : [m.] an author; compiler of a book.

ganthadhura : [nt.] the burden of studying Scriptures.

ganthana : [nt.] knitting; twisting; composition.

ganthappamocana : [nt.] releasing from the fetters.

ganthāvali : [f.] literature.

ganthita : [pp. of gantheti] tied; bound or fastened together; knitted.

gantheti : [ganth + e] ties; binds or fastens together; knits.

ganthetvā : [abs. of gantheti] having tied; having bound or fastened together; having knitted.

ganthenta : [pr.p. of gantheti] tying; binding or fastening together; knitting.

ganthesi : [aor. of gantheti] tied; bound or fastened together; knitted.

gandjāta : [nt.] kinds of perfumes.

gandha : [m.] odour; smell; scent.

gandhakuṭi : [f.] perfumed chamber; the room occupied by the Buddha.

gandhakuraṇḍaka : a perfume chest.

gandhacuṇṇa : [nt.] scented powder.

gandhajāta : [nt.] kinds of perfumes.

gandhatela : [nt.] scented oil.

gandhapañcaṅgulika : [nt.] the five-finger-mark made after the fingers have been immersed in some scented solution.

gandhabba : [m.] 1. a musician; a heavenly musician belonging to the demigods; 2. a being ready to take a new existence.

gandhamādana : [m.] name of a mountain in the Himālayas.

gandhasāra : [m.] sandal-wood tree.

gandhāpaṇa : [(gandha + āpaṇa) m.] a perfumery.

gandhāra : [m.] the country (now called) Kandahar.

gandhārī : [f.] (a magical charm) belonging to Gandhāra.

gandhika : [adj.] having fragrance.

gandhī : [adj.] having fragrance.

gandhodaka : [nt.] scented water.

gabbita : [adj.] proud; arrogant.

gabbha : [m.] interior; the womb; embryo; an inner chamber.

gabbhagata : [adj.] gone to the womb; conceived.

gabbhapariharaṇa : [nt.] protection of the embryo.

gabbhapātana : [nt.] an abortive preparation; destruction of the embryo.

gabbhamala : [nt.] accompanying dirty matter of child-birth.

gabbhara : [nt.] a cave.

gabbhavuṭṭhāna : [nt.] child-birth; delivery.

gabbhaseyyaka : [adj.] one who is born in an uterus; viviparous.

gabbhaseyyā : [f.] conception in a womb.

gabbhāvakkanti : [(gabbha + avakkanti) f.] conception.

gabbhāsaya : [m.] the uterus.

gabbhinī : [f.] a pregnant woman.

gamaṭṭhāna : [nt.] a ruined village.

gamana : [nt.] going; walk; journey; pursuit. (adj.), leading to; conducive to.

gamanakāraṇa : [nt.] reason for going.

gamanantarāya : [m.] obstacle to one’s departure.

gamanāgamana : [nt.] going and coming.

gamanīya : [adj.] ought to go; fit to be gone.

gamika : [adj.] going away; setting out for a journey. (m.), a traveller. || gāmika (m.), villager.

gamikavatta : [nt.] preparation for a journey.

gameti : [gam + e] makes go; sends; understands.

gamesi : [aor. of gameti] made go; sent; understood.

gambhīra : [adj.] deep; profound; hard to perceive. (nt.), depth.

gambhīratā : [f.] depth.

gambhīrāvabhāsa : [(gambhīra + avabhāsa) adj.] having the appearance of depth or profundity.

gamma : [adj.] vulgar; what should be understood or attained.

gayha : [adj.] fit to be taken, seized or gripped. (nt.), that which comes into one’s grasp.

gayhati : [gah + ya] is taken or seized.

gayhamāna : [pr.p. of gayhati] was being taken or seized.

gayhi : [aor. of gayhati] was taken or seized.

garahati : [garah + a] reproaches; blames; scolds.

garahana : [nt.] reproach; reproof.

garahanta : [pr.p. of garahati] reproaching; blaming; scolding.

garahamāna : [pr.p. of garahati] reproaching; blaming; scolding.

garahā : [f.] reproach; reproof.

garahi : [aor. of garahati] reproached; blamed; scolded. || garahī (m.), one who blames or censures.

garahita : [pp. of garahati] reproached; blamed; scolded.

garahitvā : [abs. of garahati] having reproached.

garahiya : [abs. of garahati] having reproached.

garu : [adj.] heavy; serious; grave; venerable; honoured. (m.), a teacher; instructor.

garuka : [adj.] heavy; serious; grave.

garukata : [pp. of garukaroti] respected; revered.

garukari : [aor. of garukaroti] respected; revered.

garukaroti : [garu + karoti] respects; reveres.

garukaronta : [pr.p. of garukaroti] respecting; revering.

garukātabba : [pt.p. of garukaroti] should be respected. (adj), worthy of esteem.

garukāra : [m.] esteem; honour; respect.

garugabbhā : [f.] a pregnant woman.

garuṭṭhānīya : [adj.] one who takes the place of a teacher; respectable.

garutā : [f.] heaviness; honourableness.

garutta : [nt.] heaviness; honourableness.

garuḷa : [m.] a mythical bird; a harpy.

gala : [m.] the neck; the throat.

galaggāha : [m.] taking by the neck; throttling.

galati : [gal + a] drips; flows; trickles.

galanāḷi : [f.] the larynx.

galanta : [pr.p. of galati] dripping; flowing; trickling.

galappamāṇa : [adj.] going up to the neck.

galamāna : [pr.p. of galati] dripping; flowing; trickling.

galavāṭaka : [m.] the bottom of the throat.

gali : [aor. of galati] dripped; flowed; trickled.

galita : [pp. of galati] dripped; flowed; trickled.

galitvā : [abs. of galati] having dripped; having flowed; having trickled.

gaḷagaḷāyati : [deno. from gaḷagalā] rains heavily making the sound gala-gala; roars.

gaḷagaḷāyi : [aor. of gaḷagaḷāyati] rained heavily making the sound gala-gala; roared.

gaḷocī : [f.] a medicinal creeper. Tinospora Cordifolia.

gava : the substantive “go” takes this form in cpds. such as puṅgava.

gavaja : [m.] a species of ox, the gayal.

gavaya : [m.] a species of ox, the gayal.

gavesaka : [adj.] one who seeks or looks for.

gavesati : [gaves + a] seeks; searches for; strives after.

gavesana : [nt.] search; seeking. || gavesanā (f.), search; seeking.

gavesanta : [pr.p. of gavesati] seeking; searching for; striving after.

gavesamāna : [pr.p. of gavesati] seeking; searching for; striving after.

gavesi : [aor. of gavesati] sought; searched for; strove after. || gavesī (m.), one who seeks.

gavesita : [pp. of gavesati] sought; searched for; striven after.

gavesitvā : [abs. of gavesati] having sought; having searched for; having striven after.

gavesiya : [abs. of gavesati] having sought; having searched for; having striven after.

gaha : [m.] 1. one who catches or take possession of. 2. a planet. (nt.), house. || gāha (m.), 1. seizure; grip; 2. obsession; 3. an idea; a view.

gahakāraka : [m.] house-builder.

gahakūṭa : [nt.] the peak of a house.

gahaṭṭha : [m.] a layman; householder.

gahaṭṭhāna : [nt.] impenetrable place in a jungle.

gahaṇa : [nt.] taking; seizing; acquisition; grasp.

gahaṇika : [adj.] having a good digestion.

gahaṇī : [f.] gestation; digestion.

gahati : [gāh +a] immerses; penetrates; plunges into.

gahana : [nt.] a thicket; a jungle; impenetrable place. (adj.), thick; impervious. || gāhana (nt.), submersion; plunging.

gahanaṭṭhāna : [nt.] impenetrable place in a jungle.

gahapatānī : [f.] mistress of a house.

gahapati : [m.] master of a house.

gahapatimahāsala : [m.] a very wealthy householder.

gahita : [pp. of gaṇhāti] taken; seized; grasped. (nt.), grip. || gāhita (pp. of gāheti), see gāhāpita.

gahitabhāva : [m.] the fact of being taken or held.

gahetvā : [abs. of gaṇhāti] having taken; having held of; having seized. || gāhetvā (abs. of gāheti), see gāhāpetvā.

gāthā : [f.] deep. (m.), depth; a safe stand; foothold.

gāthāpada : [m.] a line of a stanza.

gāthābhigīta : [(gāthā + abhigīta) adj.] gained by reciting verse.

gādha : [adj.] deep

gādhati : [gādh + a] stands fast; has a firm footing.

gādhi : [aor. of gādhati] stood fast; had a firm footing.

gāna : [nt.] singing; a song.

gāma : [m.] village.

gāmaka : [m.] small village.

gāmaghāta : [m.] sacking or plundering of a village.

gāmaghātaka : [m.] those who sack villages; a dacoit.

gāmajana : [m.] people of a village.

gāmajeṭṭha : [m.] village headman.

gāmaṇī : [m.] the head of a village.

gāmadāraka : [m.] a youngster of a village.

gāmadārika : [f.] a village damsel.

gāmadvāra : [nt.] the entrance to a village.

gāmadhamma : [m.] vile conduct; sexual intercourse.

gāmabhojaka : [m.] a village head-man.

gāmavāsī : [m.] a villager.

gāmasīmā : [f.] the boundary of a parish.

gāmī : [adj.] (in cpds.), one who goes; leading to.

gāyaka : [m.] a singer.

gāyati : [ge + a] sings; recites; is known.

gāyana : [nt.] singing.

gāyanta : [pr.p. of gāyati] singing; reciting.

gāyamāna : [pr.p. of gāyati] singing; reciting.

gāyi : [aor. of gāyati] sang; recited.

gāyikā : [f.] a female singer.

gāyita : [pp. of gāyati] sung; recited.

gāyitvā : [abs. of gāyati] having sung; having recited.

gārayha : [adj.] contemptible; low.

gārava : [m.] respect; reverence; esteem.

gāravatā : [f.] respect.

gāḷha : [adj.] strong; tight; serious.

gāḷha: [adv.] tightly; strongly.

gāvī : [f.] a cow.

gāvuta : [nt.] a league; a measure little less than two miles.

gāvutika : [adj.] reaching a league in extent.

gāvo : [m. (nom. plu.)] cattle.

gāhaka : [adj.] a holder; taker; bearer.

gāhāpaka : [adj.] one who causes to take or hold.

gāhāpita : [pp. of gaṇhāpeti] caused to be taken or seized. (pp. of gāhāpeti), caused to take or to be seized.

gāhāpeti : [caus. of gaṇhāti] causes to take or to be seized.

gāhāpetvā : [abs. of gāhāpeti] having caused to take.

gāhāpenta : [pr.p. of gāhāpeti] causing to take or to be seized.

gāhāsesi : [aor. of gāhāpeti] caused to take or to be seized.

gāhiya : [abs. of gāheti] see gāhāpetvā.

gāhī : [adj.] a holder; taker; bearer.

gāheti : [caus. of gaṇhāti] see gāhāpeti.

gijjha : [m.] a vulture.

gijjhakūṭa : [m.] the Vulture’s peak near Rājagaha.

gijjhati : [gidh + ya] longs for; desires much.

gijjhamāna : [pr.p. of gijjhati] longing for; desiring much.

gijjhi : [aor. of gijjhati] longed for; desired much.

giñjakā : [f.] brick.

giñjakāvasatha : [m.] a house made of bricks.

giddha : [pp. of gijjhati] greedy.

giddhi : [f.] greed; attachment. || giddhī (adj.), greedy for; desirous after.

gini : [m.] fire.

gimha : [m.] heat; hot season.

gimhāna : [m.] summer.

gimhika : [adj.] belonging to the summer.

girā : [f.] word; utterance.

giri : [m.] mountain.

girikaṇṇikā : [f.] the plant Clitoria Tternatea.

girigabbhara : [nt.] a mountain cleft; a gorge or cave.

giriguhā : [f.] a mountain cleft; a gorge or cave.

giribbaja : [nt.] name of a former capital of Magadha.

girirāja : [m.] the Mount Meru.

girisikhara : [nt.] a peak; to of a mountain.

gilati : [gil + a] swallows; devours.

gilana : [nt.] swallowing. || gilāna (adj.), sick; unwell; a sick person.

gilanapaccaya : [m.] support for the sick.

gilanta : [pr.p. of gilati] swallowing; devouring.

gilānaka : [adj.] sick; unwell; a sick person.

gilānabhatta : [nt.] food for the sick.

gilānasālā : [f.] a hall for the sick.

gilānālaya : [(gilāna + ālaya) m.] pretence of illness.

gilānupuṭṭhāka : [(gilāna + upuṭṭhāka) m.] one who attends the sick.

gilānupuṭṭhāna : [(gilāna + upuṭṭhāna) nt.] tending or nursing of the sick.

gili : [aor. of gilati] swallowed; devoured.

gilita : [pp. of gilati] swallowed; devoured.

gilitvā : [abs. of gilati] having swallowed; having devoured.

gihī : [m.] a layman; one who leads a domestic life.

gihībandhana : [nt.] layman’s fetters.

gihībhoga : [m.] enjoyment of a layman.

gīta : [nt.] a song; singing. (pp. of gāyati), sung; recited.

gītarava : [m.] sound of a song.

gītasadda : [m.] sound of a song.

gītikā : [f.] a song.

gīvā : [f.] the neck.

gīveyyaka : [nt.] an ornament for the neck.

gīhīvyañjana : [nt.] characteristic of a layman.

gīhīsaṃsagga : [m.] association with laymen.

guggulu : [m.] a medicinal resin; bdellium.

guñjā : [f.] the medicinal creeper Abrus Precatorius.

guṇa : [m.] virtue; quality; a cord or string; a bow-string; (with numerals: diguṇa = twofold).

guṇakathā : [f.] praise.

guṇakittana : [nt.] telling about one’s virtues.

guṇagaṇa : [m.] accumulation of good qualities.

guṇaṇūpeta : [adj.] endowed with good qualities.

guṇavantu : [adj.] virtuous.

guṇahīna : [adj.] devoid of virtue.

guṇī : [adj.] possessed of good qualities.

guṇṭhikā : [f.] a ball of strings.

guṇṭhita : [pp. of guṇṭheti] wrapped; covered; hidden.

guṇṭheti : [guṇṭh + e] wraps; covers; hides.

guṇṭhesi : [aor. of guṇṭheti] wrapped; covered; hid.

gutta : [pp. of gopeti] guarded; protected; watchful.

guttadvāra : [adj.] with well-guarded senses.

guttadvāratā : [f.] control over one’s senses.

gutti : [f.] protection; guard; watchfulness.

guttika : [m.] a guardian.

guttindriya : [(gutta + indriya) adj.] having guarded senses.

guda : [nt.] the anus.

gundā : [f.] the bulbous grass Cyperus Rotundus.

gumba : [m.] a bush; a thicket; a troop or swarm.

gumbantara : [nt.] interior of a bush.

guyha : [adj.] fit to be hidden. (nt.), a secret; that which is to be hidden.

guyhabhaṇḍaka : [nt.] the male or female organ.

guru : [m.] a teacher. (adj.), heavy; venerable.

gurudakkhiṇā : [f.] teacher’s fee.

guḷa : [nt.] sugar; molasses; a ball; a globe. || guḷā (f.), a kind of bird whose nest is much entangled.

guḷakīḷā : [f.] playing with balls or marbles.

guḷikā : [f.] a pill.

guhā : [f.] a cave; cavern.

gūtha : [n.] faeces; dung; excrement.

gūthakaṭāha : [m.] a pot for defecation.

gūthakūpa : [m.] a pit for defecation.

gūthagata : [nt.] a heap of dung.

gūthapāṇaka : [m.] an insect living on excrement.

gūthabhakkha : [adj.] feeding on dung.

gūthabhāṇī : [m.] of foul speech.

gūḷha : [pp. of gūhati] hidden; concealed; secret.

gūhati : [gūh + a] hides; conceals.

gūhana : [nt.] concealment.

gūhamāna : [pr.p. of gūhati] hiding; concealing.

gūhi : [aor. of gūhati] hid; concealed.

gūhita : [pp. of gūhati] hidden; concealed; secret.

gūhitvā : [abs. of gūhati] having hiden; having concealing.

geṇḍuka : [m.] a playing ball.

gedha : [m.] greed.

gedhita : [pp.] greedy. (nt.), greed.

geyya : [adj.] that which is to be sung. (nt.), a poem; a certain style of literature. || ñeyya (adj.), what should be understood.

geruka : [nt.] red chalk used for colouring.

gelañña : [nt.] sickness.

geha : [m.; nt.] house; dwelling place.

gehaṅgana : [nt.] the yard in front of a house.

gehajana : [m.] members of a household.

gehaṭṭhāna : [nt.] site for a house.

gehadvāra : [nt.] the gate or the front of a house.

gehanissita : [adj.] connected with the family life.

gehappavesana : [nt.] (the ceremony of) entering a new building.

gehasita : [adj.] connected with the family life.

go : [m.] an ox; cattle in general.

gokaṇṭaka : [nt.] the hoof of cattle; a thorny medicinal plant Ruellia Longifolia.

gokaṇṇa : [m.] en elk.

gokula : [nt.] a cow-shed.

gogaṇa : [m.] a herd of cattle.

goghātaka : [m.] a butcher.

gocara : [m.] pasture; fodder; food (in common); sense object; suitable place.

gocaragāma : [m.] a village from where a monk obtains his food.

gocchaka : [m.] a cluster or bunch.

goṭṭha : [nt.] cow-shed.

goṇa : [m.] an ox; a bull.

goṇaka : [m.] a woollen carpet with long fleece.

gotama : [adj.] belonging to the Gotama clan.

gotamī : [f.] a woman of the Gotama clan.

gotta : [nt.] clan; ancestry.

gotrabhū : [adj.] one who destroys the lineage.

godhā : [f.] iguana; a large kind of lizard.

godhuma : [m.] wheat.

gonasa : [m.] a viper.

gopaka : [m.] a guardian; watch-man.

gopakhuma : [adj.] having eye-lashes like that of a heifer.

gopana : [nt.] protection; care; watchfulness. || gopanā (f.), protection; care; watchfulness.

gopānasī : [f.] a bent beam supporting the framework of a roof.

gopānasīvaṅka : [adj.] as crooked as a gopānasī.

gopāla : [m.] a cowherd.

gopālaka : [m.] a cowherd.

gopita : [pp. of gopeti] guarded; protected; watched.

gopiya : [abs. of gopeti] having guarded; having protected; having watched.

gopī : [f.] a woman herding the cows or the wife of a cowherd.

gopura : [nt.] gateway; gate tower.

gopetabba : [pt.p. of gopeti] should be guarded; should be protected; should be watched.

gopeti : [gup + e] guards; protects; watches.

gopetu : [m.] protector.

gopetvā : [abs. of gopeti] having guarded; having protected; having watched.

gopenta : [pr.p. of gopeti] guarding; protecting; watching.

gopesi : [aor. of gopeti] guarded; protected; watched.

gopphaka : [nt.] the ankle.

gomaya : [nt.] cow-dung.

gomika : [adj.] owner of cattle.

gomī : [adj.] owner of cattle.

gomutta : [nt.] urine of the cows.

goyūtha : [m.] a herd of cattle.

gorakkhā : [f.] cow-keeping.

golomī : [f.] orris root.

goḷa : [m.; nt.] a ball.

goḷaka : [m.; nt.] a ball.

govinda : [m.] an epithet of Khrishṇa.

gosīsa : [m.] the yellow sandal-wood.

– Gh –

ghaṃsita : [pp. of ghaṃseti] rubbed or knocked against.

ghaṃseti : [ghaṃs + e] rubs or knocks against.

ghaṃsesi : [aor. of ghaṃseti] rubbed or knocked against.

ghaṭaka : [m. nt.] 1. a small jar; a small water pot. 2. capital of a pillar; 3. a knot of wood. || ghātaka (m.), one who kills, robs, or destroys.

ghaṭati : [ghaṭ + a] tries; strives; exerts oneself.

ghaṭana : [nt.] fixing; combination. || ghātana (nt.), killing; slaughter; destruction; robbery; brigandage. ghaṭanā (f.), fixing; combination.

ghaṭamāna : [pr.p. of ghaṭati] trying; striving; exerting oneself.

ghaṭi : [aor. of ghaṭati] tried; strived; exerted oneself. || ghaṭī (f.), water-pot. ghātī (m.), one who kills, robs, or destroys.

ghaṭikā : [f.] a small bowl; knot; an hour; a ball; a game of sticks.

ghaṭikāyanta : [nt.] a clock; any contrivance to measure time.

ghaṭita : [pp. of ghaṭati] tried; strived; exerted oneself. (pp. of ghaṭeti), connected; united; strived.

ghaṭīkāra : [m.] a potter.

ghaṭīyati : [pass. of ghaṭati] is combined or connected.

ghaṭīyanta : [nt.] a contrivance to raise water.

ghaṭīyi : [aor. of ghaṭīyati] was combined or connected.

ghaṭeti : [ghaṭ + e] connects; unites; strives. || ghāteti (han + e) kills; slays; destroys.

ghaṭetvā : [abs. of ghaṭeti] having connected; having united; having strived. || ghātetvā (abs. of ghāteti) having killed; having slain; having destroyed.

ghaṭenta : [pr.p. of ghaṭeti] connecting; uniting; striving. || ghātenta (pr.p. of ghāteti) killing; slaying; destroying.

ghaṭesi : [aor. of ghaṭeti] connected; united; strived. || ghātesi (aor. of ghāteti) killed; slew; destroyed.

ghaṭṭana : [nt.] striking; knocking against; insult.

ghaṭṭita : [pp. of ghaṭṭeti] struck; knocked against; offended.

ghaṭṭeti : [ghaṭṭ +e] strikes; knocks against; offends.

ghaṭṭetvā : [abs. of ghaṭṭeti] having struck; having knocked against; having offended.

ghaṭṭenta : [pr.p. of ghaṭṭeti] striking; knocking against; offending.

ghaṭṭesi : [aor. of ghaṭṭeti] struck; knocked against; offended.

ghaṇaviññāṇa : [nt.] perception of smell.

ghaṇṭā : [f.] a bell.

ghata : [nt.] ghee; clarified butter. || ghaṭa (m.), a water-pot. ghaṭā (f.), a cluster; a swarm; a crowd. ghāta (m.), killing; slaughter; destruction; robbery; brigandage.

ghatasitta : [adj.] sprinkled with ghee.

ghana : [adj.] thick; solid; dense; compact. (nt.), a club; a hammer; a musical instrument played by striking. (m.), a cloud.

ghanatama : [adj.] very thick. (m.), a thick darkness.

ghanapuppha : [nt.] a woollen coverlet embroidered with flowers.

ghanasāra : [m.] camphor.

ghanopala : [nt.] hailstorm.

ghamma : [m.] heat; the hot season.

ghammajala : [nt.] sweat; perspiration.

ghammābhitatta : [adj.] overpowered by heat.

ghammābhibhūta : [adj.] overpowered by heat.

ghara : [nt.] house.

gharagoḷikā : [f.] a house lizard.

gharaṇī : [f.] a house-wife; mistress of a house.

gharadvāra : [nt.] house-door; a gate.

gharabandhana : [nt.] establishing of marriage.

gharamānusa : [m.] members of a house.

gharasappa : [m.] a rat-snake.

gharājira : [(ghara + ājira) nt.] house-yard.

gharāvāsa : [(ghara + āvasa) m.] the household life.

ghasa : [adj.] (in cpds.), one who eats. || ghāsa (m.), food; fodder; a kind of grass.

ghasati : [ghas + a] eats; consumes.

ghasanta : [pr.p. of ghasati] eating; consuming.

ghasamāna : [pr.p. of ghasati] eating; consuming.

ghasi : [aor. of ghasati] ate; consumed.

ghasitvā : [abs. of ghasati] having eaten; having consumed.

ghāṇa : [nt.] the nose.

ghāṇindriya : [nt.] the sense of smell.

ghāṇviññāṇa : [nt.] perception of smell.

ghātāpeti : [caus. of ghāteti] causes to kill or plunder.

ghātiya : [abs. of ghāteti] having killed; having slain; having destroyed.

ghātetabba : [pt.p. of ghāteti] should be killed; should be destroyed.

ghāyati : [ghā + ya] smells.

ghāyanta : [pr.p. of ghāyati] smelling.

ghāyamāna : [pr.p. of ghāyati] smelling.

ghāyi : [aor. of ghāyati] smelled.

ghāyita : [pp. of ghāyati] the smell.

ghāyitvā : [abs. of ghāyati] having smelled.

ghāsacchādana : [nt.] food and clothing.

ghāsahāraka : [adj.] one who fetches the fodder or ghāsa-grass.

ghuṭṭha : [pp. of ghoseti] proclaimed; announced.

ghoṭaka : [m.] an untamed horse.

ghora : [adj.] terrible; awful.

ghoratara : [adj.] most terrible.

ghosa : [m.] sound; shout; utterance.

ghosaka : [m.] one who shouts or proclaims.

ghosanā : [f.] shouting.

ghosāpeti : [caus. of ghoseti] causes to make proclaim.

ghosita : [pp. of ghoseti] shouted; announced; proclaimed.

ghoseti : [ghus + e] shouts; announces; proclaims.

ghosetvā : [abs. of ghoseti] having shouted; having announced; having proclaimed.

ghosenta : [pr.p. of ghoseti] shouting; announcing; proclaiming.

ghosesi : [aor. of ghoseti] shouted; announced; proclaimed.




Dhamma Paññā

BQT trang Theravāda cố gắng sưu tầm thông tin tài liệu Dhamma trợ duyên quý độc giả tìm hiểu về Dhamma - Giáo Pháp Bậc Giác Ngộ thuyết giảng suốt 45 năm sau khi Ngài chứng đắc trở thành Đức Phật Chánh Đẳng Chánh Giác vào đêm Rằm tháng 4, tìm hiểu thêm phương pháp thực hành thiền Anapana, thiền Vipassana qua các tài liệu, bài giảng, pháp thoại từ các Thiền Sư, các Bậc Trưởng Lão, Bậc Thiện Trí.