– U – Concise Pali-english Dictionary

– U –

ukkaṃsa [m.] excellence; superiority.

ukkaṃsaka [adj.] exalting; praising.

ukkaṃsanā [f.] extolling; eulogising.

ukkaṃseti [u + kas + e] exalts; praises.

ukkaṃsesi [aor. of ukkaṃseti] exalted; praised.

ukkaṭṭha [adj.] 1. high; prominent; 2. excellent; 3. specialised.

ukkaṭṭhita [pp.] boiled up; seething.

ukkaṇṭhati [u + kaṭh + ṃ-a] dissatisfies.

ukkaṇṭhanā [f.] dissatisfaction; commotion.

ukkaṇṭhi [aor. of ukkaṇṭhati] dissatisfied.

ukkaṇṭhita [pp. of ukkaṇṭhati] dissatisfied; fretting.

ukkaṇṇa [adj.] having the ears erect.

ukkantati [u + kat + ṃ-a] cuts or tears out.

ukkanti [aor. of ukkantati] cut or teared out.

ukkantita [pp. of ukkantati] cut or teared out.

ukkā [f.] 1. a torch; 2. a meteor; 3. forge of a smith.

ukkāra [m.] dung; excrement.

ukkārabhūmi [f.] dung-hill; unclean place.

ukkāsati [u + kas + a] coughes; clears one’s throat.

ukkāsi [aor. of ukkāsati] coughed; cleared one’s throat.

ukkāsita [pp. of ukkāsati] coughed out. (nt.), coughing; clearing of one’s throat.

ukkāsitvā [abs. of ukkāsati] having coughed.

ukkujja [adj.] set up; upturned.

ukkujjana [nt.] turning up.

ukkujji [aor. of ukkujjeti] turned up; bent up.

ukkujjita [pp. of ukkujjeti] turned up; bent up.

ukkujjeti [u + kujj + e] turns up; bends up.

ukkuṭika [adj.] squatting.

ukkuṭikaṃ [adv.] in the posture of squatting.

ukkuṭṭhi [f.] shouting out; acclamation.

ukkusa [m.] osprey.

ukkūla [adj.] steep; sloping up.

ukkoṭana [nt.] perverting justice by taking bribe, etc.

ukkoṭitita [pp. of ukkoṭeti] opened up again a legal question that has been settled.

ukkoṭeti [u + kuṭ + e] opens up again a legal question that has been settled.

ukkoṭesi [aor. of ukkoṭeti] opened up again a legal question that has been settled.

ukkhaṭṭhatā [f.] eminence; superiority.

ukkhali [f.] a pot.

ukkhalikā [f.] a small pot.

ukkhitta [pp. of ukkhipati] 1. lifted or thrown up; 2. suspended.

ukkhittaka [adj.] suspended person.

ukkhipati [u + khip + a] 1. raises, holds, or throws up; 2. suspends.

ukkhipana [nt.] 1. lifting up; raising; 2. suspension.

ukkhepa [m.] 1. lifting up; raising; 2. suspension.

ukkhepaka [m.] one who throws up or suspends.

ukkhepana [nt.] 1. lifting up; raising; 2. suspension.

uklāpa [m.] dirt; rubbish. (adj.), dirty; unclean.

ugga [adj.] 1. huge; 2. fierce; 3. mighty; 4. rising.

uggacchati [u + gam + a] rises; goes up.

uggacchanta [pr.p. of] rising up.

uggacchi [aor. of uggacchati] rose; went up.

uggajjati [u + gajj + a] shouts out.

uggajji [aor. of uggajjati] shouted out.

uggaṇhana [nt.] learning; studying.

uggaṇhāti [u + gah + ṇhā] learns; takes up.

uggaṇhāpeti [caus. of uggaṇhāti] teaches; instructs.

uggaṇhāpesi [aor. of uggaṇhāpeti] taught; instructed.

uggaṇhi [aor. of uggaṇhāti] learnt; took up.

uggaṇhita [pp. of uggaṇhāti] learnt; taken up.

uggaṇhitukāma [adj.] willing to learn.

uggaṇhitvā [abs. of uggaṇhāti] having learnt or taken up.

uggaṇhiya [abs. of uggaṇhāti] having learnt or taken up.

uggata [pp. of uggacchati] risen; high; lofty.

uggama [m.] 1. rise; going up; 2. increase.

uggamana [nt.] 1. rise; going up; 2. increase.

uggayha [abs.] having learnt or taken up.

uggaha [m.] 1 learning; study; 2. taking up.

uggahaṇa [nt.] 1 learning; study; 2. taking up.

uggahita [pp. of uggaṇhāti] 1. learnt; 2. raised; 3. taken wrongly.

uggahetu [m.] one who learns or takes up.

uggahetvā [abs.] having learnt or taken up.

uggāra [m.] a belch; ejection of wind from the stomach.

uggāhaka [adj.] one who is learning.

uggiraṇa [nt.] 1. utterance; 2. brandishing of.

uggirati [u + gir + a] 1. lifts up; 2. brandishes; 3. utters; 4. belches.

uggiri [aor. of uggirati] 1. lifted up; 2. brandished; 3. uttered; 4. belched.

uggilati [u + gil + a] vomits.

uggili [aor. of uggilati] vomited.

ugghaṃseti [u + ghaṃs + e] rubs.

ugghaṃsesi [oar. of ugghaṃseti] rubbed.

ugghaṭita [adj.] keen; striving. || ugghāṭita (pp. of ugghāṭeti), opened; unfastened; removed; abolished.

uggharati [u + ghar + a] oozes.

ugghari [aor. of uggharati] oozed.

ugghāṭana [nt.] 1. unfastening; opening; 2. that which can be removed; 3. a machine for raising water.

ugghāta [m.] a jolt or jerk.

ugghāteti [u + ghāt +e] makes a sudden jerk. || ugghāṭeti (u + ghāt + e), opens; unfastens; removes; abolishes.

ugghātesi [aor. of ugghāteti] made a sudden jerk. || ugghāṭesi (aor. of ugghāṭeti), opened; unfastened; removed; abolished.

ugghosa [m.] a shout; proclamation.

ugghosanā [f.] a shout; proclamation.

ugghosita [pp. of ugghoseti] shouted out; proclaimed.

ugghoseti [u + ghus + e] shouts out; proclaims.

ugghosesi [aor. of ugghoseti] shouted out; proclaimed.

ucca [adj.] 1. high; 2. noble.

uccaya [m.] accumulation.

uccaraṇā [f.] 1. lifting up; 2. utterance; pronunciation. || uccāraṇa (nt.), 1. lifting up; 2. utterance; pronunciation.

uccākulīna [adj.] of a noble birth.

uccāra [m.] dung; faeces; excrement.

uccārita [pp. of uccāreti] 1. uttered; pronounced; 2. lifed up.

uccāreti [ū + car + e] 1. utters; pronounces; 2. lifes up.

uccāresi [aor. of uccāreti] 1. uttered; pronounced; 2. lifed up.

uccāliṅga [m.] a maw-worm; caterpillar.

uccāvaca [adj.] high and low; various.

uccāsadda [m.] loud noise. (adj.), making a loud noise.

uccāsayana [nt.] a high bed.

ucciṭṭha [adj.] left over (food or drink); impure; used.

uccināti [u + ci + nā] selects; chooses; picks out.

uccini [aor. of uccināti] selected; chose; picked out.

uccinitvā [abs. of uccināti] having selected; having chosen; having picked out.

ucchaṅga [m.] the lap; the hip.

ucchādana [nt.] rubbing of the body.

ucchādeti [u + chad + e] rubs the body (in bathing or with perfumes).

ucchādesi [aor. of ucchādeti] rubbed the body (in bathing or with perfumes).

ucchijjati [u + chid + ya (pass. of ucchindati)] ceases; becomes annihilated.

ucchijji [aor. of ucchijjati] ceased; became annihilated.

ucchindati [u + chid + ṃ-a] breaks; destroys; cuts off.

ucchindi [aor. of ucchindati] broke; destroyed.

ucchinna [pp. of ucchindati] broken; destroyed.

ucchu [m.] sugar-cane.

ucchuyanta [nt.] sugar-mill.

ucchurasa [m.] treacle; juice of sugar-cane.

uccheda [m.] cutting off; perishing; annihilation.

ucchedavādī [m.] one who professes the doctrine of annihilation.

ucchediṭṭhi [f.] belief in the annihilation of the soul.

uju [adj.] straight; up-right.

ujuṃ [adv.] straightly.

ujuka [adj.] straight; up-right.

ujugata [adj.] straight; upright of life.

ujutā [f.] rectitude; straightness.

ujubhūta [adj.] straight; upright of life.

ujjagghati [u + jaggh + a] laughes aloud.

ujjagghi [aor. of ujjagghati] laughed aloud.

ujjagghikā [f.] loud laughter.

ujjaṅgala [adj.] barren; sandy.

ujjala [adj.] bright; blazing.

ujjalati [u + jal + a] shines; blazes up.

ujjali [aor. of ujjalati] shone; blazed up.

ujjalita [pp. of ujjalati] shone; blazed up.

ujjavati [u + jal + a] goes up-stream.

ujjavanikā [f.] a vessel going up-stream.

ujjavi [aor. of ujjavati] went up-stream.

ujjahati [u + hā + a] gives up.

ujjahi [aor. of ujjahati] gave up.

ujjota [m.] light; lustre.

ujjotita [pp. of ujjoteti] illuminated.

ujjoteti [u + jut + e] illuminates.

ujjotesi [aor. of ujjoteti] illuminated.

ujjhati [ujjh + a] leaves; forsakes.

ujjhanasaññī [adj.] willing to blame.

ujjhayati [u + jhe + a] grumbles.

ujjhāna [nt.] taking offence; complaining.

ujjhāpana [nt.] provoking.

ujjhāpeti [u + jhe + āpe] irritates; makes one complain.

ujjhāpesi [aor. of ujjhāpeti] irritated; made one complain.

ujjhāyi [aor. of ujjhayati] grumbled.

ujjhi [aor. of ujjhati] left; forsake.

ujjhita [pp. of ujjhati] forsaken; cast away; thrown out.

ujjhitvā [abs. of ujjhati] having left; forsaken.

ujjhiya [abs. of ujjhati] having left; forsaken.

uñchati [uch + ṃ-a] seeks alms; gleans.

uñchā [f.] anything gathered for sustenance.

uñchācariyā [f.] wandering for leaning.

uñchi [aor. of uñchati] sought alms; gleaned.

uñchitati [pp. of uñchati] sought alms; gleaned.

uññātabba [pt.p. of] contemptible; despicable.

uṭṭhahati [u + ṭhā + a] stands up; arises; to be active.

uṭṭhahanta [pr.p. of] exerting; rising up.

uṭṭhahi [aor. of uṭṭhahati] stood up; arose.

uṭṭhahitvā [abs. of uṭṭhahati; utthāti] having got up or arisen.

uṭṭhāna [nt.] getting up; rising; origin; energy; industry; product.

uṭṭhānaka [adj.] producing; yielding.

uṭṭhānavantu [adj.] strenuous.

uṭṭhāpeti [caus. of uṭṭhāti] makes rise; raises; turns a person out.

uṭṭhāpesi [aor. of uṭṭhāpeti] made rise; raised; turned a person out.

uṭṭhāya [abs. of uṭṭhahati] having risen.

uṭṭhāyaka [adj.] active; industrious.

uṭṭhāyikā [f.] active; industrious.

uṭṭhāsu [m.] one who gets up or rouses himself.

uṭṭhita [pp. of uṭṭhahati] stood up; arosen. (pp. of uṭṭhāti), got up; arisen; produced.

uḍḍayhati [pass. of uḍḍahati] is burnt

uḍḍahati [u + dah + a] burns up.

uḍḍahi [aor. of uḍḍahati] burned up.

uḍḍita [pp. of uḍḍahati] burned up.

uḍḍeti [u + ḍī + e] flies; suspends.

uḍḍesi [aor. of uḍḍeti] flied; suspended.

uṇṇa [nt.] wool; fibre. (With reference to the Buddha:) a hair between the eyebrows. || uṇṇā (f.), wool; fibre.

uṇṇakajāta [adj.] reduced to powder.

uṇṇābhi [m.] a spider.

uṇha [adj.] hot. (nt.), heat. || ubha (pron.), both.

uṇhatta [nt.] a turban.

utu [f.; nt.] season; climate; the menses.

utukāla [m.] the time of the menses.

utuguṇa [m.] climate.

utunī [f.] a menstruating woman.

utuparissaya [m.] risk of the seasons.

utusappāya [m.] agreeable season or climate.

utta [pp. of vadati] (= vutta); spoken; uttered. (nt.), utterance.

uttaṇḍula [adj.] badly cooked (rice), having some unboiled grains.

uttatta [pp. of uttapati] 1. heated; molten; 2. shining.

uttama [adj.] highest; best; noble; excellent.

uttamaṅga [nt.] the most important part, i.e. the head.

uttamaṅgaruha [nt.] hair.

uttamattha [m.] the highest gain.

uttamaporisa [m.] the greatest man.

uttara [adj.] higher; further; northern; over. (nt.), an answer; reply. || uttarā (f.), the northern direction.

uttaracchada [m.] awning; canopy.

uttaraṇa [nt.] crossing over; overcoming; delivery; passing (of an exam).

uttarati [u + tar + a] comes out of water; goes over; overcomes.

uttarattharaṇa [nt.] upper cover.

uttarasīsaka [adj.] with the head towards the north.

uttarasve [adv.] day after tomorrow.

uttarāsaṅga [m.] upper robe.

uttari [adv.] over; beyond; further; moreover; additional. (aor. of uttarati), came out of water; went over; overcame.

uttariṃ [adv.] over; beyond; further; moreover; additional.

uttarikariṇīya [nt.] additional duty.

uttaritara [adj.] more superior; higher; nobler.

uttaribhaṅga [m.] additional bits; dainty bits.

uttarimanussadhamma [m.] extraordinary condition; transcendental norm.

uttarisāṭaka [m.] upper garment.

uttarīya [nt.] a cloak.

uttasati [u + tas + a] alarms or terrifies.

uttasana [nt.] alarm; terror. || uttāsana (nt.), impalement.

uttasi [aor. of uttasati] alarmed or terrified.

uttasta [pp. of uttasati] frightened; terrified.

uttāna [adj.] lying on one’s back; supine; manifest; shallow.

uttānaka [adj.] lying on one’s back; supine; manifest; shallow.

uttānaseyyaka [adj.] an infant.

uttānīkamma [nt.] exposition; manifestation.

uttānīkaraṇa [nt.] exposition; manifestation.

uttānīkari [aor. of uttānīkaroti] made clear.

uttānīkaroti [uttāna + i + kar + o] makes clear.

uttāpeti [u + tap + e] heats; torments.

uttāpesi [aor. of uttāpeti] heated; tormented.

uttāreti [u + tar + e] lets cross; saves; assists.

uttāresi [aor. of uttāreti] let cross; saved; assisted.

uttāsa [m.] terror; fear.

uttāsita [pp. of uttāseti] impaled.

uttāseti [u + tas + e] impales. (caus. of uttasati), frightens or terrifies.

uttāsesi [aor. of uttāseti] impaled.

uttiṭṭhati [u + ṭhā + a] rises; stands up; strives.

uttiṇa [3] grassless.

uttiṇṇa [pp. of uttarati] crossed over; gone to the other shore; come out of; passed.

uttrasta [pp. of uttasati] frightened; terrified.

uttrāsī [adj.] fearful; timid.

utrāsa [m.] terror.

uda [ind.] or.

udaka [nt.] water.

udakadhārā [f.] a torrent of water.

udakaphusita [nt.] a drop of water.

udakabindu [nt.] a drop of water.

udakamaṇika [m.] a big jar to keep water.

udakasāṭikā [f.] bathing mantle.

udakāka [m.] a small kind of cormorant.

udakāyatikā [f.] water-pipe.

udakumbha [m.] a flood of water.

udagga [adj.] elated; exultant; joyful.

udañcana [nt.] a small vessel with a handle used to take out water from a jar; a bucket.

udadhi [m.] ocean.

udapajjā [aor.] was born; arose.

udapādi [aor. of udapajjati] arose; originated.

udapāna [m.] a well.

udaya [m.] rise; growth; increase; income; interest (from money).

udayati : rises; comes out; increases.

udayatthagama [m.] rise and fall.

udayana [nt.] rise; going up.

udayanta [pr.p. of udayati] rising; growing.

udayabbaya [m.] rise and fall; increase and decrease; birth and death.

udara [nt.] bell; stomach; interior. || udāra (adj.), noble; excellent; great; lofty.

udaraggi [m.] the digestive faculty.

udarapaṭala [nt.] the mucous membrane of the stomach.

udaravadehakaṃ [adv.] filling the stomach to the utmost.

udariya [nt.] undigested food in the stomach.

udahāraka [m.] carrier of water.

udahārikā [f.] carrier of water.

udahāriya [nt.] the act of carrying water.

udāna [nt.] an emotional utterance.

udāneti [u + ā + nī + e] utters something with intense emotion.

udāsīna [adj.] indifferent; passive.

udāhaṭa [pp. of udāharati] uttered; recited.

udāharaṇa [nt.] example; instance.

udāharati [u + ā + har + a] utters; recites.

udāhari [aor. of udāharati] uttered; recited.

udāhāra [m.] utterance; speech.

udāhu [ind.] or.

udikkhati [u + ikkh + a] looks at; surveys.

udikkhi [aor. of udikkhati] looked at; surveyed.

udikkhita [pp. of udikkhati] looked at; surveyed.

udikkhitu [m.] one who looks at.

udikkhiya [abs. of udikkhati] having seen or looked at.

udicca [adj.] noble; of the northern origin.

udita [pp. of udeti] risen; high; elevated.

udīraṇa [nt.] utterance; saying.

udīrita [pp. of udīreti] uttered; spoken.

udīreti [u + īr + e] utters; speaks.

udīresi [aor. of udīreti] uttered; spoke.

udukkhala [m.; nt.] a mortar.

udumbara [m.] the glamorous fig tree.

udeti [u + i + a] rises; comes out; increases.

udesi [aor. of udeti] rose; came out; increased.

udda [m.] an otter.

uddaya [adj.] yielding; causing. (Only in cpds).

uddasseti [u + dis + e] shows; reveals.

uddassesi [aor. of uddasseti] showed; revealed.

uddāna [nt.] 1. a list; a table of contents; 2. a cluster.

uddāpa [m.] a bastion.

uddāma [adj.] out of bounds; restless.

uddālaka [m.] the tree Cassia Fistula.

uddālana [nt.] tearing out.

uddāleti [u + dāl + e] tears off.

uddālesi [aor. of uddāleti] teared off.

uddiṭṭha [pp. of uddisati] pointed out; appointed; alloted; recited.

uddisati [u + dis + a] points out; appoints; allots; recites.

uddisapeti [caus. of uddisati] makes recite or allot.

uddisi [aor. of uddisati] points out; appoints; allots; recites.

uddissa [abs. of uddisati] (= uddisiya), with reference to; on account of; for.

uddissakata [adj.] allotted to; meant for.

uddīpanā [f.] 1. explanation; 2. sharpening.

uddīyati [u + dar + ī + ya] burst; falls into pieces.

uddeka [m.] 1. a belch; 2. spouting out.

uddesa [m.] 1. indication; 2. propounding; 3. recitation.

uddesaka [adj.] one who points out or recites.

uddesika [adj.] indicating; referring to; memorial. (In cpds. with vassa), of the age of.

uddehakaṃ [adv.] bubbling or seething up.

uddrīyati [u + dar + ī + ya] burst; falls into pieces.

uddrīyi [aor. of uddrīyati] bursted; fell into pieces.

uddha [adj.] upper; upward.

uddhaṃ [adv.] high up; above; ahead; hence; zenith.

uddhaṃgama [adj.] going upwards.

uddhaṃbhāgiya [adj.] belonging to the upper part.

uddhaṃvirecana [nt.] vomiting; action of an emetic.

uddhaṃseti [u + dhaṃs + e] destroys; brings ruin on.

uddhaṃsesi [aor. of uddhaṃseti] destroyed; brought ruin on.

uddhaṃsota [adj.] going upwards in the stream of life.

uddhagga [adj.] with the tips turned upwards; prominent; beneficial.

uddhaggika [adj.] promoting spiritual welfare.

uddhacca [nt.] distraction; flurry; haughtiness.

uddhata [pp.] agitated; haughty. || uddhaṭa (pp. of uddharati), raised; lifted; pulled out; removed; uprooted.

uddhana [nt.] fire-place; an oven.

uddhapāda [adj.] having heels upwards.

uddhamma [m.] false doctrine.

uddharaṇa [nt.] lifting; pulling out; uprooting.

uddharati [u + har + a] raises; lifts; pulls out; removes; uproots.

uddhari [aor. of uddharati] raised; lifted; pulled out; removed; uprooted.

uddhāra [m.] withdrawal; pulling out.

uddhumāta [adj.] swollen; bloated.

uddhumātaka [adj.] swollen; bloated.

uddhumāyati [u + dhum + ya] swells up; puffs.

uddhumāyi [aor. of uddhumāyati] swelled up; puffed.

uddhumāyita [pp. of uddhumāyati] swelled up; puffed.

udraya [adj.] yielding; causing. (Only in cpds).

udrīyati [v.] falls into pieces.

udrīyana [nt.] bursting; falling down.

udreka [m.] 1. a belch; 2. spouting out.

undura [m.] a rat. || undūra (m.), a rat.

unnata [pp. of unnamati] raised; high; lofty.

unnati [f.] rising; elevation; increase.

unnadati [u + nad + a] shouts; roars; resounds.

unnadi [aor. of unnadati] shouted; roared; resounded. || unnādī (adj.), noisy; tumultuous.

unnadita [pp. of unnadati] shouted; roared; resounded.

unnama [m.] elevation.

unnamati [u + nam + a] rises up; prospers; bends upwards.

unnami [aor. of unnamati] rose up; prospered; bent upwards.

unnala [adj.] insolent; arrogant; proud. || unnaḷa (adj.), insolent; arrogant; proud.

unnāda [m.] a shout; big noise.

unnādinī [f.] noisy; tumultuous.

unnādeti [caus. of unnadati] makes resound.

unhīsa [nt.] a turban.

upaka [adj.] approaching; frequenting. (= upage)

upakaccha [nt.] armpit.

upakacchaka [nt.] armpit.

upakaṭṭha [adj.] near; approaching.

upakaḍḍhati [upa + kaḍḍh + a] drags or pull near.

upakaḍḍhi [aor. of upakaḍḍhati] dragged or pulled near.

upakaḍḍhita [pp. of upakaḍḍhati] dragged or pulled near.

upakaṇṇaka [nt.] a place where one is able to hear other’s whisper.

upakaṇṇake [adj.] secretly.

upakappati [upa + kapp + a] approaches; to be beneficial or suitable.

upakappana [nt.] approach; benefit. || upakappanā (f.), approach; benefit.

upakaraṇa [nt.] instrument; outfit; utensils; requisites; help; support; provisions.

upakari [aor. of upakaroti] helped; supported; served. || upakārī (m.), helper; benefactor.

upakaroti [upa + kar + o] helps; supports; serves.

upakāra [m.] help; support; favour.

upakāraka [adj.] helping; effective; one who helps.

upakārikā [f.] 1. benefactress; 2. a buttress.

upakūjati [upa + kūj + a] sings or chirps.

upakūji [aor. of upakūjati] sang or chirped.

upakūjita [pp. of upakūjati] resounding or filled with song of birds.

upakūlita [pp.] shrivelled; singed; roasted.

upakkama [m.] ways; means; expedient; approach; attack.

upakkamati [upa + kam + a] strives; undertakes; begins; attacks.

upakkamana [nt.] attacking; approach.

upakkami [aor. of upakkamati] strove; undertook; began; attacked.

upakkiliṭṭha [adj.] soiled; impure; stained.

upakkilesa [m.] impurity; defilement; anything that spoils or obstructs.

upakkītaka [m.] a bought slave.

upakkuṭṭha [pp. of upakkosati] reproached; blamed; scolded.

upakkosa [m.] reproach; censure.

upakkosati [upa + kus + a] reproaches; blames; scolds.

upakkosi [aor. of upakkosati] reproached; blamed; scolded.

upakkhaṭa [adj.] prepared; administered; brought near.

upakkhalana [nt.] stumbling; tripping.

upaga [adj.] (in cpds.) going to; reaching; coming into; being at; producing.

upagacchati [upa + gam + a] approaches; undergoes; undertakes.

upagacchi [aor. of upagacchati] approached; underwent; undertook.

upagamana [nt.] approaching; undergoing; undertaking.

upagamma [abs. of upagacchati] having approached.

upagūhati [upa + gūh + a] embraces.

upagūhana [nt.] embracing.

upagūhi [aor. of upagūhati] embraced.

upagūhita [pp. of upagūhati] embraced.

upagghāta [m.] jolting; sudden jerk.

upaghāta [m.] jolting; sudden jerk.

upaghātaka [adj.] injuring; cutting short; destroying; one who hurts or destroys.

upaghātana [nt.] jolting; sudden jerk.

upaghātī [adj.] injuring; cutting short; destroying; one who hurts or destroys.

upacaya [m.] accumulation.

upacarati [upa + car + a] deals with; to be ready.

upacari [aor. of upacarati] dealt with; to be ready.

upacarita [pp. of upacarati] practised; served; dealt with.

upacāra [m.] neighbourhood; preparative or preliminary action.

upacikā [f.] termite; white ant.

upaciṇṇa [pp. of upacināti] practised; frequented; accumulated.

upacita [pp. of upacināti] collected; accumulated; built.

upacināti [upa + ci + nā] collects; accumulates; builds.

upacini [aor. of upacināti] collected; accumulated; built.

upaccagā [upa + ati + gam + a; 3rd sin. pret.] he escaped, passed or overcame.

upacchindati [upa + chid + ṃ-a] breaks off; interrupts; destroys.

upacchindi [aor. of upacchindati] broke off; interrupted; destroyed.

upacchinna [pp. of upacchindati] broken off; interrupted; destroyed.

upacchubhati [v.] throws at.

upaccheda [m.] stoppage; destruction; breaking off.

upacchedaka [adj.] destroying; stopping.

upajīvati [upa + jīv + a] lives on; depends on.

upajīvi [aor. of upajīvati] lived on; depended on. || upajīvī (adj.), living on; subsisting by; one who is dependant.

upajjha [m.] spiritual teacher or preceptor.

upajjhāya [m.] spiritual teacher or preceptor.

upaññāta [pp. of upajānāti] found out; learnt; known.

upaṭṭhapeti [upa + ṭhā + e] provides; procures; puts forth; causes to be present or waits one.

upaṭṭhapesi [aor. of upaṭṭhapeti] provided; procured; put forth.

upaṭṭhahati [upa + ṭhā + a] waits or attends on; cares for; nurses; serves; understands.

upaṭṭhahi [aor. of upaṭṭhahati] waited or attneded on; cared for; nursed.

upaṭṭhahitvā [abs. of upaṭṭhahati] having attended on.

upaṭṭhāka [m.] a servitor; a nurse; a follower.

upaṭṭhāti [upa + ṭhā + a] waits or attends on; cares for; nurses; serves; understands.

upaṭṭhāna [nt.] waiting on; looking after; service; understanding.

upaṭṭhānapuppha [nt.] the flowers assigned for.

upaṭṭhānasālā [f.] a hall for attendance; assembly hall.

upaṭṭhāsi [aor. of upatiṭṭhati] stood by; looked after. (aor. of upaṭṭhāti), waited or attneded on; cared for; nursed.

upaṭṭhita [pp. of upaṭṭhāti] got ready; arrived; presented; served by.

upaṭṭhitvā [abs. of upaṭṭhahati] having attended on.

upaṭṭhiyamāna [pr.p.p. of] being attended.

upaḍayhati [upa + dah + ya] burns up.

upaḍayhi [aor. of upaḍayhati] burnt up.

upaḍḍha [adj.] half. (nt.), a half.

upatappati [upa + tap + a] vexes or torments.

upatappi [aor. of upatappati] vexed or tormented.

upatāpa [m.] vexation; trouble; remorse.

upatāpaka [adj.] causing pain or remorse.

upatāpana [nt.] vexation; trouble; remorse.

upatāpita [pp. of upatāpeti] caused pain; tormented; harassed.

upatāpeti [upa t+ tap + e] causes pain; torments; harasses.

upatāpesi [aor. of upatāpeti] caused pain; tormented; harassed.

upatiṭṭhati [upa + ṭhā + a] stands by; looks after.

upatthaddha [adj.] stiff; supported by.

upatthambha [m.] support; encouragement; a prop.

upatthambhaka [adj.] supporting; sustaining.

upatthambhana [nt.] support; encouragement; a prop.

upatthambhita [pp. of upatthambheti] made firm; supported; propped up; sustained.

upatthambheti [upa + thamb + e] makes firm; supports; props up; sustains.

upatthambhesi [aor. of upatthambheti] made firm; supported; propped up; sustained.

upatthara [m.] a carpet; rug; covering.

upadassita [pp. of upadasseti] made manifest; showed.

upadasseti [upa + dis + e] makes manifest; shows.

upadassesi [aor. of upadasseti] made manifest; showed.

upadahati [upa + dah + a] furnishes; gives; causes.

upadahi [aor. of upadahati] furnished; gave; caused.

upadiṭṭha [pp. of upadisati] pointed out; put forth; specified.

upadisati [upa + dis + a] points out; advises; shows.

upadisana [nt.] pointing out; advice.

upadisi [aor. of upadisati] pointed out; advised; showed.

upadissati [pass. of upadisati] is appeared; is shown up.

upadesa [m.] advice; indication; instruction.

upaddava [m.] misfortune; distress; danger.

upaddaveti [upa + dav + e] annoys; troubles.

upaddavesi [aor. of upaddaveti] annoyed; troubled.

upadduta [pp. of upaddaveti] annoyed; troubled.

upadhāna [nt.] a pillow. (adj.), causing; imposing.

upadhāraṇa [nt.] a receptacle; milk-pail. || upadhāraṇā (f.), calculation; consideration.

upadhārita [pp. of upadhāreti] surmised; looked out for; considered or concluded.

upadhāreti [upa + dhar + e] surmises; looks out for; considers or concludes.

upadhāretvā [abs.] having reflected upon.

upadhāresi [aor. of upadhāreti] surmised; looked out for; considered or concluded.

upadhāvati [upa + dhar + e] run up to or after.

upadhāvana [nt.] running after.

upadhāvi [aor. of upadhāvati] ran up to or after.

upadhi [m.] substratum of re-birth; attachment. || upādhi (m.), a little.

upadhika [adj.] showing attachment to rebirth.

upanagara [n.] suburb.

upanata [pp. of upanamati] bent on; come near.

upanaddha [pp. of upanandhati] beared enmity towards; grumbled at.

upanandhati [upa + nah + ya] bears enmity towards; grumbles at.

upanandhi [aor. of upanandhati] beared enmity towards; grumbled at.

upanamati [upa + nam + a] bends on; comes near; to be present.

upanamana [nt.] bending on; bringing near.

upanami [aor. of upanamati] bent on; came near.

upanayana [nt.] 1. bringing near; 2. the ceremony of subsumption.

upanayhati [upa + nah + ya] bears enmity towards; wraps with.

upanayhanā [f.] 1. ill-will; enmity; 2. wrapping over.

upanayhi [aor. of upanayhati] bore enmity towards; wraped with.

upanāmita [pp. of upanāmeti] brought near; offered.

upanāmeti [upa + nam + e] brings near; offers.

upanāmesi [aor. of upanāmeti] brought near; offered.

upanāyika [adj.] approaching; conveying.

upanāha [m.] ill-will; enmity.

upanāhi [adj.] one who bears ill-will; finding fault.

upanikkhitta [pp. of upanikkhipati] placed by; laid down.

upanikkhipati [upa + ni + khip + a] deposits near; lays up.

upanikkhipana [nt.] putting down; depositing near.

upanikkhipi [aor. of upanikkhipati] deposited near; layed up.

upanikkhepa [m.] putting down; depositing near.

upanigghāna [nt.] consideration; reflection.

upanighaṃsati [upa + ni + ghaṃs + a] rubs up against; crushes.

upanighaṃsi [aor. of upanighaṃsati] rubded up against; crushed.

upanijjhayi [aor. of upanijjhāyati] meditated upon; reflected on.

upanijjhāyati [upa + ni + jhā + ya] meditates upon; reflects on.

upanidhā [f.] comparison; pledge.

upanidhāya [ind.] compared with.

upanidhi [m.] comparison; pledge.

upanipajjati [upa + ni + pad + ya] lies down close to.

upanipajji [aor. of upanipajjati] lied down close to.

upanipanna [pp. of upanipajjati] lied down close to.

upanibaddha [pp.] tied into.

upanibandha [pp. of upanibandhati] tied close to; entreated.

upanibandhati [upa + ni + badh + ṃ-a] ties close to; entreats.

upanibandhana [nt.] 1. close connection; 2. importunity.

upanibandhi [aor. of upanibandhati] tied close to; entreated.

upanibhandha [m.] close connection. (adj.), dependent on; connected with.

upanisā [f.] cause; means; likeness.

upanisinna [pp. of upanisīdati] sat close to.

upanisīdati [upa + ni + sad + a] sits close to.

upanisīdi [aor. of upanisīdati] sat close to.

upanisevati [upa + ni + si + a] associates closely.

upanissaya [m.] basis; support; sufficing condition. || upanissāya (abs.), depending on; by means of. (adv.), near; close by.

upanissayati [upa + ni + si + a] associates closely; depends on.

upanissayi [aor. of upanissayati] associated closely; depended on.

upanissita [pp. of upanissayati] dependent; connected with.

upanīta [pp. of upaneti] having brought for trial; brought up to or into; offered.

upanīya [abs. of upaneti] having brought near; accusing.

upanīyati [pass. of upaneti] is brought up to; is carried away.

upaneti [upa + nī + e] brings up; conduces; presents; gives.

upanesi [aor. of upaneti] brought up; conduced; presented; gave.

upantika [adj.] near. (nt.), neighbourhood.

upapajjati [upa + pad + ya] to be reborn in; rises.

upapajji [aor. of upapajjati] rose.

upapatti [f.] birth; rebirth; approach.

upapanna [pp. of upapajjati] possessed of; come to existence in; reborn.

upaparikkhati [upa + pari + ikkh + a] investigates; examines.

upaparikkhana [nt.] investigation; examination.

upaparikkhanta [pr.p. of upaparikkhati] enquiring; inspecting; investigating.

upaparikkhā [f.] investigation; examination.

upaparikkhi [aor. of upaparikkhati] investigated; examined.

upapāramī [f.] minor perfection.

upapīḷaka [adj.] oppressing; obstructing.

upapīḷā [f.] oppressing; obstructing.

upabbūḷha [adj.] crowded; in full swing.

upabrūhana [nt.] increase; augmentation.

upabrūheti [upa + brūh + e] increases; expands.

upabrūhesi [aor. of upabrūheti] increased; expanded.

upabhuñjaka [adj.] one who eats, enjoys or undergoes.

upabhoga [m.] enjoyment; profit; use. (adj.), enjoyable.

upabhogī [adj.] one who eats, enjoys or undergoes.

upama : (in cpds.) like; similar; having the qualities of. || upamā (f.), simile; parable; comparison.

upamāna [nt.] simile; parable; comparison.

upamita [pp. of upameti] compared.

upamīyati [v.] is compared.

upameti [upa + mā + e] compares.

upameyya [adj.] that which is to be compared or likened.

upamesi [aor. of upameti] compared.

upaya [m.] attachment. || upāya (m.), way; means; resource.

upayācati [upa + yāc + a] begs; entreats.

upayāci [aor. of upayācati] begged; entreated.

upayāti [upa + yā + a] approaches.

upayuñjati [upa + yuj + ṃ-a] connects with; practises.

upayuñji [aor. of upayuñjati] connected with; practised.

upayoga [m.] connection; employment; application.

uparajja [nt.] viceroyalty.

uparata [pp. of uparamati] desisting or abstaining from; ceased.

uparati [f.] ceasing; restraint.

uparamati [upa + ram + a] desists; ceases; restrains from.

uparamana [nt.] ceasing; restraint.

uparami [aor. of uparamati] desisted; ceased; restrained from.

uparāja [m.] viceroy.

upari [ind.] above; on; upon; upper; overhead.

upariṭṭha [adj.] topmost; situated above.

uparipāsāda [m.] the upper storey of a palace.

uparibhāga [m.] upper portion.

uparima [adj.] upper-most.

uparimukha [adj.] face upwards.

uparujjhati [upa + rudh + ya] stops or ceases.

uparujjhi [aor. of uparujjhati] stopped or ceased.

uparuddha [pp. of uparujjhati] stopped or ceased. (pp. of uparundhati), kept in check; stopped or hinder.

uparundhati [upa + rudh + ṃ-a] keeps in check; stops or hinder.

uparundhi [aor. of uparundhati] kept in check; stopped or hinder.

upala [m.] stone.

upalakketi [upa + lakkh + e] distinguishes; discriminates.

upalakkesi [aor. of upalakketi] distinguished; discriminated.

upalakkhaṇā [f.] discrimination.

upalakkhita [pp. of upalakketi] distinguished; discriminated.

upaladdha [pp. of upalabhati] acquired; found.

upaladdhi [f.] acquisition; view.

upalabbha [abs. of upalabhati] having got.

upalabbhati [pass. of upalabhati] is found; is existed.

upalabhati [upa + labh + a] acquires; gets; to find.

upalabhi [aor. of upalabhati] acquired; got; to find.

upalāpana [nt.] persuasion; humbug.

upalāpita [pp. of upalāpeti] persuaded; coaxed.

upalāpeti [upa + lap + e] persuades; coaxes.

upalāpesi [aor. of upalāpeti] persuaded; coaxed.

upalālita [pp. of upalāleti] caressed; fondled.

upalāleti [upa + lal + e] caresses; fondles.

upalālesi [aor. of upalāleti] caressed; fondled.

upalimpati [upa + lip + ṃ-a] smears; defiles; taints.

upalimpana [nt.] coating; defilement; smearing.

upalimpi [apr. of upalimpati] smeared; defiled; tainted.

upalimpeti [v.] bedaubs; smears.

upalepa [m.] coating; defilement; smearing.

upavajja [adj.] blameworthy.

upavattana [adj.] existing near.

upavadati [upa + vad + a] blames; insults.

upavadi [aor. of upavadati] blamed; insulted. || upavādī (adj.), one who blames or finds fault.

upavana [nt.] a forest which is near by.

upavasati [upa + vas + a] dwells in or at; observes.

upavasi [aor. of upavasati] dwelt in or at; observed.

upavāda [m.] blame; insult.

upavādaka [adj.] finding fault; blaming.

upavāyati [upa + vā + a] blows towards.

upavāyi [aor. of upavāyati] blew towards.

upavāsa [m.] fasting; abstaining from enjoyments.

upavāsana [nt.] perfuming.

upavāseti [upa + vas + e] perfumes.

upavāsesi [aor. of upavāseti] perfumed.

upaviṭṭha [pp. of upavisati] come near; sat down.

upavisati [upa + vis + a] comes near; sits down.

upavisi [aor. of upavisati] came near; sat down. || upāvisi (aor. of upavisati), (he) took a seat.

upavīṇa [m.] the neck of a lute.

upavīta [pp. of upavīyati] woven.

upavīyati [upa + vā + ī + ya] weaves.

upavīyi [aor. of upavīyati] wove.

upavutta [pp. of upavadati] being blamed.

upavuttha [pp. of upavasati] dwelt in or at; observed.

upasaṃhaṭa [pp. of upasaṃharati] collected; focussed; concentrated; compared.

upasaṃharaṇa [nt.] gathering; folding; 2. comparison.

upasaṃharati [upa + saṃ + har + a] collects; focuses; concentrates; compares.

upasaṃhari [aor. of upasaṃharati] collected; focussed; concentrated; compared.

upasaṃhāra [m.] gathering; folding; 2. comparison.

upasagga [m.] 1. danger; 2. a prefix.

upasaṅkanta [pp. of upasaṅkamati] approached.

upasaṅkamati [upa + saṃ + kam + a] approaches.

upasaṅkamana [nt.] approach; going near.

upasaṅkamanta [pr.p. of upasaṅkamati] approaching.

upasaṅkami [aor. of upasaṅkamati] approached.

upasaṅkamitvā [abs. of upasaṅkamati] having approached; drawing near.

upasaṅkamma [abs. of upasaṅkamati] having approached.

upasanta [pp. of upasammati] being calmed; composed or at peace.

upasama [m.] calmness; appeasement.

upasamana [nt.] calmness; appeasement.

upasamapadā [f.] acquisition; higher ordination of a Buddhist monk.

upasamita [pp. of upasameti] appeased; calmed.

upasameti [upa + sam + e] appeases; calms.

upasamesi [aor. of upasameti] appeased; calmed.

upasampajja [abs. of upasameti] having appeased; having calmed.

upasampajjati [upa + saṃ + pad + ya] attains; enters on; becomes fully ordained.

upasampajji [aor. of upasampajjati] attained; entered on; became fully ordained.

upasampadā [f.] higher ordination of a monk.

upasampanna [pp.] possessed with; attained; ordained.

upasampādita [pp. of upasampādeti] produced; ordained as a bhikkhu.

upasampādeti [caus. of upasampajjati] produces; ordains as a bhikkhu.

upasampādesi [aor. of upasampādeti] produced; ordained as a bhikkhu.

upasammati [upa + sam + ya] calms; ceases; appeases.

upasiṅghati [upa + siṅgh + a] sniffs at.

upasiṅghana [nt.] sniffing at.

upasiṅghi [aor. of upasiṅghati] sniffed at.

upasussati [upa + sus + ya] becomes dry.

upasussana [nt.] becoming dry.

upasussi [aor. of upasussati] became dry.

upasecana [nt.] something sprinkled to relish food.

upasevati [upa + sev + a] practises; frequents; associates.

upasevanā [f.] practice; frequency; association.

upasevi [aor. of upasevati] practised; frequented; associated. || upasevī (adj.), one who associates; uses or practised.

upasopesi [aor. of upasoseti] made dry or withered.

upasobhati [upa + subh + a] appeares beautiful.

upasobhi [aor. of upasobhati] appeared beautiful.

upasobhita [pp. of upasobhati] appeared beautiful.

upasobheti [caus. of upasobhati] makes beautiful.

upasobhesi [aor. of upasobheti] made beautiful.

upasosita [pp. of upasoseti] made dry or withered.

upasoseti [upa + sus + e] makes dry or wither.

upassaṭṭha [pp.] oppressed or afflicted with.

upassaya [m.] abode; home.

upassuti [f.] listening to private conversation of others.

upassutika [m.] an eaves-dropper.

upahacca [abs. of upahanati] having touched, injured, or spoiled.

upahaññati [pass. of upahanati] spoils or injured.

upahaññi [aor. of upahaññati] spoilt or injured.

upahata [pp. of upahanati] injured; destroyed.

upahattu [m.] one who brings or conveys.

upahanati [upa + han + a] injures; destroys.

upahani [aor. of upahanati] injured; destroyed.

upahāra [m.] a gift; bringing forward.

upāgata [pp. of upāgacchati] reached or attained.

upāgāmi [aor.] approached; came.

upādāna [nt.] grasping; attachment; fuel.

upādānakkhandha [m.] the factors of clinging to existence.

upādānakkhaya [m.] extinction of attachment.

upādāniya [adj.] connected with grasping.

upādāya [abs. of upādāti] having grasped; compared with; with reference to.

upādi [m.] fuel of life.

upādinna [pp. of upādiyati] grasped.

upādiyati [upa + ā + dā + ya] grasps.

upādiyi [aor. of upādiyati] grasped.

upādisesa [adj.] having some fuel of life left; still dependent on existence.

upāyakusala [adj.] clever in resources.

upāyakosalla [nt.] cleverness in expedient.

upāyana [nt.] a tribute; gift.

upāyāsa [m.] tribulation; grief.

upārambha [m.] reproof; censure.

upāsaka [m.] a lay devotee; one who comes near.

upāsakatta [nt.] state of a devotee.

upāsati [upa + ās + a] attends or serve.

upāsana [nt.] service; attendance; archery; training (of some art).

upāsikā [f.] a female devotee.

upāsita [pp. of upāsati] attended or serve.

upāhana [nt.] sandal; shoe.

upekkhaka [adj.] indifferent; disinterested.

upekkhati [upa + ikkh + a] is indifferent.

upekkhanā [f.] neutrality; equanimity; indifference.

upekkhā [f.] neutrality; equanimity; indifference.

upekkhi [aor. of upekkhati] was indifferent.

upekkhiya [abs.] being neutral or indifferent.

upekhā [f.] neutrality; equanimity; indifference.

upekhitvā [abs.] being neutral or indifferent.

upecca [abs. of upeti] having approached; having obtained.

upeta [pp. of upeti] endowed with.

upeti [upa + ī + a] approaches; obtains.

upetvā [abs. of upeti] having approached; having obtained.

upesi [aor. of upeti] approached; obtained.

upehiti [v.] he will approach.

uposatha [m.] Sabbath day; observance of 8 precepts; biweekly recitation of the Vinaya rules by a chapter of Buddhist monks.

uposathakamma [nt.] observance of the uposatha.

uposathagāra [nt.] a chapter house.

uposathadivasa [m.] fast-day.

uposathika [adj.] one who observes 8 precepts.

uppakka [adj.] swollen; scorched.

uppajja [abs.] having been born.

uppajjati [u + pad + ya] to be born; arises.

uppajjana [nt.] arising; birth.

uppajjanaka [adj.] being born; coming into existence.

uppajjamāna [pp. of uppajjati] was born; arisen. (adj.), being born; coming into existence.

uppajji [aor. of uppajjati] was born; arose.

uppajjitabba [pt.p. of uppajjati] fit to be born or arisen.

uppajjissa [v.] (he) would have been born.

uppaṭipāṭi [f.] want of order; irregularity.

uppaṭiyā [adv.] against the order.

uppaṇḍanā [f.] ridicule; mockery.

uppaṇḍita [pp. of uppaṇḍeti] mocked; derided.

uppaṇḍukajāta [adj.] having become pale.

uppaṇḍeti [u + paṇḍ + e] mocks; derides.

uppaṇḍesi [aor. of uppaṇḍeti] mocked; derided.

uppatati [u + pat + a] flies; jumps up. || uppāṭeti (u + paṭ + e), tears asunder; roots out; skins.

uppatana [nt.] flying; rising up; jumping. || uppāṭana (nt.), pulling or tearing out; skinning; uprooting.

uppatamāna [pr.p. of uppatati] flying; jumping.

uppati [aor. of uppatati] flied; jumped up.

uppatita [pp. of uppatati] flied; jumped up. || uppāṭita (pp. of uppāṭeti), torn asunder; rooted out; skined.

uppatitvā [abs. of uppatati] having flown or jumped.

uppatti [f.] rebirth; coming forth; origin.

uppatha [m.] wrong path or course.

uppanna [pp. of uppajjati] reborn; arisen.

uppabbajati [u + pa + vaj + a] leaves the Order.

uppabbaji [aor. of uppabbajati] left the Order.

uppabbajita [pp. of uppabbajati] one who has left the community; left the Order. || uppabbājita (pp. of uppabbājeti), turned out of the Order.

uppabbājeti [caus. of uppabbajati] turns out of the Order.

uppabbājetvā [abs. of uppabbājeti] having turned out of the Order.

uppabbājesi [aor. of uppabbājeti] turned out of the Order.

uppala [nt.] waterlily.

uppalahattha [nt.] a bundle of water-lilies.

uppalinī [f.] a pond or lake full of water lilies.

uppāṭanaka [adj.] doing the work of uprooting or skinning.

uppāta [m.] flying up; a meteor; an unusual event.

uppāda [m.] rising; coming into existence; birth.

uppādaka [adj.] producing; generating; producer.

uppādana [nt.] production; raising; generation.

uppādita [pp. of uppādeti] produced; made; given rise to.

uppādeti [u + pad + e] produces; makes; gives rise to.

uppādetu [m.] producer; generator.

uppādetuṃ [inf. of uppādeti] to produce or generate.

uppādesi [aor. of uppādeti] produced; made; gave rise to.

uppīḷana [nt.] pressing; oppression.

uppīḷita [pp. of uppīḷeti] pressed down; crushed; oppressed.

uppīḷeti [u + pīḷ + e] presses down; crushes; oppresses.

uppīḷesi [aor. of uppīḷeti] pressed down; crushed; oppressed.

uppoṭhana [nt.] dusting; beating.

uppoṭhita [pp. of uppoṭheti] beaten; dusted.

uppoṭheti [u + poṭh + e] beats; dusts.

uppoṭhesi [aor. of uppoṭheti] beat; dusted.

uplavati [u + plav + a] floats; rises into the surface.

uplavana [nt.] floating; rising into the surface.

uplavi [aor. of uplavati] floated; rose into the surface.

uplāvita [pp.] floated.

ubbaṭṭana [nt.] rubbing of one’s body (while bathing); shampooing.

ubbattita [pp. of ubbandhi] tear out; caused to rise or swell; turned from a right course. || ubbaṭṭita (pp. of ubbaṭṭeti), rubbed; shampooed.

ubbatteti [u + vat + e] tears out; causes to rise or swell; turns from a right course. || ubbaṭṭeti (u + vaṭṭ + e), rubs; shampoos.

ubbattesi [aor. of ubbandhi] tear out; caused to rise or swell; turned from a right course. || ubbaṭṭesi (aor. of ubbaṭṭeti), rubbed; shampooed.

ubbandhati [u + bandh + a] hangs up; strangles.

ubbandhana [nt.] strangling; hanging oneself up.

ubbandhi [aor. of ubbandhati] hung up; strangled.

ubbahati [u + vah + a] pulls out; takes away; lifts.

ubbahana [nt.] lifting; bearing; pulling out.

ubbahi [aor. of ubbahati] pulled out; took away; lifted.

ubbāḷha [pp.] troubled; annoyed; harassed.

ubbigga [pp. of ubbijjati] agitated; frightened.

ubbijjati [u + vij + a] agitats; frightens.

ubbijjanā [f.] agitation; uneasiness.

ubbijji [aor. of ubbijjati] agitated; frightened.

ubbillavitatta [nt.] extreme joy.

ubbega [m.] excitement; fright.

ubbejita [pp. of ubbejeti] set into agitation; terrified.

ubbejeti [caus. of ubbijjati] sets into agitation; terrifies.

ubbejesi [aor. of ubbejeti] set into agitation; terrified.

ubbedha [m.] height.

ubbhaṭṭhaka [adj.] standing upright.

ubbhata [pp.] withdrawn; pulled out.

ubbhava [m.] origination; production.

ubbhāra [m.] withdrawal; removal.

ubbhijja [abs. of ubbhijjati] having sprung or burst upwards.

ubbhijjati [u + bhid + ya] springs up; sprouts.

ubbhijji [aor. of ubbhijjati] sprang up; sprouted.

ubbhida [nt.] kitchen salt. (m.), a spring. (adj.), bursting forth; sprouting.

ubbhinditvā [abs.] having broken.

ubbhinna [pp. of ubbhijjati] sprung up; sprouted.

ubbhujati [u + bhuj + a] lifts up; raises one’s under garment up.

ubbhuji [aor. of ubbhujati] lifted up; raised one’s under garment up.

ubhato [ind.] in both ways or sides; twofold.

ubhatomukha [adj.] double mouthed.

ubhaya [pron.] both.

ubhayathā [adv.] in both ways.

ubho : both. (This is an old remnant of the dual form in Pali).

ummagga [m.] a tunnel; devious or wrong way.

ummatta [adj.] mad; out of one’s mind.

ummattaka [adj.] one who is mad.

ummā [f.] linseed; flax.

ummāda [m.] madness.

ummādana [adj.] that which is maddening.

ummāra [m.] threshold.

ummi [f.] wave.

ummisati [u + mis + a] open one’s eyes.

ummisi [aor. of ummisati] opened one’s eyes.

ummihati [u + mih + a] urinates.

ummihi [aor. of ummihati] urinated.

ummīlana [nt.] opening of one’s eyes.

ummīleti [u + mil + e] open one’s eyes.

ummīlesi [aor. of ummīleti] opened one’s eyes.

ummuka [nt.] firebrand.

ummukha [adj.] having one’s face upwards; heedless. (pp. of ), fallen down.

ummujjati [u + mujj + a] emerges; rises out of water.

ummujjana [nt.] emergence.

ummujjanimujjā [f.] emerging and diving.

ummujjamāna [pr.p. of] emerging from.

ummujji [aor. of ummujjati] emerged; rised out of water.

ummūla [pp. of ummūleti] uprooted; destroyed.

ummūlana [nt.] uprooting.

ummūlita [pp. of ummūleti] uprooted; destroyed.

ummūleti [u + mūla + e] uproots; destroys.

ummūlesi [aor. of ummūleti] uprooted; destroyed.

uyyama [m.] exertion; effort.

uyyāna [nt.] a park; pleasure grove.

uyyānakīḷā [f.] amusement in a park.

uyyānapāla [m.] keeper of a park; gardener.

uyyānabhūmi [f.] pleasure ground.

uyyuñjati [u + yuj + ṃ-a] strives; is busy.

uyyuñjana [nt.] activity.

uyyuñjanta [pr.p. of] active; busy.

uyyuñji [aor. of uyyuñjati] strives; was busy.

uyyutta [pp. of uyyuñjati] 1. energetic; 2. parading.

uyyoga [m.] exertion; effort.

uyyojana [nt.] instigation; sending away.

uyyojita [pp. of uyyojeti] instigated; dismissed; sent off.

uyyojeti [u + yuj + e] instigates; dismisses; sends off.

uyyojesi [aor. of uyyojeti] instigated; dismissed; sent off.

uyyodhika [nt.] sham fight (of an army).

ura [m.; nt.] the breast; chest.

uraga [m.] a snake; a creeping animal.

uracakka [nt.] an iron wheel (put on the chest, as an instrument) of torture.

uracchada [m.] breast-plate.

urattāḷiṃ [adv.] beating one’s own breast.

urabbha [m.] a ram.

uru [adj.] large; wide; eminent. || ūru (m.), the thigh.

urunda [adj.] spacious.

ullaṅghana [nt.] jumping over; transgression. || ullaṅghanā (f.), jumping over; transgression.

ullaṅghita [pp. of ullaṅgheti] jumped over; transgressed.

ullaṅghiya [abs. of ullaṅgheti] having jumped over; having transgressed.

ullaṅgheti [u + lagh + e] jumps over; transgresses.

ullaṅghetvā [abs. of ullaṅgheti] having jumped over; having transgressed.

ullaṅghesi [aor. of ullaṅgheti] jumped over; transgressed.

ullapati [u + lap + a] extols; speaks in laudatory terms.

ullapanā [f.] enticement; extolling.

ullapi [aor. of ullapati] extolled; spoke in laudatory terms.

ullikhati [u + likh + a] combs; scratches.

ullikhana [nt.] combing; scratching.

ullikhi [aor. of ullikhati] combed; scratched.

ullikhita [pp. of ullikhati] combed; scratched.

ullitta [pp. of ullimpeti] plastered; covered with some kind of mortar.

ullumpati [u + lup + ṃ-a] raises up; helps.

ullumpana [nt.] raising up; saving.

ullumpi [aor. of ullumpati] raised up; helped.

ullokaka [adj.] looking at; a spectator.

ullokana [nt.] 1. looking up; 2. a window.

ulloketi [u + lok + e] looks up or for.

ullokenta [pr.p. of] looking up.

ullokesi [aor. ofulloketi] looked up or for.

ullola [m.] 1. commotion; 2. a big wave.

ullolita [pp. of ulloleti] agitated; made a commotion.

ulloleti [u + lul + e] agitates; makes a commotion.

ullolesi [aor. of ulloleti] agitated; made a commotion.

uḷāra [adj.] lofty; noble; eminent.

uḷāratā [f.] greatness; eminence.

uḷāratta [nt.] greatness; eminence.

uḷu [m.] star; constellation.

uḷukapakkhika [adj.] having a dress made of owl’s feathers.

uḷuṅka [m.] a ladle.

uḷumpa [m.] an owl.

uḷurāja [m.] the moon.

usabha [m.] a leading bull; a noble person; the length of 140 cubits.

usīra [nt.] fragrant root of Andhropogon Muricantum.

usu [m.; f.] an arrow.

usukāra [m.] arrow-maker; fletcher.

usūyaka [adj.] one who envies; jealous.

usūyati [usūy + a] is jealous; envies.

usūyanā [f.] envy; jealousy.

usūyā [f.] envy; jealousy.

usūyi [aor. of usūyati] was jealous; envied.

usmā [m.] heat.

ussaṅkī [adj.] distrustful; full of fear.

ussada [adj.] abundant; excessive; full of.

ussanna [adj.] abundant; excessive; full of.

ussannatā [f.] abundance; fullness.

ussava [m.] feast; festival; ceremony. || ussāva (m.), dew.

ussahati [u + sah + a] tries; strives; endeavours.

ussahana [nt.] striving; effort.

ussahanta [pr.p. of] trying.

ussahi [aor. of ussahati] tried; strived; endeavoured.

ussāpana [nt.] lifting up; raising.

ussāpita [pp. of ussāpeti] lifted up; hoisted; raised.

ussāpeti [u + si + āpe] lifts up; hoists; raises.

ussāpetvā [abs. of ussāpeti] having lifted up; having hoisted; having raised.

ussāpesi [aor. of ussāpeti] lifted up; hoisted; raised.

ussāraṇā [f.] tumult; rushing of a crowd; causing to move back.

ussārita [pp. of ussāreti] pushed aside.

ussāreti [u + sar + e] pushes aside.

ussāresi [aor. of ussāreti] pushed aside.

ussāvabindu [nt.] a dew-drop.

ussāha [m.] endeavour; effort.

ussāhavantu [adj.] energetic; active.

ussāhita [pp. of ussāheti] encouraged; incited.

ussāheti [caus. of ussahati] encourages; incites.

ussāhetvā [abs. of ussāheti] having encouraged; having incited.

ussāhesi [aor. of ussāheti] encouraged; incited.

ussiñcati [u + sic + ṃ-a] laves; bales; raises water.

ussiñcana [nt.] baling; raising of water.

ussiñci [aor. of ussiñcati] laved; baled; raised water.

ussita [pp.] hoisted; raised.

ussīsaka [nt.] the side where the head is laid; a pillow.

ussuka [adj.] zealous; energetic.

ussukka [nt.] zeal; energy.

ussukkati [u + suk + a] endeavours; tries.

ussukkāpeti [caus. of ussukkati] entices; arouses.

ussukkāpesi [aor. of ussukkāpeti] enticed; aroused.

ussukki [aor. of ussukkati] endeavoured; tried.

ussussati [u + sus + ya] dries up; evaporates.

ussussi [aor. of ussussati] dried up; evaporated.

ussūra [nt.] sunrise. (ussūre, when the sun is up).

ussūraseyyā [f.] sleep after sunrise.

ussoḷhi [f.] exertion.


Dhamma Paññā

BQT trang Theravāda cố gắng sưu tầm thông tin tài liệu Dhamma trợ duyên quý độc giả tìm hiểu về Dhamma - Giáo Pháp Bậc Giác Ngộ thuyết giảng suốt 45 năm sau khi Ngài chứng đắc trở thành Đức Phật Chánh Đẳng Chánh Giác vào đêm Rằm tháng 4, tìm hiểu thêm phương pháp thực hành thiền Anapana, thiền Vipassana qua các tài liệu, bài giảng, pháp thoại từ các Thiền Sư, các Bậc Trưởng Lão, Bậc Thiện Trí.