The Discourse About The Belief Systems – Ānandajoti Bhikkhu (eng)

The Discourse about the Belief Systems

Translated by Ānandajoti Bhikkhu

There are these three belief systems, monks, and though questioned, queried, and discussed by wise men, (because they) have come down from others, they persist in inaction. Which three?

There are some ascetics and brahmins, monks, who are of this argument, this view: “Whatever an individual experiences, whether pleasant, painful, or neither-painful-nor-pleasant, all of that is due to what was done in the past.”

There are some ascetics and brahmins, monks, who are of this argument, this view: “Whatever an individual experiences, whether pleasant, painful, or neither-painful-nor-pleasant, all of that is due to the power of God.”

There are some ascetics and brahmins, monks, who are of this argument, this view: “Whatever an individual experiences, whether pleasant, painful, or neither-painful-nor-pleasant, all of that has no cause or condition.”

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