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lakāra [m.] a sail.

lakuṇṭaka [adj.] dwarf.

lakkha [nt.] a mark; a target; a stake at gambling; a mark in casting up accounts; a hundred thousand.

lakkhaṇa [nt.] a sign; mark; characteristic; a prognosticative mark; a quality.

lakkhaṇapāṭhaka [m.] an expert in interpreting signs.

lakkhaṇasampatti [f.] excellency of marks.

lakkhaṇasampanna [adj.] endowed with auspicious signs.

lakkhika [adj.] fortunate.

lakkhita [pp. of lakkheti] marked; distinguished; characterised.

lakkhī [f.] good luck; prosperity; the deity of wealth.

lakkheti [lakkh + e] marks; distinguishes; characterises.

lakkhetvā [abs. of lakkheti] having marked; having distinguished; having characterised.

lakkhesi [aor. of lakkheti] marked; distinguished; characterised.

laguḷa [m.] a cudgel.

lagga [adj.] stuck; attached to.

laggati [lag + a] sticks; attaches; adheres to; hangs from.

laggana [nt.] sticking; attachment; hanging from.

laggi [aor. of laggati] stuck; attached; adhered to; hung from.

laggita [pp. of laggati] stuck; attached; adhered to; hung from. (pp. of laggeti), hung on; stuck to.

laggeti [lug + e] hangs on; sticks to.

laggetvā [abs. of laggeti] having hung on; having stuck to.

laggesi [aor. of laggeti] hung on; stuck to.

laṅgī [f.] a bolt; a bar.

laṅgula [nt.] tail.

laṅghaka [m.] jumper; an acrobat.

laṅghati [lagh + ṃ-a] jumps over; hops.

laṅghana [nt.] jumping; hopping.

laṅghi [aor. of laṅghati] jumped over; hopped. || laṅghī (m.) a jumper; a threshold.

laṅghita [pp. of laṅgheti] jumped over; discharged; transgressed.

laṅghitvā [abs. of laṅghati] having jumped over; having hopped.

laṅgheti [lagh + e] jumps over; discharges; transgresses.

laṅghetvā [abs. of laṅgheti] having jumped over; having discharged; having transgressed.

laṅghesi [aor. of laṅgheti] jumped over; discharged; transgressed.

lacchati [fut. of labhati] will get; will obtain; will attain. || lacchati = labhissati.

lajjati [lajj + a] is ashamed or abashed.

lajjana [nt.] becoming shameful.

lajjanta [pr.p. of lajjati] abashing.

lajjamāna [pr.p. of lajjati] abashing.

lajjā [f.] shame; bashfulness.

lajjāpana [nt.] putting to shame.

lajjāpita [pp. of lajjāpeti] made ashamed.

lajjāpeti [caus. of lajjati] makes ashamed.

lajjāpesi [aor. of lajjāpeti] made ashamed.

lajji [aor. of lajjati] was ashamed or abashed. || lajjī (adj.), feeling shame; modest; conscientious.

lajjita [pp. of lajjati] was ashamed or abashed.

lajjitabbaka [adj.] fit to be ashamed.

lajjitvā [abs. of lajjati] having ashamed or abashed.

lañca [m.] bribe.

lañcakhādaka [adj.] receiving bribe.

lañcadāna [nt.] bribery.

lañcha [m.] a mark; an imprint.

lañchaka [m.] one who marks of stamps.

lañchati [lanch + a] marks; stamps; seals.

lañchana [nt.] a mark; an imprint.

lañchi [aor. of lañchati] marked; stamped; sealed.

lañchita [pp. of lañchati or lañcheti] marked; stamped; sealed.

lañchitvā [abs. of lañchati] having marked; having stamped; having sealed.

lañcheti [lanch + e] marks; stamps; seals.

lañchetvā [abs. of lañcheti] having marked; having stamped; having sealed.

lañchesi [aor. of lañcheti] marked; stamped; sealed.

laṭukikā [f.] the Indian quail.

laṭṭhi [f.] a staff; a young tree.

laṭṭhikā [f.] a staff; a young tree.

laṇḍa [m.] dung of animals.

laṇḍikā [f.] dung of animals.

latā [f.] a creeper.

latākamma [nt.] creeper-work (in painting).

laddha [pp. of labhati or labbhati] obtained; received. || laddhā (abs. of labhati) having got, received, or attained.

laddhaka [adj.] charming; pleasant.

laddhaguṇa [m.] the virtues one has attained.

laddhabba [pt.p.] what should be received.

laddhabhāva [m.] the fact of receiving or attainment.

laddhāna [abs. of labhati] having got, received, or attained.

laddhāssāda [(laddha + assāda), adj.] being refreshed; recovered from a trouble.

laddhi [f.] a view of theory.

laddhika [adj.] having a certain view.

laddhuṃ [inf. of labhati] to get; to receive.

lapati [lap + a] speaks; talks; prattles.

lapana [nt.] the mouth; speech. || lapanā (f.), prattling; flattering.

lapanaja [m.] a tooth.

lapi [aor. of lapati] spoke; talked; prattled.

lapita [pp. of lapati] spoken; talked; prattled.

lapitvā [abs. of lapati] having spoken; having talked; having prattled.

labuja [m.] the breadfruit tree.

labbhati [labh + ya] to be obtained or received.

labbhamāna [pr.p. of labbhati] obtaining; receiving.

labbhā [ind.] possible; allowable; may be obtained.

labhati [labh + a] gets; obtains; attains.

labhanta [pr.p. of labhati] getting; obtaining; attaining.

labhi [aor. of labhati] got; obtained; attained. || lābhī (m.), one who gains much.

labhituṃ [inf. of labhati] to get; to receive.

labhitvā [abs. of labhati] having got; having obtained; having attained.

labhissati [fut. of labhati]  

lamba [adj.] hanging from; pendulous.

lambaka [nt.] that which is hanging down; a pendulum.

lambati [lab +ṃ-a] hangs down; suspends.

lambanta [pr.p. of lambati] hanging down; suspending.

lambamāna [pr.p. of lambati] hanging down; suspending.

lambi [aor. of lambati] hung down; suspended.

lambita [pp. of lambeti] caused ot hang or suspend.

lambitvā [abs. of lambati] having hung down; having suspended.

lambeti [caus. of lambati] causes to hang or suspend.

lambetvā [abs. of lambeti] having caused ot hang or suspend.

lambesi [aor. of lambeti] caused ot hang or suspend.

laya [m.] a brief measure of time.

lalanā [f.] a woman. || lālana (nt.), dalliance; lulling.

lalita [nt.] grace; charm. || lālita (pp. of lāleti), lulled; quelled; soothed.

lava [m.] a drop.

lavaṅga [nt.] the cloves.

lavaṇa [nt.] salt.

lavana [nt.] mowing; reaping.

lasati [las + a] shines; plays.

lasi [aor. of lasati] shone; played. || lasī (f.) brains.

lasikā [f.] synovic fluid.

lasuṇa [nt.] garlic.

lahu [adj.] light; quick, (nt.) a short; vowel.

lahuṃ [adv.] quickly.

lahuka [adj.] light; trifling; buoyant.

lahukaṃ [adv.] quickly.

lahutā [f.] lightness; buoyancy.

lahuparivatta [adj.] quickly changing.

lahuso [adv.] quickly.

lākhā [f.] lac; sealing wax.

lākhārasa [m.] lac-colouring.

lāja [m.] parched corn.

lājapañcamaka [adj.] having parched corn as the fifth.

lāpa [m.] a sort of quail.

lāpu [f.] gourd.

lābu [f.] gourd.

lābukaṭāha [adj.] the outer crust of a gourd used as a vessel.

lābha [m.] gain; acquisition. || lābhā (ind.), it is profitable; it is a gain.

lābhakamyatā [f.] desire for gain.

lābhagga [m.] the highest gain.

lābhamacchariya [nt.] selfishness in gain.

lābhasakkāra [m.] gain and honour.

lāmaka [adj.] inferior; low; sinful.

lāyaka [m.] a reaper; mower.

lāyati [lā +ya] reaps; mows.

lāyi [aor. of lāyati] reaped; mowed.

lāyita [pp. of lāyati] reaped; mowed.

lāyitvā [abs. of lāyati] having reaped; having mowed.

lālapati [lap + a] talks much; laments.

lālapi [aor. of lālapati] talked much; lamented.

lālapita [pp. of lālapati] talked much; lamented.

lāleti [lal + e] lulls; quells; soothes.

lāletvā [abs. of lāleti] having lulled; having quelled; having soothed.

lālesi [aor. of lāleti] lulled; quelled; soothed.

lāsa [m.] dancing; sport.

lāsana [nt.] dancing; sport.

likuca [m.] bread-fruit tree.

likkhā [f.] an egg of a louse; a measure named after it.

likhati [likh + a] writes; inscribes; carves; scratches.

likhana [nt.] writing; cutting into pieces.

likhanta [pr.p. of likhati] writing; inscribing; carving; scratching.

likhāpeti [caus. of likhati] causes to make one write.

likhāpetvā [abs. of likhāpeti] having caused to make one write.

likhāpesi [aor. of likhāpeti] caused to make one write.

likhi [aor. of likhati] wrote; inscribed; carved; scratched.

likhita [pp. of likhati] writen; inscribed; carved; scratched.

likhitaka [m] one who has been prescribed; an outlaw.

likhituṃ [inf. of likhati] to write; to inscribe; to carve; to scratch.

likhitvā [abs. of likhati] having writen; having inscribed; having carved; having scratched.

liṅga [nt.] sign; mark; attribute; feature; the generative organ; the gender (in grammar).

liṅgaparivattana [nt.] change of the gender or sex.

liṅgavipallāsa [m.] change of the gender or sex.

liṅgika [adj.] pertaining to a gender or generative organ.

liṅgiya [abs.] having clasped.

litta [pp. of limpati or lepeti] smeared; stained; anointed.

lipi [f.] a writing; a letter.

lipikāra [m.] a writer; scribe; clerk.

limpati [lip + ṃ-a] smears; stains; anoints.

limpana [nt.] smearing with.

limpāpeti [caus. of limpeti] causes to anoint; causes to smeare.

limpi [aor. of limpati] smeared; stained; anointed.

limpita [pp. of limpeti] anointed; smeared; plastered.

limpitvā [abs. of limpati] having smeared; having stained; having anointed.

limpeti [lip + e] anoints; smears; plasters.

limpetvā [abs. of limpeti] having anointed; having smeared; having plastered.

limpenta [pr.p. of limpeti] anointing; smearing; plastering.

limpesi [aor. of limpeti] anointed; smeared; plastered.

lihati [lih + a] licks.

lihamāna [pr.p. of lihati] licking.

lihi [aor. of lihati] licked.

lihitvā [abs. of lihati] having licked.

lihimāna [pr.p. of lihati] licking.

līna [pp. of līyati] shrunk; shy; reserved.

līnatā [f.] sluggishness; shyness.

līnatta [nt.] sluggishness; shyness.

līyati [li + ya] shrinks; withers; clings to.

līyana [nt.] shrinking; withering.

līyamāna [pr.p. of līyati] shrinking; withering; clinging to.

līyi [aor. of līyati] shrunk (shrank); withered; clung to.

līyitvā [abs. of līyati] having shrunk (shrank); having withered; having clung to.

līlā [f.] grace; charm.

lugga [pp. of lujjati] broken up; felt apart.

lujjati [luj + ya] breaks up; falls apart.

lujjana [nt.] crumbling; dissolution.

lujji [aor. of lujjati] broke up; felt apart.

lujjitvā [abs. of lujjati] having broken up; having felt apart.

luñcati [luñc + a] pulls out; uproots.

luñci [aor. of luñcati] pulled out; uprooted.

luñcita [pp. of luñcati] pulled out; uprooted.

luñcitvā [abs. of luñcati] having pulled out; having uprooted.

luta [pp. of lunāti] mowed.

lutta [pp. of lopeti] cut off; elided; plundered of.

ludda [adj.] fierce; cruel. (m.), huntsman.

luddaka [m.] a hunter.

luddha [pp. of lubbhati] was greedy; covetous.

lunāti [lu + nā] cuts off; mows; reaps.

luni [aor. of lunāti] cut off; mowed; reaped.

lubbhati [lubh + ya] is greedy; covets.

lubbhana [nt.] greediness.

lubbhi [aor. of lubbhati] was greedy; coveted.

lumpati [lup +ṃ-a] plunders; eats.

lumpana [nt.] plundering; eating.

lumpi [aor. of lumpati] plundered; ate.

lumpita [pp. of lumpati] plundered; eaten.

lumpitvā [abs. of lumpati] having plundered; having eaten.

luḷita [pp.] stirred; disturbed.

lūkha [adj.] rough; coarse; miserable.

lūkhacīvara [adj.] wearing coarse robes.

lūkhatā [f.] coarseness.

lūkhappasanna [adj.] devoted to a person who is shabby.

lūkhājīvī [(lūkha + ājīvī), adj.] leading a miserable life.

lūṇa [pp. of lūnati] reaped; mowed.

lūna [pp. of lūnati] reaped; mowed.

lūyati [v.] is reaped.

lekhaka [m.] a scribe; clerk; writer.

lekhana [nt.] writing; a letter; an inscription.

lekhanī [f.] a pen.

lekhamukha [nt.] a nib.

lekhā [f.] writing; a letter; an inscription; a line; the art of writing.

lekhikā [f.] a female clerk.

leḍḍu [m.] a clod of earth.

leḍḍupāta [m.] a stone’s throw.

leṇa [nt.] safety; a cave; a rock cell.

lepa [m.] coating; plastering a plaster.

lepana [nt.] a smearing; coating.

lepita [pp. of lepeti] plastered; coated with; smeared.

lepeti [lip + e] plasters; coats with; smears.

lepetvā [abs. of lepeti] having plastered; having coated with; having smeared.

lepenta [pr.p. of lepeti] plastering; coating with; smearing.

lepesi [aor. of lepeti] plastered; coated with; smeared.

leyya [adj.] fit to be licked or sipped. (nt.), mucilaginous food.

lesa [m.] a trifle; a pretext; trick.

loka [m.] the world; the population.

lokagga [m.] the chief of the world.

lokadhātu [f.] the world system.

lokanātha [m.] the lord of the world.

lokanāyaka [m.] the lord of the world.

lokanirodha [m.] destruction of the existence.

lokanta [m.] the end of the world.

lokantagū [m.] one who has reached the end of the things worldly.

lokantara [nt.] a different world; the space between the worlds.

lokantarika [adj.] situated between the worlds.

lokapāla [m.] a guardian of the world.

lokavajja [nt.] a common sin.

lokavivaraṇa [nt.] unveiling of the universe.

lokavohāra [m.] ordinary way of speaking.

lokādhipacca [(loka + ādhipacca), nt.] domination of the world.

lokānukampā [f.] sympathy with the world of men.

lokāyatika [adj.] one who holds the view of nature-lore; a nihilist.

lokika [adj.] worldly; mundane.

lokiya [adj.] worldly; mundane.

lokuttara [adj.] super-mundane; transcendental.

lokesa [m.] the Brahma; the creator.

locaka [adj.] one who pulls out or uproots.

locana [nt.] the eye.

loṇa [nt.] salt. (adj.), salty.

loṇakāra [m.] salt-maker.

loṇadhūpana [nt.] flavouring with salt.

loṇaphala [nt.] a crystal of salt.

loṇasakkharā [f.] a crystal of salt.

loṇika [adj.] alkaline.

loṇī [f.] a salt-pan; a lagoon.

lopa [m.] elision; cutting off.

lobha [m.] greed; covetousness.

lobhanīya [adj.] to be coveted; desirable.

lobhamūlaka [adj.] having greed as its root.

loma [nt.] the hair on the body.

lomaṃ pāteti : submits.

lomakūpa [m.] a pore of the skin.

lomasa [adj.] hairy; covered with hair.

lomasapāṇaka [m.] a caterpillar.

lomahaṃsa [m.] horripilation.

lomahaṃsana [nt.] horripilation.

lomahaṭṭha [adj.] having hair standing on the end.

lola [adj.] greedy; unsteady.

lolatā [f.] eagerness; greed.

lolupa [adj.] covetous; greedy.

loluppa [nt.] greed.

loleti [lul + e] stirs; shakes; agitates.

loha [nt.] metal; copper.

lohakaṭāha [m.] a copper receptacle.

lohakāra [m.] a coppersmith; metal worker.

lohakumbhī [f.] a pot made of copper.

lohaguḷa [m.] a lump of metal.

lohajāla [nt.] a brass netting.

lohatatuppādaka [m.] one who sheds the blood (of a Buddha).

lohathālaka [m.] a brass plate or bowl.

lohapāsāda [m.] name of the palatial chapter house in Anurādhapura, which was covered with copper tiles.

lohapiṇḍa [m.] a lump of metal.

lohabhaṇḍa [nt.] copper ware.

lohamaya [adj.] made of copper.

lohamāsaka [m.] a copper coin.

lohasalakā [f.] a brass wire or pin.

lohita [nt.] blood. (adj.), red.

lohitaka [adj.] red.

lohitakkha [adj.] having red eyes.

lohitaṅka [m.] a ruby.

lohitacandana [nt.] red sandal-wood.

lohitapakkhandikā [f.] bloody diarrhoea.

lohitabhakkha [adj.] feeding on blood.

lohituppādaka [m.] one who sheds the blood (of a Buddha).

Dhamma Paññā

BQT trang Theravāda cố gắng sưu tầm thông tin tài liệu Dhamma trợ duyên quý độc giả tìm hiểu về Dhamma - Giáo Pháp Bậc Giác Ngộ thuyết giảng suốt 45 năm sau khi Ngài chứng đắc trở thành Đức Phật Chánh Đẳng Chánh Giác vào đêm Rằm tháng 4, tìm hiểu thêm phương pháp thực hành thiền Anapana, thiền Vipassana qua các tài liệu, bài giảng, pháp thoại từ các Thiền Sư, các Bậc Trưởng Lão, Bậc Thiện Trí.