Dawn Of Buddhism – Upyanna Vamsa (eng)

Dawn Of Buddhism

By UPyanna Vamsa


“Dawn of Buddhism” is yet another important milestone for the Buddhist literature published, for its contains unusual useful facts. The information incorporated is to make the book delightful to the research students and Dhamma practitioners. However the sole aim of this book is to disseminate the Buddha’s teachings lucidly and harmoniously. 

Dawn of Buddhism, as the name implies, presents the budding of Buddhism, when everything is fresh and new, yearning for growth and maturity. So are the many final endings in this book displayed in this manner, leaving the end-destinations for the readers to discover for themselves in earnest quest. This is partly planned to syncronize with the book theme and partly to invoke the sense of research adventure, without losing the thrill of self-reliance; an important fact in the Teachings of Buddha. 

Originally, it was intended to cover only from birth to enlightenment of the Buddha, touching on the earlier chapters of Buddhist episode. However, when the storey-line fabric was woven, it inadvertently split over onto the later part, making the picture complete, even though somewhat superficially. 

The fervent wish to share Buddhist knowledge is the salient feature of this publication. Therefore, the seldom printed facts about the righ and left flanking great disciples of the Buddha, are listed therein. So also are the 
“specialist” disciples, males and females, mentioned in this book too. 

Finally I hope that all readers and scholars will find this book an appreciative literature to treasure. As in all things, the occurrence of error and omission in printed literature, makes it an authentic human endeavour, even after a stringent proof-reading and many repeated checkings. In this matter I sincerely apologise for any short-coming found in this book. 

If, by the concerted effort and co-operation culminating in the success of this publication should earn merit, may it be shared with all ourn readers. 

May all beings be well and happy. 

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