2. Dukanipāta 14. Santhāravaggo
Aṅguttara Nikāya
2. Dukanipāta
14. Santhāravaggo
152. Bhikkhus, these two are spreadings. What two? The material spread and the spread of the Teaching.
Of the two, the spread of the Teaching is better.
153. Bhikkhus, these two are friendly welcomes. What two? The material friendly welcome and the friendly welcome of the Teaching.
Of the two, the friendly welcome of the Teaching is better.
154. Bhikkhus, these two are desires. What two? The material desires and desires of the Teaching.
Of the two, desires of the Teaching are better.
155. Bhikkhus, these two are pursuits. What two? The material pursuit and the pursuit of the Teaching.
Of the two, the pursuit of the Teaching is better.
156. Bhikkhus, these two are searchings. What two? The material search and the search in the Teaching.
Of the two, the search in the Teaching is better.
157. Bhikkhus, these two are offerings. What two? The offering of material and the offering of the Teaching. Of the two, the offering of the Teaching is better.
158. Bhikkhus, these two are fine thefts. What two? The material fine theft and the fine theft of the Teaching. Of the two, the fine theft of the Teaching is better.
159. Bhikkhus, these two are the potencies. What two? Material potency and the potency of the Teaching.
Of the two, the potency of the Teaching is better.
160. Bhikkhus, these two are growths. What two? Material growth and growth of the Teaching.
Of the two, growth of the Teaching is better.
161. Bhikkhus, these two are jewels. What two? The material jewel and the jewel of the Teaching.
Of the two, the jewel of the Teaching is better.
162. Bhikkhus, these two are accumulations. What two? The material accumulation and the accumulation of the Teaching. Of the two, the accumulation of the Teaching is better.
163. Bhikkhus, these two are complete developments. What two? The complete development of material and the complete development of the Teaching Of the two, the complete of the Teaching is better.