Buddhism is a great religion which enlightened humanity twenty-five centuries ago and released from all bondages, superstitious practices. It is a scientific religion. Gotama the Buddha is honoured today by every cultured and intelectual man irrespective of whatever religion he may profess, while the founders of most of the other religions are honoured only by their followers. Not only those who belong to some religions but also so-called free thinkers respect this world honoured Supreme Enlightened One. From the historical point of view there never lived any other Teacher who has ever given so much religious freedom as well as due credit to humanity. Before the advent of the Buddha, religion had been owned and monopolised only by a certain section of the society. The Buddha was the Teacher in history who indiscriminately opened the gate of religion to each and every man society. The Buddha has advised his followers to cultivate and develop the latent power of man and showed him how to make the best use of his willpower and intelligance without being a slave to an unknown being to find eternal hapiness which He proclaimed to the world through His own experience but not through therories, mere beliefs and traditional practices. His teaching is such that anyone can practise it without having any religious brand.

To compile this book I have selected various statements made by eminent philosophers, scholars, historians, scientists, writers, religious dignitaries, social reformers and politicians who are well-known to the modern-world as most intellectual people. Among them many are non-Buddhist and free thinkers. According to them, Buddhism is the most practical and rational religion which will apeal to scientific knowledge and which really can do a better service to mankind if the followers practise this religion properly.

It therefore gives me great pleasure to present these valuable quotations extracted from various books and articles. Whatever may be the opinion of those who have given Buddhism the topmost place in the religious field, the compiler by quoting them, does not mean to belittle other religious beliefs, for the idea of publishing this book is not to show the superiority of Buddhism over other religions but on the contrary to reflect the unbiased views expressed by various intellectuals.

All the captions to the statements in this book were given by the compiler.


The Buddha’s greatness

I cannot myself feel that either in the matter of wisdom or in the matter of virtue Christ stands quite as high as some other people known to history – I think I should put Buddha above him in those respects.

– Bertrand Russell, ” Why I am not a Christian”

Embodiment of virtues

Buddha was the embodiment of all virtues he preached. During his successful and eventful ministry of 45 years he translated all his words into action; and in no place did he give vent to any human frailty, or any base passion. The Buddha’s moral code is the most perfect which the world has ever known.

– Prof. Max Muller, German Scholar

Blossom of the human tree

This is the blossom on our human tree
Which opens in many a myriad years
But opened, fills the world with wisdom’s scent
And love’s dropped honey.

– Sir Edwin Arnold, “Light of Asia”

Buddha is nearer to us

You see clearly a man, simple, devout, lonely, battling for light, a vivid human personality, not a myth. Beneath a mass of miraculous fable I feel that there also was a man. He too, gave a message to mankind universal in its character. Many of our best modern ideas are in closest harmony with it. All the miseries and discontents of life are due, he taught, to selfishness. Selfishness takes three forms – one, the desire to satisfy the senses; second, the craving for immortality; and the third the desire for prosperity and worldliness. Before a man can become serene he must cease to live for his senses or himself.

Then he merges into a great being. Buddha in a different language called men to self-forgetfulness five hundred years before Christ. In some ways he was nearer to us and our needs. Buddha was more lucid upon our individual importance in service than Christ, and less ambiguous upon the queation of personal immortality.

– H.G. Wells

Most Noble of Mankind

If you desire to see the most noble of mankind, look at the king in beggar’s clothing; it is he whose sanctity is great among men.

– Abdul Atahiya, A Muslim Poet

Buddha’s Method

If any question has to be considered, it has to be considered peacefully and democratically in the way taught by the Buddha.

– Nehru

Lunatic and a Sane Man

The difference between the Buddha and an ordinary man is like the difference between a sane man and a lunatic

– A writer

Homage to Buddha

Lord Buddha could be very easily singled out as the one person known to man who received homage from the greatest number of mankind.

-Prof. Saunders, Literary Secretary Y.M.C.A. India, Burma, Ceylon

Buddha’s Message

The Buddha has been something greater than all doctrine and dogma, and his eternal message has thrilled humanity through the ages. Perhaps at no time in past history was his message of peace more needed for a suffering and distracted humanity than it is today.

– Nehru

Negative Answer of The Buddha

If we ask, for instance, whether the position of the electron remains the same, we must say ‘no’; if we ask whether the electron’s position changes with time, we must say ‘no’; if we ask whether it is in motion, we must say ‘no’. The Buddha has given such answers when interrogated as to the conditions of a man’s self after his death; but they are not familiar answers for the tradition of seventeenth and eighteenth century science.

– J. Robert Oppenheimer

We are impressed by His spirit of Reason

When we read Buddha’s discourses, we are impressed by his spirit of reason. His ethical path has for its first step right views, a rational outlook. He endeavours to brush aside all cobwebs that interfere with mankind’s vision of itself and its destiny.

– Dr. S Radhakrishnan,“Gautama The Buddha”

Cool Head and Loving Heart

The most striking thing about the Buddha is almost a unique combination of a cool scientific head and profound sympathy of a warm and loving heart. The world today turns more and more towards the Buddha, for he alone represents the consience of humanity.

– Moni Bagghee,“Our Buddha”

Philosophic genius

The Buddha was a pioneer as a lover of men, and a philosophic genius rolled into a single vigorous and radiant personality. He had things to say that no man or woman, after 2500 years of bustling and hustling and chattering round the fountain of knowledge, can afford to ignore. Greater perhaps than his wisdom was the example he set.

-Moni Bagghee,“Our Buddha”

He does not speak of sin

Serenity of spirit and love for all sentient creation are enjoined by the Buddha. He does not speak of sin, but only of ignorance and foolishness which could be cured by enlightenment and sympathy.

– Dr. S Radhakrisnan,“Gautama the Buddha”

Buddha is like a physician

The Buddha is like a physician. Just as a doctor must know the diagnosis of the different kinds of illness, their causes, the antidotes and remedies, and must be able to apply them, so also the Buddha has taught the Four Holy Truths which indicate the range of suffering, its origin, its cessation, and the way which lead to its cessation.

– Dr. Edward Conze,“Buddhism”

Buddha is for whole mankind

The Buddha is not a property of Buddhists only. He is the property of whole mankind. His teaching is common to everybody. Every religion, which came into existence after the Buddha, has borrowed many good ideas from the Buddha.

– A Muslim Scholar

A Wise Father

Buddha is one who sees his children playing in the consuming fire of worldliness and employs different expedients to bring them out of this burning house and lead them to the safe asylum of Nirvana.

– Prof.Lakshimi Nasaru, “The Essence of Buddhism”

Buddha is the way

I feel more and more that Sakyamuni is the nearest in character and effect to Him who is the Way, the Truth, and The Life.

– Bishop Milman

A Radiant Sun

In this world of storm and strife, hatred and violence, the message of the Buddha shines like a radiant sun. Perhaps at no time was that message more needed than in the world of atomic and hydrogen bombs. Two thousand five hundred years have only added to the vitality and truth of that message. Let us remember that immortal message and try to fashion our thoughts and actions in the light of the teaching. We may face with equanimity even the terrors of the atomic bomb age and help a little in promoting right thinking and right action.

– Nehru

Greatest man ever born

Here is a teaching we can follow with confidence. Where in the world of religions, cults and creeds, can we find a master of such brilliance? In a pageant of stars he was a giant of the greatest magnitude. Little wonder that scientists, philosophers, and men of literature have proclaimed Him ‘the Greatest man ever born’. The radiance of this great teacher goes through a world of suffering and darkness, like a beacon light to guide and illuminate mankind.

– A European Writer

Source: Budsas.org