– B – Concise Pali-english Dictionary

– B –

baka [m.] a crane; heron.

bakkhituṃ [inf. of bhakkhati] to eat; to feed upon.

bajjhati [pass. of bandhati] is bound or captivated; is caught (in a trap etc.).

battiṃsati [f.] thirty-two.

badara [nt.] jujube fruit.

badaramissa [adj.] mixed with jujube.

badarī [f.] the jujube tree.

badālatā [f.] a creeper of sweet taste.

baddha [pp. of bandhati] bound; trapped; fastened; combined; put together.

baddhañjalika [adj.] keeping the hands reverently extended.

baddharāva [m.] the cry of the trapped or caught.

baddhavera [nt.] contracted enmity. (adj.), having such enmity.

badhira [adj.] deaf; a person who is deaf.

bandha [m.] bound; fetter; attachment; imprisonment.

bandhati [bandh + a] binds; combines; unites; ties on; captures; composes.

bandhana [nt.] bound; fetter; attachment; imprisonment; binding; bondage; something to bind with.

bandhanāgāra [nt.] a prison.

bandhanāgārika [m.] a prisoner; prison-keeper.

bandhanīya [pt.p. of bandhati] should be combined; should be united.

bandhanta [pr.p. of bandhati] combining; capturing.

bandhava [m.] kinsman; relative; relation.

bandhāpita [pp. of bandhāpeti] caused to be bound or fettered.

bandhāpeti [caus. of bandhati] causes to be bound or fettered.

bandhāpesi [aor. of bandhāpeti] caused to be bound or fettered.

bandhi [aor. of bandhati] combined; united.

bandhitabba [pt.p. of bandhati] should be combined; should be united.

bandhituṃ [inf. of bandhati] to combine; to unite; to capture.

bandhitvā [abs. of bandhati] having combined; having united.

bandhiya [abs. of bandhati] having combined; having united.

bandhu [m.] kinsman; relative; relation.

bandhujīvaka [m.] the China-rose plant.

bandhumantu [adj.] having relatives; rich in kinsmen.

babbaja [nt.] the fragrant root of the Andropogon Muricatus.

babbu [m.] a cat.

babbuka [m.] a cat.

baraṇaseyyaka [adj.] made in or coming from Benares.

barihisa [nt.] Kusa-grass.

bala [nt.] strength; power; force; an army; military force. || bāla (adj.) young in years; ignorant; foolish. (m.) a child; a fool. bālā (f.) a girl.

balakāya [m.] an army.

balakoṭṭhaka [nt.] a stronghold; fortress.

balakkāra [m.] violence; application of force.

balattha [m.] a soldier; member of an army. || balaṭṭha (m.) a soldier; member of an army.

balada [adj.] strength-giving; bestowal of power.

baladāna [nt.] bestowal of power.

balappatta [adj.] come into power; grown strong.

balamattā [f.] a little strength.

balavantu [adj.] powerful.

balavāhana [nt.] the soldiers and vehicles.

balākayoni [f.] a species of crane.

balākā [f.] a brown crane. || bālaka (m.) a child.

bali [m.] religious offering; revenue; tax. || balī (adj.) powerful; strong.

balikamma : an oblation.

balikā [f.] a girl.

balipaṭiggāhaka [adj.] receiving oblations or revenues.

balipuṭṭha [m.] a crow.

balivadda [m.] an ox.

baliharaṇa [nt.] collecting of taxes.

bavhābādha [adj.] full of sickness.

bahala [adj.] thick; dense.

bahalatta [nt.] thickness.

bahi [ind.] outer; external; outside.

bahigata [adj.] gone outside.

bahijana [m.] outside people.

bahiddhā [ind.] outside; outer.

bahinagara [nt.] the outer city or outside the city.

bahinikkhamana [nt.] going out.

bahu [adj.] much; many; plenty; abundant. (plu.) many persons. || bāhu (m.) the arm.

bahualīkamma [nt.] continuous practice; zealous exercise.

bahuka [adj.] many.

bahukaraṇīya [adj.] having much to do; busy.

bahukāra [adj.] of great service; very useful.

bahukicca [adj.] having much to do; busy.

bahukkhattuṃ [adv.] many times.

bahujana [m.] a mass of people.

bahujāgara [adj.] very wakeful.

bahutara [adj.] much; more.

bahutta [nt.] manifoldness; multiplicity.

bahudhana [adj.] with many riches.

bahudhā [adv.] in many ways.

bahuppada [adj.] many-footed; giving much.

bahubbīhi : the Relative Compound.

bahubhaṇda [adj.] having an abundance of goods.

bahubhāṇī [adj.] one who speaks much.

bahubhāva [m.] abundance.

bahumata [adj.] much esteemed; accepted by many.

bahumāna [m.] respect; esteem; veneration.

bahumānana [nt.] respect; esteem; veneration.

bahumānita [adj.] much esteemed.

bahula [adj.] abundant; frequent.

bahulaṃ [adv.] mostly; frequently.

bahulatā [f.] abundance.

bahulatta [nt.] abundance.

bahulīkata [pp. of bahulīkaroti] took up seriously; increased. (adj.), practised frequently.

bahulīkamma [nt.] continuous practice; zealous exercise.

bahulīkaraṇa [nt.] continuous practice; zealous exercise.

bahulīkari [aor. of bahulīkaroti] took up seriously; increased.

bahulīkaroti [bahula + ī + kar + o] takes up seriously; increases.

bahulīkāra [m.] continuous practice; zealous exercise.

bahullya [nt.] abundance; luxurious living.

bahuvacana [nt.] the plural number.

bahuvidha [adj.] manifold; multiform.

bahuso [adv.] mostly; frequently; repeatedly.

bahussuta [adj.] very learned.

bahūpakāra [adj.] very helpful.

bāṇa [m.] an arrow.

bāṇadhi [m.] a quiver.

bādhaka [adj.] preventing; harassing; obstructing.

bādhakatta [nt.] the fact of being obstructive.

bādhati [bādh + a] hinders; obstructs; afflicts; ensnares.

bādhana [nt.] hindrance; affliction; snaring; catching.

bādhā [f.] hindrance; prevention.

bādhi [aor. of bādhati] hindered; obstructed; afflicted; ensnared.

bādhita [pp. of bādhati] hindered; obstructed; afflicted; ensnared. (pp. of bādheti), oppressed; afflicted; harassed; ensnared; prevented.

bādhitvā [abs. of bādhati] having hindered; having obstructed; having afflicted; having ensnared.

bādheti [badh + e] oppresses; afflicts; harasses; ensnares; prevents.

bādhetvā [abs. of bādheti] having harrassed; having ensnared.

bādhenta [pr.p. of bādheti] oppressing; afflicting.

bādhesi [aor. of bādheti] oppressed; afflicted; harassed; ensnared; prevented.

bārasa [adj.] twelve.

bārāṇasī [f.] the city of Benares.

bārāṇasīṇaseyyaka [adj.] made in or coming from Benares.

bālatā [f.] foolishness.

bālisika [m.] a fisherman.

bālya [nt.] childhood; folly.

bāḷha [adj.] strong; much; excessive.

bāḷhaṃ [adv.] strongly; excessively; very much.

bāvīsati [f.] twenty-two.

bāhā [f.] the arm; a post; a handle.

bāhābala [nt.] power of the arm, i.e. manual labour.

bāhita [pp. of bāheti] kept away; warded off; removed.

bāhira [adj.] external; outer; foreign. (nt.), outside.

bāhiraka [adj.] of another faith; outsider.

bāhirakapabbajjā [f.] the ascetic life other than that of Buddhist monks.

bāhiratta [nt.] eternality.

bāhujañña [adj.] belonging to the public.

bāhulika [adj.] living in abundance.

bāhulla [nt.] abundance; luxurious living.

bāhullaya [nt.] abundance; luxurious living.

bāhusacca [nt.] great learning.

bāheti [vah + e] keeps away; wards off; removes.

bāhetvā [abs. of bāheti] having kept away; having warded off; having removed.

bāhesi [aor. of bāheti] kept away; warded off; removed.

bidala [nt.] a split pea or bamboo; a lath.

bindu [nt.] a drop; a dot; a trifle.

bindumatta [adj.] as much as a drop.

bindumattaṃ [adv.] only a drop.

bimba [nt.] an image; figure; the disk (of the sun or moon). || bimbā (f.) name of the Prince Siddharth’s wife.

bimbikā [f.] the creeper brayonia grandis, which produces red oval fruits.

bimbī [f.] the creeper brayonia grandis, which produces red oval fruits.

bila [nt.] a den; a hole; a portion.

bilaṅga [m.] vinegar.

bilaṅgathālikā [f.] a kind of torture.

bilaso [adv.] in portions or heaps.

billa [m.] the marmelos tree.

biḷāra [m.] a cat.

biḷārabhastā [f.] the bellows.

biḷālī [f.] a she cat; a kind of bulbous plant.

bīja [nt.] seed; germ; generating element.

bījakosa [m.] the capsule or seed vessel of flowers; the scrotum.

bījagāma [m.] seed-kingdom.

bījajāta [nt.] species of seed.

bījabīja [nt.] plants propagated by seeds.

bībhacca [adj.] awful; horrible.

bīraṇa [nt.] the grass andropogon muricatus, which produces fragrant roots.

bīraṇatthambha [m.] a bush of the above said grass.

bujjhati [budh + ya] knows; understands; perceives; is awake.

bujjhana [nt.] awakening; attaining knowledge.

bujjhanaka [adj.] intelligent; prudent.

bujjhanta [pr.p. of bujjhati] knowing; understanding.

bujjhamāna [pr.p. of bhujjhati] perceiving.

bujjhi [aor. of bujjhati] knew; understood; perceived.

bujjhitu [m.] one who awakes or becomes enlightened.

bujjhitvā [abs. of bujjhati] having known; having understood; having perceived.

buḍḍhatara [adj.] older.

buddha [pp. of bujjhati] known; understood; perceived. (m.), one who has attained enlightenment; the Enlightened One. || buḍḍha (adj.) aged; old.

buddhañāṇa [nt.] the boundless knowledge.

buddhakārakadhamma [m.] the practices bringing about Buddhahood.

buddhakāla [m.] the time when a Buddha appears.

buddhakolāhala [m.] the announcement about coming of a Buddha.

buddhakkhetta [nt.] the sphere where a Buddha’s power exists.

buddhaguṇa [m.] virtues of a Buddha.

buddhaṅkura [m.] one who is destined to be a Buddha.

buddhacakkhu [nt.] the faculty of complete intuition.

buddhatta [nt.] the state of a Buddha.

buddhantara [nt.] the interval between the appearance of one Buddha and next.

buddhaputta [m.] a disciple of a Buddha.

buddhabala [nt.] the force of a Buddha.

buddhabhāva [m.] the Buddhahood.

buddhabhūta [pp.] become enlightened.

buddhabhūmi [f.] the ground of Buddhahood.

buddhamāmaka [adj.] devoted or attached to the Buddha.

buddharaṃsi [f.] rays from the person of the Buddha.

buddharasmi [f.] rays from the person of the Buddha.

buddhalīḷhā [f.] grace of a Buddha.

buddhavacana [nt.] the teaching of the Buddha.

buddhavisaya [m.] the scope of a Buddha.

buddhaveneyya [adj.] to be converted by a Buddha.

buddhasāsana [nt.] the teaching of the Buddha.

buddhānubhāva [m.] the majestic power of the Buddha.

buddhānussati [(buddha + anussati), f.] mindfulness upon the Buddha’s virtues.

buddhārammaṇa [adj.] having its foundation in the Buddha.

buddhālambana [adj.] having its foundation in the Buddha.

buddhi [f.] a wisdom; intelligence.

buddhimantu [adj.] wise; intelligent.

buddhisampanna [adj.] wise; intelligent.

buddhopaṭṭhāka [(buddha + upaṭṭhāka) adj.] attending the Buddha.

buddhoppāda [(buddha + uppāda) m.] the age in which a Buddha is born.

budha [m.] a wise man; the planet mercury.

budhavāra [m.] Wednesday.

bubbula [nt.] a bubble.

bubbulaka [nt.] a bubble.

bubhukkhati [bhuj + kha; bhu is doubled, the first bh is changed to b and j to k] wishes to eat.

bubhukkhi [aor. of bubhukkhati] wished to eat.

bubhukkhita [pp. of bubhukkhati] wished to eat.

beluva [m.] the tree Aegle Marmelos.

beluvapakka [nt.] a ripe fruit of Marmelos.

beluvalaṭṭhi [f.] a young Marmelos tree.

beluvasalāṭuka [nt.] unripe fruit of Marmelos.

bojjhaṅga [nt.] a factor of knowledge or wisdom.

bodha [m.] enlightenment; knowledge.

bodhana [nt.] enlightenment; knowledge.

bodhanīya [adj.] capable of being enlightened.

bodhaneyya [adj.] capable of being enlightened.

bodhi [f.] supreme knowledge; the tree of wisdom.

bodhiṅgaṇa [(bodhi + aṅgaṇa) nt.] the courtyard in which a Bo-tree stands.

bodhita [pp. of bodheti] awakened; enlightened.

bodhipakkhika [adj.] belonging to enlightenment.

bodhipakkhiya [adj.] belonging to enlightenment.

bodhipādapa [m.] the Bo-tree; the Ficus Religiosia.

bodhipūjā [f.] offerings to a Bo-tree.

bodhimaṇḍa [m.] the ground under the Bo-tree, where the Buddha sat at the time of His enlightenment.

bodhimaha [m.] offerings to a Bo-tree.

bodhimūla [nt.] the foot of the Bo-tree.

bodhirukkha [m.] the Bo-tree; the Ficus Religiosia.

bodheti [budh + e] awakens; enlightens.

bodhetu [m.] one who awakens or enlightens.

bodhetvā [abs. of bodheti] having awakened; having enlightened.

bodhenta [pr.p. of bodheti] awakening.

bodhesi [aor. of bodheti] awakened; enlightened.

bondi [m.] the body.

byañjana [nt.] a syllable; a consonant; a sign or mark; curry.

byaggha [m.] a tiger.

byāpāda [m.] malevolence.

byāma [m.] a fathom.

byāmappabhā [f.] the halo extending around the Buddha.

byūha [m.] an array of troops; a mass or collection.

bravitu [v.] let him say.

brahanta [adj.] vast; lofty; gigantic; immense. (in cpds. it takes the form brahā, just like mahā from mahanta).

brahma [m.] the Brahma; the Creator.

brahmañña [nt.] brahmanhood; pure life.

brahmaññatā [f.] brahmanhood; pure life.

brahmakāyika [adj.] belonging to the company of Brahmas.

brahmaghosa [adj.] having a sound similar to that of Brahma.

brahmacariyā [f.] religious life; complete chastity.

brahmacārī : leading a chaste life.

brahmajacca [adj.] belonging to the brahman caste.

brahmaṇakaññā [f.; adj.] Brahman maiden.

brahmadaṇḍa [m.] a (kind of) punishment by stopping all conversation and communication with one.

brahmadeyya [nt.] a royal gift.

brahmappatta [adj.] arrived at the highest state.

brahmabandhu [m.] a relative of the brahma, i.e. a brahman.

brahmabhūta [adj.] most excellent.

brahmaloka [m.] the brahma world.

brahmalokūpaga [adj.] taking birth in the Brahma-world.

brahmavimāna [nt.] mansion of a brahma god.

brahmavihāra [m.] divine state of mind; a name collectively given to mettā, karuṇā, muditā, and upekkhā.

brāhmaṇa [m.] a man of the Brahman caste.

brāhmaṇavācanaka [nt.] recitation of Vedas by brahmans.

brāhmaṇavāṭaka [m.] a place where brahmans assemble.

bruvanta [pr.p. of brūti] saying; speaking.

bruvitvā [abs. of brūti] having sayed; having spoken.

brūti [brū + e] says; speaks.

brūhana [nt.] development; increment.

brūhita [pp. of brūheti] increased; developed.

brūheti [bruk + e] increases; develops.

brūhetu [m.] one who increase.

brūhetvā [abs. of brūheti] having increased; having developed.

brūhenta [pr.p. of brūheti] increasing; developing.

brūhesi [aor. of brūheti] increased; developed.


Dhamma Paññā

BQT trang Theravāda cố gắng sưu tầm thông tin tài liệu Dhamma trợ duyên quý độc giả tìm hiểu về Dhamma - Giáo Pháp Bậc Giác Ngộ thuyết giảng suốt 45 năm sau khi Ngài chứng đắc trở thành Đức Phật Chánh Đẳng Chánh Giác vào đêm Rằm tháng 4, tìm hiểu thêm phương pháp thực hành thiền Anapana, thiền Vipassana qua các tài liệu, bài giảng, pháp thoại từ các Thiền Sư, các Bậc Trưởng Lão, Bậc Thiện Trí.