– J – Concise Pali-english Dictionary

– J –

jagati [f.] the earth; the world.

jagatippadesa [m.] a spot on the earth.

jagatiruha [m.] a tree.

jagiṃsanta [pr.p. of] wishing to have.

jaggati [jagg + a] watches over; nourishes; lies awake.

jaggana [nt.] tending; bringing up; watchfulness. || jagganā (f.) tending; bringing up; watchfulness.

jaggi [aor. of jaggati] watched over.

jaggitvā [abs. of jaggati] having watched over.

jagghati [jaggh + a] laughs; derides.

jagghanā [f.] laughter.

jagghi [aor. of jagghati] laughed; derided.

jagghita [nt.] laughter.

jaghana [nt.] the lion; the buttocks.

jaghi [aor. of jagghati] laughed; derided.

jaṅgama [adj.] movable.

jaṅgala [nt.] jungle; a sandy and waterless place.

jaṅghapesanika [nt.] carrying messages on foot; (m.), one who carries messages.

jaṅghamagga [m.] foot-path.

jaṅghā [f.] the lower leg; the calf of the leg.

jaṅghābala [nt.] strength of the leg.

jaṅghāvihāra [m.] a walk.

jaṅgheyya [nt.] a knee-piece.

jacca [adj.] (in cpds.), having such a birth. || jaccā = jātivā

jaccandha [adj.] blind from birth.

jajjara [adj.] feeble with age; old; vithered.

jajjarita [pp. of jarati] weakened.

jañña [adj.] pure; noble; charming; of good birth. || jaññā (3rd sing. pot. of ñā), to know.

jaṭādhara [m.] an ascetic wearing matted hair.

jaṭita [pp.] entangled; plaited.

jaṭiya [m.] a kind of ascetics with matted hair.

jaṭila [m.] a kind of ascetics with matted hair.

jaṭhara [m.; nt.] the belly; the stomach.

jaṭharaggi [(jhaṭhara + aggi) m.] gestation.

jaṇṇu [nt.] the knee.

jaṇṇukā [f.] the knee.

jaṇṇumatta [adj.] knee-deep.

jatu [nt.] the lac; sealing wax. || jātu (ind.) surely; undoubtedly.

jatukā [f.] a bat.

jatumaṭṭhaka [nt.] something encased with lac.

jattu [nt.] the shoulder.

jana [m.] a person; a man; the people.

janaka [m.] a producer; father. (adj.), producing; generating. || jānaka (nt.) knowledge; recognition.

janakāya [m.] a crowd of people.

janakāyatā [f.] a gathering of people.

janatā [f.] populace.

janana [nt.] production; causing.

jananī [f.] the mother.

janapada [m.] a province; a country; country-side. || jānapada (adj.) belonging to the country; (m.) a rustic. plu. country-folk.

janapadakalyāṇī [f.] the most beautiful girl in a country.

janapadacārikā [f.] travelling in a country.

janasammadda [m.] crowding of the people.

janādhipa [m.] a king (of men).

janikā [f.] the mother; genetrix.

janita [pp. of janeti] generated; produced.

janinda [m.] a king (of men).

janeti [jan + e] generates; produces; gives birth.

janetu [m.] producer; generator.

janettī [f.] the mother.

janetvā [abs. of janeti] having generated; having produced.

janenta [pr.p. of janeti] generating; producing.

jantāghara [nt.] a hot room for steam bath.

jantu [m.] a creature; living being.

japa [m.] muttering. || japā (f.) China-rose.

japati [jap + a] utters; mumbles; recites.

japana [nt.] mumbling; whispering.

japi [aor. of japati] uttered; mumbled.

japita [pp. of japati] uttered; mumbled.

japitvā [abs. of japati] having uttered; having mumbled.

jappana [nt.] mumbling; whispering. || jappanā (f.) greed; talk for gain.

jappā [f.] greed; talk for gain.

jambāra [m.] the orange tree; (nt.), orange.

jambālī [f.] a dirty pool.

jambīra [m.] the orange tree. (nt.) orange.

jambu [f.] the rose-apple tree. || jambū (f.) the rose-apple tree.

jambuka [m.] a jackal.

jambudīpa [m.] the country of the rose-apples; i.e. lndia.

jambupakka [nt.] the fruit of Eugenia Jambolana.

jambusaṇḍa [m.] rose-apple grove.

jambonada [nt.] a sort of gold coming from the Jambu river.

jambhati [jabh + ṃ + a] yawns; arouses oneself.

jambhanā [f.] yawning; arousing.

jambhi [aor. of jambhati] yawned; aroused oneself.

jamma [adj.] vulgar; contemptible.

jaya [m.] victory; conquest. || jāyā (f.) wife.

jayaggaha [m.] conquest; the lucky throw or lot. || jayaggāha (m.) conquest; the lucky throw or lot.

jayati [ji + a] conquers; surpasses; defeats. || jāyati (jan + ya) is born; arises.

jayanta [pr.p. of jayati] conquering; surpassing. || jāyanta (pr.p. of jāyati), arising.

jayapāna [nt.] the drink of victory.

jayampati [m.] the husband and wife.

jayasumana [nt.] the red China-rose.

jayi [aor. of jayati] conquered; surpassed. || jāyi (aor. of jāyati), arose.

jayitvā [abs. of jayati] having conquered; having surpassed. || jāyitvā (abs. of jāyati), having arisen.

jara [m.] fever. (adj.), old; decayed; decrepit. || jarā (f.) decay; old age. jāra (m.) a paramour.

jaraggava [m.] an old bull.

jaratā [f.] decay; old age.

jarasakka [m.] the old sakka, (the deva-king).

jarājajjara [adj.] feeble an decrepit with age.

jarājiṇṇa [adj.] feeble an decrepit with age.

jarādukkha [nt.] suffering through the old age.

jarādhamma [adj.] subject to growing old or decaying.

jarābhaya [nt.] fear of old age or decay.

jarūdapana [nt.] decayed well.

jala [nt.] water. || jaḷa (adj.) slow; stupid. (m.) a stupid person. jāla (nt.) a net; entanglement. jālā (f.) flame.

jalagocara [adj.] living in the water; aquatic. (m.), a fish.

jalacara [adj.] living in the water; aquatic. (m.), a fish.

jalaja [adj.] born or sprung from the water. (nt.), a lotus.

jalati [jal + a] shines; burns.

jalada [m.] a rain-cloud.

jaladhara [m.] a rain-cloud. || jalādhāra (jala + adhāra) m. deposit of water; reservoir.

jaladhi [m.] the ocean.

jalana [nt.] shining; burning.

jalaniggama [m.] an outlet for water; a drain.

jalanidhi [m.] the ocean.

jalanta [pr.p. of jalati] shining; burning; blazing.

jalamānā [pr.p. of jalati] shining; burning.

jalābu [m.] the placenta.

jalābuja [adj.] born in a placenta; viviparous.

jalālaya [m.] a lake; an artificial tank.

jalāsaya [(jala + asaya), m.] a lake; an artificial tank.

jali [aor. of jalati] shone; burnt.

jalitvā [abs. of jalati] having shone; having burnt.

jalūkā [f.] a leech.

jalla [nt.] wet-dirt.

jallikā [f.] dirt (on the body); decayed outer bark of the tree.

java [m.] speed; strength.

javati [ju + a] runs; hastens; hurries.

javana [nt.] impulse; alacrity; swift understanding; running. (adj.), swift.

javanapaññā [adj.] having swift understanding.

javanikā [f.] a screen; curtain.

javamānā [pr.p. of javati] running; hurrying.

javi [aor. of javati] ran; hastened; hurried.

javita [pp. of javati] run; hastened; hurried.

javitvā [abs. of javati] having run; having hurried.

jaha [adj.] (in cpds.), leaving behind; giving up.

jahati [hā + a; hā is duplicated and the first hā is changed to ja] leaves; abandons; gives up; forsakes. || jahāti = jahati.

jahanta [pr.p. of jahati] leaving; abandoning.

jahāra [v.] (he) has left.

jahi [aor. of jahati] left; abandoned.

jahita [pp. of jahati] left; abandoned.

jahitabbā [pt.p. of jahati] should be left.

jahitvā [abs. of jahati] having left; having abandoned.

jāgara [adj.] awake; vigilant; watchful.

jāgaraṇa [nt.] keeping awake.

jāgarati [jāgar + a] to be awake or watchful.

jāgaranta [pr.p. of jāgarati] awaking.

jāgari [aor. of jāgarati] awoke.

jāgarijāṇuyoga [m.] vigilance; practice of watchfulness.

jāgarita [nt.] wakeful state.

jāgariya [nt.] vigil; waking.

jāgariyānuyoga [m.] vigilance; practice of watchfulness.

jāṇu [m.] the knee.

jāṇumaṇḍala [nt.] the knee-cap.

jāṇumatta [adj.] knee-deep.

jāta [pp. of jāyati] born; arisen; become; occurred; happened. (nt.), a collection or variety. || jaṭa (nt.) the handle (of a knife, etc.). jaṭā (f.) tangle; planting; matted hair.

jātaka [nt.] a birth story. (adj.), born; arisen.

jātakabhāṇaka [m.] a speaker of the Jātakas.

jātatta [nt.] the fact of being born.

jātadivasa [m.] birth-day.

jātarūpa [nt.] gold.

jātaveda [m.] fire.

jātassara [m.; nt.] a natural lake.

jāti [f.] birth; rebirth; race; nation; genealogy; a sort of; a kind of.

jātika [adj.] descended from; belonging to the class, clan, or nation of.

jātikosa [m.] mace (of nutmeg).

jātikkhaya [m.] destruction of the chance of being reborn.

jātikkhetta [nt.] birth-place; the realm of rebirth.

jātitthaddha [adj.] proud of (one’s own), birth.

jātidhamma [adj.] subject to rebirth.

jātinirodha [m.] extermination of rebirth.

jātiphala [nt.] nutmeg.

jātimantu [adj.] of good birth; having genuine qualities.

jātivāda [m.] discussion about the parentage.

jātisaṃsāra [m.] circle of rebirths.

jātisampanna [adj.] of good birth or a noble family.

jātisambhava [m.] liability for birth.

jātisumanā [f.] jasmine.

jātissara [adj.] remembering former births.

jātihiṅgulaka [nt.] natural vermilion.

jānanaka [adj.] knowing.

jānanīya [adj.] what should be known.

jānanta [pr.p. of jānāti] knowing.

jānapadika [adj.] belonging to the country; (m.), a rustic. plu. country-folk.

jānamānā [pr.p. of jānāti] knowing.

jānāti [ñā + nā] knows; finds out; to be aware.

jānāpita [pp. of jānāpeti] caused to make known; caused to inform.

jānāpeti [caus. of jānāti] causes to make known; causes to inform; causes to reveal oneself.

jānāpetvā [abs. of jānāpeti] having caused to make known; having caused to inform.

jānāpesi [aor. of jānāpeti] caused to make known; caused to inform.

jāni [f.] loss; deprivation; the wife. (aor. of jānāti), knew; found out.

jānituṃ [inf. of jānāti] to know; to found out.

jānitvā [abs. of jānāti] having known; having found out.

jānipati [m.] the wife and husband.

jāmātu [m.] son-in-law.

jāyattana [nt.] the state of a wife.

jāyana [nt.] birth; arising.

jāyamāna [pr.p. of jāyati] arising.

jāyāpati [m.] wife and husband.

jārattana [nt.] the state of a paramour.

jārī [f.] an adultress.

jālaka [m.] a bud; a small net.

jālakkhika [nt.] a mesh of a net.

jālapūva [m.] pancake.

jālayamāna [pr.p. of jāleti] kindling; lighting.

jālākula [adj.] surrounded by flames.

jālika [m.] a fisherman who uses a net. || jālikā (f.) an armour made of chain.

jālita [pp. of jāleti] kindled; lighted. (pp. of jalati), shone; burnt.

jālinī [f.] lust; desire; craving.

jāleti [jal + e] kindles; lights; causes to burn.

jāletvā [abs. of jāleti] having kindled; having lighted.

jālenta [pr.p. of jāleti] kindling; lighting.

jālesi [aor. of jāleti] kindled; lighted.

jigiṃsaka [adj.] desirous of.

jigiṃsati [har + sa. har becomes giṃ; it is doubled and the former gin becomes ji] desires.

jigiṃsanā [f.] covetousness; desire for.

jigiṃsamāna [pr.p. of jigiṃsati] desiring.

jigiṃsā [f.] covetousness; desire for.

jigiṃsi [aor. of jigiṃsati] desired.

jigiṃsita [pp. of jigiṃsati] desired.

jigucchaka [adj.] one who disapproves of or dislikes.

jigucchati [gup + cha; gu is doubled and the first gu becomes ji] shuns; loathes; is disgusted at.

jigucchana [nt.] disgust for; dislike; detestation. || jigucchanā (f.) disgust for; dislike; detestation.

jigucchanta [pr.p. of jigucchati] shunning.

jigucchamāna [pr.p. of jigucchati] shunning.

jigucchā [f.] disgust for; dislike; detestation.

jigucchi [aor. of jigucchati] shunned; loathed.

jigucchita [pp. of jigucchati] shunned; loathed.

jigucchitvā [abs. of jigucchati] having shunned; having loathed.

jigucchiya [abs. of jigucchati] having shunned; having loathed.

jighacchati [ghas + cha; g is doubled and the first g is changed to ji. the s of the root becomes c.] is hungry; desires to eat.

jighacchā [f.] hunger.

jighacchi [aor. of jighacchati] had a desire to eat.

jighacchita [pp. of jighacchati] had a desire to eat.

jiñjuka [m.] wild liquorice.

jiṇṇa [pp. of jirati] became old; decayed.

jiṇṇaka [m.] an old person.

jiṇṇatā [f.] decrepitude.

jita [pp. of jināti] conquered; subdued; (nt.), victory.

jitatta [jita + atta] one who has subdued the mind.

jitta [nt.] mastery.

jitvā [abs. of jināti] having conquered; having subdued.

jina [m.] the conqueror; the victor; the Buddha. || jīna (pp. of jīyati), become old; decayed. (adj.) diminished; wasted; deprived of.

jinacakka [nt.] the doctrine of the Buddha.

jinanta [pr.p. of jināti] conquring; subdueing.

jinaputta [m.] a disciple of the Buddha.

jinasāsana [nt.] the Buddha’s teaching.

jināti [ji + nā] conquers; subdues. || vijināti = jināti.

jini [aor. of jināti] conquered; subdued.

jinitvā [abs. of jināti] having conquered; having subdued.

jimha [adj.] crooked; slant; dishonest.

jimhatā [f.] crookedness; dishonesty.

jiyā [f.] a bow string.

jirati [jir + a] becomes old; decays.

jivhagga [(jivhā + agga) nt.] the tip of the tongue.

jivhā [f.] the tongue.

jivhāyatana [(jivhā + āyatana) nt.] the organ of taste.

jivhāviññāṇa [nt] the cognition of taste.

jivhindriya [(jivhā + indriya) nt.] the sense of taste.

jīmūta [m.] rain-cloud.

jīyati [ji + ya] becomes diminished; loses; becomes old; decays.

jīyamāna [pr.p. of jīyati] becoming old.

jīyi [aor. of jīyati] became diminished; decayed.

jīraka [nt.] cummin seed.

jīraṇa [nt.] decaying; getting old; digestion.

jīramāna [pr.p. of jirati] becoming old; decayed.

jīrāpita [pp. of jīrāpeti] caused to decay or digest.

jīrāpeti [caus. of jīrati] causes to decay or digest.

jīrāpenta [pr.p. of jīrāpeti] causing to decay or digest.

jīrāpesi [aor. of jīrāpeti] caused to decay or digest.

jīri [aor. of jirati] became old; decayed.

jīreti [caus. of jīrati] causes to decay or digest.

jīresi [aor. of jīreti] caused to decay or digest.

jīva [m.] the life.

jīvaka [m.] one who lives; a personal name.

jīvagāha [m.] catching alive.

jīvati [jiv + a] lives; subsists on.

jīvadanta [m.] the tusk of a living animal.

jīvana [nt.] living; means of subsistence; livelihood.

jīvanta [pr.p. of jīvati] living; subsisting on.

jīvamāna [pr.p. of jīvati] living; subsisting on.

jīvi [aor. of jīvati] lived; subsisted on. || jīvī (m.) one who lives. (in cpds.) leading a life of.

jīvikaṃ kappeti : gets one’s living.

jīvikā [f.] livelihood.

jīvita [nt.] life; span of life.

jīvitakkhaya [m.] the dissolution of life; death.

jīvitadāna [nt.] saving of life.

jīvitapariyosāna [nt.] the end of life.

jīvitamada [m.] the pride of life.

jīvitavutti [f.] livelihood.

jīvitasaṃsaya [m.] danger of life.

jīvitasaṅkhaya [m.] the solution for life.

jīvitāsā [(jīvita + āsa) f.] desire of life.

jīvitindriya [(jīvita + indriya), nt.] the faculty of life; vitality.

jīvitvā [abs. of jīvati] having lived.

juṇha [adj.] bright. || juṇhā (f.) moonlight; a moonlit night.

juṇhapakkha [m.] the bright half of the month.

juti [f.] effulgence; brightness.

jutika [adj.] having brightness.

jutindhara [adj.] resplendent; brilliant.

jutimantu [adj.] brilliant.

juhati [hu + a; hu is doubled and the first h becomes j] pours into fire; dedicates.

juhana [nt.] a sacrifice; an offering.

juhi [aor. of juhati] poured into fire; dedicated.

jūta [nt.] gambling.

jūtakāra [m.] a gambler.

je : a particle used to address a slave woman or a woman of low grade.

jeguccha [adj.] contemptible; loathsome.

jegucchī [m.] one who detests or avoids.

jejassī [m.] brilliant.

jeṭṭha [adj.] elder; supreme; foremost.

jeṭṭhaka [adj.] chief; fore-most.

jeṭṭhatara [adj.] more old or superior.

jeṭṭhabhaginī [f.] the elder sister.

jeṭṭhabhātika [m.] the elder brother.

jeṭṭhabhātu [m.] the elder brother.

jeṭṭhamāsa [m.] name of a month, May-June.

jeṭṭhāpacāyana [nt.] respect to the elders.

jeṭṭhāpacāyī [m.] paying respect for the elders.

jetabba [pt.p. of jeti] fit to be conquered.

jeti [ji + e] conquers; subdues.

jetvā [abs. of jeti] having conquered; having subdued.

jenta [pr.p. of jeti] conquering.

jeyya [pt.p. of jeti] should be conquered.

jesi [aor. of jeti] conquered; subdued.

jessati [v.] he will defeat.

jotaka [adj.] illuminating; one who makes clear.

jotati [jut + a] shines; becomes bright.

jotana [nt.] shining; explanation. || jotanā (f.) shining; explanation.

jotanta [pr.p. of jotati] shining; becoming bright.

jotayamānā [pr.p. of joteti] illuminating; making clear.

joti [f.] light; radiance. (nt.), a star. (m.), fire. (aor. of jotati), shone; became bright.

jotita [pp. of joteti] illuminated; made clear.

jotipāsāṇa [m.] a crystal generating heat.

jotisattha [nt.] astronomy.

joteti [caus. of jotati] causes to illuminate; causes to make clear; causes to explain.

jotetuṃ [inf. of joteti] to illuminate; to make clear; to explain.

jotetvā [abs. of joteti] having caused to illuminate; having caused to make clear.

jotenta [pr.p. of joteti] causing to illuminate; causing to make clear.

jotesi [aor. of joteti] caused to illuminate; caused to make clear.


Dhamma Paññā

BQT trang Theravāda cố gắng sưu tầm thông tin tài liệu Dhamma trợ duyên quý độc giả tìm hiểu về Dhamma - Giáo Pháp Bậc Giác Ngộ thuyết giảng suốt 45 năm sau khi Ngài chứng đắc trở thành Đức Phật Chánh Đẳng Chánh Giác vào đêm Rằm tháng 4, tìm hiểu thêm phương pháp thực hành thiền Anapana, thiền Vipassana qua các tài liệu, bài giảng, pháp thoại từ các Thiền Sư, các Bậc Trưởng Lão, Bậc Thiện Trí.