– O – Concise Pali-english Dictionary

– O –

oka [nt.] 1. water; 2. abode; habitation.

okappaniya [adj.] trustworthy.

okampetvā [abs. of okampeti] having shaken.

okāra [m.] lowliness; degradation.

okāsa [m.] room; open space; chance; permission.

okāsakamma [nt.] permission.

okiṇṇa [pp. of okirati] strewn over.

okiraṇa [nt.] scattering; casting out.

okirati [ava + kir + a] scatters; pours down.

okiranta [pr.p. of okirati] scattering; pouring down.

okirāpeti [v.] causes to scatter.

okiri [aor. of okirati] scattered; poured down.

okkanta [pp. of okkamati] entered; fallen into; come on.

okkanti [f.] entry; coming to be; appearance.

okkantika [adj.] recurring.

okkamati [ava + kam + a] enters; falls into; comes on

okkamana [nt.] entry or falling into.

okkamanta [pr.p. of okkamati] entering or falling into.

okkamamāna [pr.p. of okkamati] entering or falling into.

okkami [aor. of okkamati] entered; fell into; came on

okkamitvā [abs. of okkamati] having entered; having fallen into; having come on

okkamma [abs. of okkamati] having gone aside from.

okkhitta [pp. of okkhipati] thrown or casted down; dropped.

okkhipati [ava + khip + a] throws or casts down; drops.

okkhipi [aor. of okkhipati] threw or casted down; dropped.

ogacchati [ava + gam + a] goes down; sinks down.

ogacchi [aor. of ogacchati] went down; sank down.

ogata [pp. of ogacchati] gone down; sunk down.

ogadha [adj.] included; immersed.

ogayha [abs. of ogāhati] having lunged or absorbed.

ogāḷha [pp. of ogāhati] plunged or entered into; absorbed in.

ogāha [m.] diving or plunging into.

ogāhati [ava + gāh + a] plunges or enters into; absorbs in.

ogāhana [nt.] diving or plunging into.

ogāhamāna [pr.p. of ogāhati] diving or plunging into.

ogāhi [aor. of ogāhati] plunged or entered into; absorbed in.

ogāhiya [abs. of ogāhati] having lunged or absorbed.

ogilati [ava + gil + a] swallows down.

ogili [aor. of ogilati] swallowed down.

oguṇṭhita [pp. of oguṇṭheti] covered; veiled over.

oguṇṭheti [ava + guṇṭh + e] covers; veils over.

oguṇṭhesi [aor. of oguṇṭheti] covered; veiled over.

ogha [m.] a flood; that which sweeps a man away from emancipation; torrent.

oghatiṇṇa [adj.] one who has overcome the flood.

ocaraka [adj.] an investigator; informant; of low behaviour.

ociṇṇa [pp. of ocināti] gathered, collected, or plucked.

ocita [pp. of ocināti] gathered, collected, or plucked.

ocinana [nt.] gathering; picking.

ocinanta [pr.p. of ocināti] gathering, collecting, or plucking.

ocināti [ava + ci + nā] gathers, collects, or plucks.

ocini [aor. of ocināti] gathered, collected, or plucked.

ocinitvā [abs. of ocināti] having gathered, collected, or plucked.

oja [m.; nt.] nutritive essence; juice. || ojā (f.), nutritive essence; juice.

ojavanī [f.] sailing down-stream.

ojavantu [adj.] rich in sap; nourishing; delicious.

oṭṭha [m.] 1. a camel; 2. the lip.

oḍḍita [pp. of oḍḍeti] laid snares; hung down.

oḍḍeti [uḍ + e] lays snares; hangs down.

oḍḍesi [aor. of oḍḍeti] laid snares; hung down.

otaraṇa [nt.] descent; coming down. || otāraṇa (nt.), lowering down.

otarati [ava + tar + a] descends; goes down to.

otaranta [pr.p. of otarati] descending; going down to.

otari [aor. of otarati] descended; went down to.

otaritvā [abs. of otarati] having descended; having gone down to.

otāpita [pp. of otāpeti] exposed to the sun.

otāpeti [ava + tap + e] exposes to the sun.

otāpesi [aor. of otāpeti] exposed to the sun.

otāra [m.] descent; access; chance; fault.

otāragavesī [adj.] seeking an opportunity.

otārāpekka [adj.] watching for a chance.

otārita [pp. of otāreti] brought or lowered down.

otāreti [ava + tar + e] brings or lowers down.

otārenta [pr.p. of] lowering.

otāresi [aor. of otāreti] brought or lowered down.

otiṇṇa [pp. of otarati] gone down; beset by; affected with.

ottappa [nt.] shrinking back form doing wrong.

ottappati [ava + tap + ya] feels a sense of guilt; is afraid of evil.

ottappi [aor. of ottappati] felt a sense of guilt; was afraid of evil. || ottappī (adj.), afraid of wrong; scrupulous.

ottāpī [adj.] afraid of wrong; scrupulous.

otthaṭa [pp. of ottharati] spread over; submerged.

ottharaṇa [nt.] spreading over; submergence.

ottharati [ava + thar + a] spreads over; submerges.

ottharamāna [pr.p. of ottharati] spreading over; submerging.

otthari [aor. of ottharati] spread over; submerged.

ottharitvā [abs. of ottharati] having spread over; having submerged.

odakantika [nt.] neighbourhood of water. (adj.), having water as the final ablution.

odana [nt.; m.] boiled rice.

odanika [m.] a cook.

odahati [ava + dah + a] puts down; inserts; is attentive.

odahana [nt.] putting down; insertion; listening.

odahi [aor. of odahati] put down; inserted; was attentive.

odahitvā [abs. of odahati] having put down; having inserted.

odāta [adj.] white; clean. (m.), white colour.

odātakasiṇa [nt.] object of meditation which is white.

odātavasana [adj.] clad in white.

odissa [abs.] having defined or separated.

odissaka [adj.] definite; special.

odhi [m.] limit; boundary.

odhini [aor. of odhunāti] shook off.

odhiso [adv.] limitedly; piece-meal.

odhunāti [ava + dhu + nā] shake off.

odhūta [pp. of odhunāti] shaken off.

onata [pp. of onamati] bent down; stooped

onaddha [pp. of onandhati] bound; covered up; wrapped over.

onandhati [ava + nadh + ṃ-a] binds; covers up; wraps over.

onandhi [aor. of onandhati] bound; covered up; wrapped over.

onamati [ava + nam + a] bends down; stoops.

onamana [nt.] bending down; stooping.

onamanta [pr.p. of onamati] bending down; stooping.

onami [aor. of onamati] bent down; stooped.

onamitvā [abs. of onamati] having bent down; having stooped.

onayhati [ava + nah + ya] envelops; covers over; ties down.

onayhi [aor. of onayhati] enveloped; covered over; tied down.

onahana [nt.] covering; shrouding.

onīta [pp. of apaneti] taken away; removed.

onojana [nt.] distribution; presentation.

onojita [pp. of onojeti] dedicated; distributed.

onojeti [ava + nuj + e] dedicates; distributes.

onojesi [aor. of onojeti] having dedicated; having distributed.

opakkamika [adj.] caused by some contrivance.

opanayika [adj.] leading to; bringing near.

opapātika [adj.] arisen without visible cause; born spontaneously.

opapātī [adj.] arisen without visible cause; born spontaneously.

opamma [nt.] simile; comparison.

oparajja [nt.] viceroyalty.

opavayha [adj.] fit for riding.

opāta [m.] a pitfall.

opātita [pp. of opāteti] made fall; interrupted.

opāteti [ava + pat + e] makes fall; interrupts.

opātesi [aor. of opāteti] made fall; interrupted.

opāna [nt.] a well; place where water is supplied free.

opāyika [adj.] suitable.

opiya [abs.] having put in.

opilāpita [pp. of opilāpeti] immersed; made float.

opilāpeti [ava + plav + e] immerses; makes float.

opilāpesi [aor. of opilāpeti] immersed; made float.

opilāveti [ava + plav + e] immerses; makes float.

opilāvesi [pp. of opilāveti] immerged; made float.

opīḷetvā [abs. of opīḷeti] having crammed in.

opuṇāti [ava + pu + ṇā] winnows; sifts.

opuṇi [aor. of opuṇāti] winnowed; sifted.

opuṇitvā [abs. of opuṇāti] having winnowed; having sifted.

obhagga [pp. of obhañjati] broken; dragged down.

obhāsa [m.] light; lustre.

obhāsati [ava + bhās + a] shines.

obhāsana [nt.] shining.

obhāsayamāna [pr.p. of obhāseti] radiating; illuminating.

obhāsi [aor. of obhāsati] shone.

obhāsita [pp. of obhāseti] made radiant; illumined.

obhāseti [caus. of obhāsati] causes to make radiant; causes to illumine.

obhāsetvā [abs. of obhāseti] having caused to make radiant; having caused to illumine.

obhāsenta [pr.p. of obhāseti] radiating; illuminating.

obhāsesi [aor. of obhāseti] caused to make radiant; caused to illumine.

oma [adj.] lower; inferior.

omaka [adj.] lower; inferior.

omaṭṭha [pp. of omasati] touched; made unclean.

omaddati [ava + madd + a] crushes; rubs; oppresses.

omaddi [aor. of omaddati] crushed; rubbed; oppressed.

omasati [ava + mas + a] touches; handles.

omasanā [f.] insult; reproach.

omasavāda [m.] insult; reproach.

omasi [aor. of omasati] touched; handled.

omukka [pp. of omuñcati] cast off; undressed.

omuñcati [ava + muc + ṃ-a] takes off; unfastens; undresses.

omuñci [aor. of omuñcati] took off; unfastened; undressed.

omuñcitvā [abs. of omuñcati] having taken off some kind of dress.

omutteti [ava + mutt + e] discharges urine.

omuttesi [aor. of omutteti] discharged urine.

ora [nt.] the near shore; this world. (adj.), inferior.

oraṃ [adv.] under; within; below; on this side.

oraka [adj.] inferior; low.

orapāra [nt.] the below and the above; the near and the father shore.

orabbhika [m.] a dealer or butcher of sheep.

oramattaka [adj.] trifling; in significant.

orambhāgiya [adj.] belonging to the lower world.

orasa [adj.] legitimate; self-begotten.

orima [adj.] the lowest; one on this side.

orimatīra [nt.] the near shore.

oruddha [pp. of orundhati] obstructed; imprisoned.

orundhati [ava + rudhi + ṃ-a] obstructs; imprisons.

orundhi [aor. of orundhati] obstructed; imprisoned.

oruyha [abs. of oruhati] having descended; having come down.

oruhati [ava + run + a] descends; comes down. || orohati = oruhati

oruhana [nt.] descent.

oruhanta [pr.p. of oruhati] descending; coming down.

oruhi [aor. of oruhati] descended; came down.

orūḷha [pp. of oruhati] descended; climbed down.

orena [adv.] under; within; below; on this side.

orodha [m.] 1. harem; seraglio; 2. a harem-lady.

oropana [nt.] taking down; lowering; laying down.

oropayamana [pr.p. of oropeti] taking or lower down; laying aside.

oropita [pp. of oropeti] taken or lower down; laid aside.

oropiya [abs. of oropeti] having taken or lower down; having laid aside.

oropeti [ava + rup + e] takes or lower down; lays aside.

oropetvā [abs. of oropeti] having taken or lower down; having laid aside.

oropenta [pr.p. of oropeti] taking or lower down; laying aside.

oropesi [aor. of oropeti] took or lower down; laid aside.

orohati : see oruhati.

orohana [nt.] descent.

olaggita [pp. of olaggeti] hung down; made stick to.

olaggeti [ava + lag + e] hangs down; makes stick to.

olaggesi [aor. of olaggeti] hung down; made stick to.

olamba [adj.] hanging down. (nt.) a support; a plummet.

olambaka [adj.] hanging down. (nt.), a support; a plummet.

olambati [ava + lab + ṃ-a] hangs down; rests on; suspends.

olambana [nt.] suspension.

olambamāna [pr.p. of olambati] hanging down; resting on; suspending.

olambi [aor. of olambati] hung down; rested on; suspended.

olambita [pp. of olambati] hung down; rested on; suspended.

olambitvā [abs. of olambati] having hung down; having rested on; having suspended.

olambiya [abs. of olambati] having hung down; having rested on; having suspended.

olambīyati [v.] is hung.

olikhati [ava + likh + a] scrapes off; combs.

olikhi [aor. of olikhati] scraped off; combed.

olikhitvā [abs. of olikhati] having scraped off; having combed.

olikhiya [abs. of olikhati] having scraped off; having combed.

oligalla [m.] a cesspool.

olīna [pp. of olīyati] sluggish; inactive.

olīyati [ava + lī + ya] is inactive or sluggish; sticks to; lags behind.

olīyanā [f.] sluggishness; infatuation.

olīyamāna [pr.p. of olīyati] lagging behind.

olīyi [aor. of olīyati] was inactive or sluggish; stuck to; lagged behind.

olugga [pp. of olujjati] fallen into pieces; rotting away.

olubbha [abs. of olambati] leaning on; holding on to.

olokana [nt.] looking at.

olokanaka [nt.] a window.

olokayamāna [pr.p. of oloketi] looking at.

olokita [pp. of oloketi] looked at; inspected.

olokiya [abs. of oloketi] having looked at; having inspected.

oloketi [ava + lok + e] looks at; inspects.

oloketuṃ [inf. of oloketi] to look at.

oloketvā [abs. of oloketi] having looked at; having inspected.

olokenta [pr.p. of oloketi] looking at.

olokesi [aor. of oloketi] looked at; inspected.

oḷārika [adj.] gross; coarse; ample.

ovajjamāna [pr.p. of ovadati] being admonished.

ovaṭṭikā [f.] waist-band; a pouch (formed with the waist clothe).

ovaṭtha [pp. of ovassati] rained down on.

ovadati [ava + vad + a] gives advice; admonishes.

ovadana [nt.] admonishing.

ovadanta [pr.p. of ovadati] exhorting; admonishing.

ovadamāna [pr.p. of ovadati] exhorting; admonishing.

ovadi [aor. of ovadati] gave advice; admonished.

ovadita [pp. of ovadati] given advice; admonished.

ovaditabba [pt.p. of ovadati] fit to be admonished.

ovaditvā [abs. of ovadati] having exhorted or advised.

ovadiya [abs. of ovadati] having exhorted or advised.

ovaraka [m.] an inner chamber.

ovariya [abs. of ovarati] holding back; preventing.

ovariyāna [abs. of ovarati] holding back; preventing.

ovassati [ava + vas + a] rains down on.

ovassāpeti [caus. of ovassati] causes to make wet through rain.

ovassāpesi [aor. of ovassāpeti] caused to make wet through rain.

ovassi [aor. of ovassati] rained down on.

ovāda [m.] advice; exhortation; instruction.

ovādaka [adj.] one who admonishes or exhorts.

ovādakkhama [adj.] easy to be admonished.

ovādāyaka [adj.] one who admonishes or exhorts.

osakkati [ava + sakk + a] draws back; lags behind; retreats.

osakkanā [f.] drawing back; lagging behind.

osakki [aor. of osakkati] drew back; lagged behind; retreated.

osakkita [pp. of osakkati] drawn back; lagged behind; retreated.

osakkitvā [abs. of osakkati] having retreated or moved aside.

osakkiya [abs. of osakkati] having retreated or moved aside.

osaṭa [pp. of osarati] come into; re-entered; assembled.

osadha [nt.] medicine.

osadhī [f.] medicinal plant; name of a brilliant star.

osaraṇa [nt.] entry; meeting. || osāraṇā (f.), 1. reinstatement; 2. crowding.

osarati [ava + sar + a] comes into; re-enters; assembles.

osari [aor. of osarati] came into; re-entered; assembled.

osādeti [v.] reduces; is sunk.

osāna [nt.] the end; conclusion; ceasing.

osārita [pp. of osāreti] reinstated; expounded.

osāreti [ava + sar + e] reinstates; expounds.

osāretvā [abs. of osāreti] having reinstated; having expounded.

osāresi [aor. of osāreti] reinstated; expounded.

osiñcati [ava + sic + ṃ-a] pours down; besprinkles.

osiñcanta [pr.p. of osiñcati] pouring down; besprinkling.

osiñci [aor. of osiñcati] poured down; besprinkled.

osiñcitvā [abs. of osiñcati] having poured down or sprinkled.

osiñciya [abs. of osiñcati] having poured down or sprinkled.

ositta [pp. of osiñcati] poured down; besprinkled.

osīdati [ava + dis + a] sinks.

osīdana [nt.] sinking.

osīdamāna [pr.p. of osīdati] sinking.

osīdāpana [nt.] causing to sink; immersion.

osīdāpita [pp. of osīdāpeti] caused to immersed; caused to sink.

osīdāpeti [caus. of osīdati] causes to immerse; causes to sink.

osīdāpetvā [abs. of osīdāpeti] having caused to immerged; having caused to sink.

osīdāpesi [aor. of osīdāpeti] caused to immersed; caused to sink.

osīdi [aor. of osīdati] sank.

osīdīpetvā [abs. of osīdāpeti] having immersed; having caused to sink.

ossajati [ava + saj + a] lets loose; gives up; releases.

ossajana [nt.] release; sending off.

ossaji [aor. of ossajati] let loose; gave up; released.

ossajja [abs. of ossajati] having given up or released.

ossajjitvā [abs. of ossajati] having given up or released.

ossaṭṭha [pp. of ossajati] let loose; given up; released.

ohaṭa [pp. of oharati] taken off or down.

oharati [ava + har + a] takes off or down.

ohari [aor. of oharati] took off or down.

ohāya [abs. of ojahāti] having left or given up.

ohāraṇa [nt.] 1. removal; 2. shaving (of hair).

ohita [pp. of oharati] hidden; laid down.

ohīna [pp. of ohīyati] left behind.

ohīyaka [adj.] one who remains or is left behind.

ohīyati [ava + hi + ya] stays behind; remains.

ohīyana [nt.] staying behind.

ohīyamāna [pr.p. of] lagging behind.

ohīyi [aor. of ohīyati] stayed behind; remained.

ohīyitvā [abs. of ohīyati] having stayed behind; having remained.


Dhamma Paññā

BQT trang Theravāda cố gắng sưu tầm thông tin tài liệu Dhamma trợ duyên quý độc giả tìm hiểu về Dhamma - Giáo Pháp Bậc Giác Ngộ thuyết giảng suốt 45 năm sau khi Ngài chứng đắc trở thành Đức Phật Chánh Đẳng Chánh Giác vào đêm Rằm tháng 4, tìm hiểu thêm phương pháp thực hành thiền Anapana, thiền Vipassana qua các tài liệu, bài giảng, pháp thoại từ các Thiền Sư, các Bậc Trưởng Lão, Bậc Thiện Trí.