Encyclopedia Of Religion And Ethics Part Iv.1 – James Hastings (eng)

Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics

Part IV.1

James Hastings


An effective instrument for the exploration of the world’s thought on the things of the human spirit’. So the Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics has been characterized. An Index Volume formed part of Dr. Hastings’ original plan, and his aim was that the Index should not only make the contents easy of access to those who used the Encyclopedia as a work reference, but also suggest lines of study on certain subjects. 

The wide range of subjects dealt with and the comprehensive of their treatment have made the preparation of an adequate index an exceedingly difficult task. Dr. Hastings laid the foundations and directed the work on it for nearly a year before his death. It has been continued and completed, according to the scheme he approved, by members of his staff, Mary C. Laburn, M.A, and D.R. Dow, M.A, who were associated with him almost from the inception of the Encyclopedia. 

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