– Ch – Concise Pali-english Dictionary

– Ch –

cha [adj.] six.

chakana [nt.] the dung of animals.

chakalaka [m.] a he-goat.

chakka [nt.] a set of six.

chakkhattu [adv.] six times.

chagalaka [m.] a he-goat.

chacattāḷīsati [f.] forty-six.

chaṭṭha [adj.] sixth.

chaṭṭhī [f.] the sixth case, i.e., Genetive.

chaḍḍaka [adj.] thrower; remover.

chaḍḍana [nt.] throwing away; rejection.

chaḍḍanīya [adj.] fit to be thrown away.

chaḍḍāpita [pp. of chaḍḍāpeti] caused to throw away.

chaḍḍāpeti [caus. of chaḍḍeti] causes to throw away; causes to abandon; causes to reject; causes to leave.

chaḍḍāpetvā [abs. of chaḍḍāpeti] having caused to throw away.

chaḍḍāpesi [aor. of chaḍḍāpeti] caused to throw away.

chaḍḍita [pp. of chaḍḍeti] abandoned; rejected; leaved.

chaḍḍitabhāva [m.] the fact of throwing away or leaving aside.

chaḍḍiya [adj.] to be rejected or thrown away.

chaḍḍīyati [pass. of chaḍḍeti] is abandoned.

chaḍḍetabba [pt.p. of chaḍḍeti] should be abandoned.

chaḍḍeti [chaḍḍ + e] throws away; abandons; rejects; leaves.

chaḍḍetvā [abs. of chaḍḍeti] having abandoned; having rejected; having left.

chaḍḍenta [pr.p. of chaḍḍeti] abandoning; rejecting.

chaḍḍesi [aor. of chaḍḍeti] abandoned; rejected; leaved.

chaṇa [m.] a festival.

chaṇadivasa [m.] festival day.

chatta [nt.] umbrella; sunshade; the royal canopy.

chattakāra [m.] maker of sunshades.

chattagāhaka [m.] one who carries his master’s sunshade.

chattadaṇḍa [f.] the handle of a sunshade.

chattanāḷi [f.] the handle of a sunshade.

chattapāṇī [m.] one who carries an umbrella.

chattamaṅgala [nt.] coronation festival; pinnacle raising of a pagoda.

chattiṃsati [f.] thirty-six.

chattiṃsā [f.] thirty-six.

chattussāpana [nt.] raising of the royal canopy, i.e.; to occupy the throne.

chada [m.] (in cpds.) anything that covers; a veil.

chadana [nt.] a thatch; a roof; a cover. || chādana (nt.), covering; clothing; concealment. chādanā (f.) covering; clothing; concealment.

chadaniṭṭhakā : tile.

chaddanta [adj.] having six tusks. (m.) name of a great lake and a race of elephants.

chaddikā [f.] vomiting.

chaddhā [adv.] in six ways.

chadvārika [adj.] belonging to the six outlets of the senses.

chadhā [adv.] in six ways.

chanaka [nt.] the dung of animals.

chanavuti [f.] ninety-six.

chanda [m.; nt.] (mano-group), metrics; prosody. (m.), impulse; will; wish.

chandaka [nt.] vote; a voluntary collection.

chandatā [f.] (in cpds.), impulse; desire for.

chandarāga [m.] exciting desire.

chandāgati [f.] wrong way of behaviour under an impulse.

channa [adj.] proper; suitable. (pp. of chādeti) covered; concealed; thatched; given pleasure; relished.

chapaññāsā [f.] fifty-six.

chappada [m.] a bee.

chabbaggiya [adj.] belonging to the group of six.

chabbaṇṇa [adj.] consisting of six colours.

chabbassika [adj.] existing throughout six years; six years old.

chabbidha [adj.] six-fold.

chabbīsati [f.] twenty-six.

chabbhaggiya [adj.] belonging to the group of six.

chamā [f.] the earth; ground.

chambhitatta [nt.] stupefaction; consternation.

chambhī [adj.] terrified; paralysed with fear.

chammāsika [adj.] existing or enough for six.

chaḷaṃsa [adj.] having six sides or coners, hexagonal.

chaḷaṅga [adj.] consisting of six parts.

chaḷaṅsa [adj.] having six sides or corners.

chaḷabhiñña [adj.] possessing the six branches of higher knowledge. || chaḷabhiññā (f.), the six branches of super-human knowledge.

chava [m.] a corpse. (adj.), low; miserable.

chavakuṭikā [f.] charnel-house.

chavaṭṭhika [nt.] a bone separated from a skeleton.

chavaḍāhaka [m.] one who officially burns the dead.

chavālāta [(chava + alāta), nt.] fire brand from a pyre.

chavi [f.] the outer skin; tegument.

chavikalyāṇa [nt.] beauty of complexion.

chavivaṇṇa [m.] colour of the skin; complexion.

chasaṭṭhi [f.] sixty-six.

chasattati [f.] seventy-six.

chāta [adj.] hungry. || chātā (f.) the state of being hungry.

chātaka [nt.] hunger; famine.

chātajjhatta [adj.] hungry.

chādanīya [pt.p. of chādeti] fit to be covered.

chādayamāna [pr.p. of chādiya] covering; concealing.

chādita [pp. of chādiya] covered; concealed.

chādiya [abs. of chādiya] having covered; having concealed.

chādetabba [pt.p. of chādeti] fit to be covered.

chādeti [chad + e] covers; conceals; thatches; gives pleasure; relishes.

chādetvā [abs. of chādiya] having covered; having concealed.

chādenta [pr.p. of chādiya] covering; concealing.

chādesi [aor. of chādiya] covered; concealed.

chāpa [m.] the young one of animal.

chāpaka [m.] the young one of animal.

chāyamāna [nt.] the measuring of shadow.

chāyarūpa [nt.] a photograph; portrait.

chāyā [f.] shade; shadow.

chārikā [f.] ashes.

chāha [nt.] six days.

chiggala [nt.] a hole.

chijjati [pass. of chindati] is cut, broken or severed.

chijjanta [pr.p. of chijjati] breaking.

chijjamāna [pr.p. of chijjati] breaking.

chijji [aor. of chijjati] was broken.

chijjitvā [abs. of chijjati] having been broken.

chijjiya [abs. of chijjati] having broken.

chida : (in cpds.), breaking; cutting; destroying: bandhanacchida = one who breaks or cuts the bond.

chidda [nt.] a hole; a fissure; fault; defect. (adj.), having fissures; perforated; faulty.

chiddaka [adj.] having holes or poses.

chiddagavesī [adj.] looking for others’ faults or weak points.

chiddāvacchiddaka [adj.] full of breaches and holes.

chiddita [adj.] perforated; bored through.

chindati [chid + ṃ + a] cuts; severs; destroys.

chindanta [pr.p. of chindati] cutting; destroying.

chindamāna [pr.p. of chindati] cutting; destroying.

chindāpīyati [v.] causes to be cut.

chindi [aor. of chindati] cut; destroyed.

chinditvā [abs. of chindati] having cut; having destroyed.

chindiya [adj.] breakable.

chindīyati [v.] is cut.

chinna [pp. of chindati] cut; destroyed.

chinnanāsa [adj.] one hose nose is cut off.

chinnabhatta [adj.] famished; starved.

chinnavattha [adj.] one whose garments are taken by force.

chinnahattha [adj.] one whose hands are cut off.

chinnāsa [adj.] without hope.

chinniriyāpatha [adj.] unable to walk; a cripple.

chuddha [pp.] thrown away; rejected; contemptible.

chupati [chup + a] touches.

chupana [nt.] touching.

chupi [aor. of chupati] touched.

chupitvā [abs. of chupati] having touched.

chūrika [f.] a dagger.

cheka [adj.] clever; skilful.

chekatā [f.] cleverness; skill.

chejja [adj.] fit to cut off; liable to break. (nt.), punishment by cutting off one’s limbs.

chettabba [pt.p. of] ought to be cut off.

chettu [m.] one who cuts; cutter.

chettu [inf. of] to cut.

chetvā [abs.] having cut off or severed.

chetvāna [abs.] having cut off or severed.

cheda [m.] cutting off; severance.

chedaka [m.] cutter; breaker.

chedana [nt.] cutting; severing.

chedāpana [nt.] causing to cut or break.

chedāpita [pp. of chedāpeti] caused to cut or break.

chedāpeti [caus. of chindati] causes to cut or break.

chedāpetvā [abs. of chedāpeti] having caused to cut or break.

chedāpesi [aor. of chedāpeti] caused to cut or break.

Dhamma Paññā

BQT trang Theravāda cố gắng sưu tầm thông tin tài liệu Dhamma trợ duyên quý độc giả tìm hiểu về Dhamma - Giáo Pháp Bậc Giác Ngộ thuyết giảng suốt 45 năm sau khi Ngài chứng đắc trở thành Đức Phật Chánh Đẳng Chánh Giác vào đêm Rằm tháng 4, tìm hiểu thêm phương pháp thực hành thiền Anapana, thiền Vipassana qua các tài liệu, bài giảng, pháp thoại từ các Thiền Sư, các Bậc Trưởng Lão, Bậc Thiện Trí.